Should there be a Map Rotation in DBD?

DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

An Idea

Everyday there is 5 Maps that you could be randomly be put into.Each Map will have a equal chance of being chosen.Map Offering works like this now,placing an offering will put that Map in rotation for that Trial.If the offering gets burned that means that is the Map you will be playing on,if not it gets refunded.Placing a Offering of a Map in rotation increases the chances of that Map being chosen.


Todays maps are Lerys,Ironwork of Misery,Badham II,Midwich,& Temple of Purgation.

For survivors you may see a,lot less Blights & Nurse because of Lery & Midwich being in rotation so you will start to see other killers because of that like Ghostface,Myers,ECT because the map in rotation favor them.This also means you may see Killers run different builds like Stealth Bubba cause of Lerys or no Bamboozle & Hex Crowd Control cause of Lery.Both killer & survivors could have an idea to prepare for since there is only 5 maps.

This might also get the Devs to finally change Haddonfield,RPD,ECT because if that is in rotation why mights see decrease of a player in that day so it will cause the Devs to Rework it,& or Retire the Map.

You think it is a Good or this might need some changes or Bad

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