
Will we ever be able to get the older charms? (From the rifts) I know that we're slowly getting the outfits that were in the rift, but what about the charms :)
Oh thats stupid lol.
I have most of the charms, but they are spread between pc and ps4 :(
I'd like to have them all on one setup :(
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i dont like charms :(
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I dont either really
but i like the little bobble head ones that they have for all the charas
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for past rifts?
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If only there was a leprechaun and we could meme the hell out of those lucky charms.
I don’t put charms on my survivors because you cannot really see them well
i don’t put charms on my hooks because the extra color makes me think I see a survivor now and then and it throws off my entire game lol
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Same the bobblehead are my favorite one.
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Yeesss!! and I have most of the rift ones but they are spread between pc and ps4 so its sad lol
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Same; I really couldn't care less about most charms, but the vinyl dolls and horrible dolls are wonderful and I'm sad there are several I'll never be able to get. It's a real pity to miss the one charm your favorite character is going to get, you know?
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Yes I know :(
Thats why Im hoping that they will do it sometime.
I mean I get that they want to keep it rare, but new people will never have a chance to get them lol. and they are SOOOO CUTTTEEEEE i just want them all on one place.
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The older ones were charming.
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I am wondering the same because there are people that started to play the game at a later date. I really want the Meg charm :(
I hope they bring more killer charms too.