Friendly Competition Killer


So I'm curious of if this actually helps brighten anyone's day like I hope it does. Would anyone appreciate a killer like this once in awhile?

Maybe this is not the way the game is supposed to be played but, I main trickster hes my favourite personally, I am decent with him. I know a lot of games out there people end up camped, tunnelled, slugged and its not very fun if you don't have a fair chance at times, I know it can get to a lot of people mentally when they use a game to relax at times. To lighten the atmosphere and bring some more friendliness into friendly competition. So if you see a trickster who is acting like this or refuses to 3rd hook, it may be me and please relax and have fun and feel free to gesture at me if you need help. Love you all <3

It may be silly and not everyone might agree with my way of playing a killer, But I kind of have taken a stance of

  1. If you are the last one alive and everyone's dead I will lead you to the hatch or open the gates for you because I will have a ton of bloodpoints as it is and I want atleast someone to escape.
  2. If you are on the last bit of a generator just point I will get what you mean and let you finish and give you a head start before I chase you down. I know how much it sucks to be downed and have the killer destroy it when you're seconds away lol. I will destroy unattended gens tho.
  3. If you have the gens done but don't have the gates open, I will not final hook anyone and if you're on your final hook I will help you escape because you've come so far. If everyone is on their final hook then I will straight up open the gates for you or if I know I wont be able to get anymore hooks in because you're too good.
  4. If you need help with your objectives and you are a full group of 4 friends please feel free to "waste my time" as I've seen some people put it. If you need safe hooks just try gesturing to me im happy to help with it if you're struggling with those "in one match" kind of objectives.
  5. I won't chase you for long. If I lose sight of you fully even if I can see your scratches or blood I will let you go and look for someone else unless you need to be chased for something.
  6. If I run across you too many times in a short period of time injured I will let you go or simply down you, pick you up and bring you closer to your teammates so you can wiggle out and they can heal you. I have no clue how to drop people.
  7. If you get stuck on a fence or rock or bush I won't swing at you, I'll let you work your way out of there and start running before I go after you. I want to fairly get you not because of the environment and a misstep.
  8. I will not trap you, I refuse to body block even by accident if we end up in a room with only one entrance I will step back out of the way so you can get out and get running a bit before I chase you.
  9. If you are on the hook for the first time and your teammates are ignoring you, I will go and down one of them, pick them up and come back so they wiggle free next to you, I will repeat this until they unhook you. I'm not letting you be abandoned by teammates, if they are ready to abandon you and the gates aren't open so there's no reason for them to, then I'm not going easy on them the rest of the game. There is no I in team. If the gates are open or you barely have time left on the hook, that's another story and I won't bother then.
  10. Every time a match is over I will always thank you for the fun game and wish you a goodnight / day even if you're not as friendly towards me as some people have been. I won't feed negativity with negativity.


  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I am a friendly killer like 75% of the time now. I don't care if it makes the tryhards angry. I get a lot of "######### just play normally!" because "farming is boring" or "I wanna be chased!" people get tilted.

    But... I was getting hate messages anyway when I 4K. So, I might as well play friendly and get the random "OMG thank you I've been trying to get that archive done for three hours!" messages thrown in to even things out.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,658

    Not all heroes wear capes

  • PinkCaffiene
    PinkCaffiene Member Posts: 9

    Okay I have to say this: Nah sometimes they wear yellow coats.

    You bet i'm laughing way too hard at myself for this. Hope you have a wonderful day friend!

    Honestly those "OMG Thank you" Messages make it worth it imo, I'm happy if everyone else is I just want to create a fun environment. Nice to see other friendly killers out here <3 keep doing the good work my friend <3 love you and best wishes!

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    You too!

    I would say "Good luck in the Fog", but we haven't had fog since 2018. ;)

  • RoaderFrost
    RoaderFrost Member Posts: 170
    edited November 2021

    Being friendly? Well, not after all that flashlights clicking behind the back.

    Usually it's good thing to let someone escape once you got 11 hooks and they trying to ask for mercy. Slow walking and dropping item can encourage you to let them open the gates.

    If one survivor disconnects early, it's too cruel to keep pressing the remaining ones too hard.

    Names, skins, items - that can push you to being nice or vice versa.

    Sometimes you get two survivors hooked at the same time. Remaining two are feared that you camp them to death. Decreasing the pressure for about 10 sec and letting them unhook is a good thing. But if any gen gets up, their fate is sealed.

    Post edited by RoaderFrost on
  • PinkCaffiene
    PinkCaffiene Member Posts: 9

    Okay! yeah yeah! Fair point on the flashlights, I agree! I will admit if someone is flashlight spamming like a strobe light not holding the light to blind I won't be friendly to them, I'll in fact be harsher to them than anyone else, for the fact I've had epileptic friends get effected by that behaviour and I'm a bit petty then, because it feels like Survivors who do that, do not think of the consequences for some one else, or the danger of flashing lights. Honestly I don't think its something I've ever seen Acknowledged much either.

    Also I've seen disconnects so often as a killer its ridiculous at times. You destroy one generator they just barely touched when you approach and they rage quit. Usually I lead someone to a generator and let them do it and complete it, to make up for that bad teammate who abandoned mid match. Because maybe if they stuck around one more generator would have been done sooner.

    There's a few things that can get me to change my attitude towards someone though (negatively)

    I will go after others who try to throw their own teammates under the bus either by body blocking their team when i'm chasing or trying to team with me and rat their team out, I don't stand for that and I will go after whoever pulls that. I will also go after people who afk and make their team do all the work and only move when I come to chase them, that's not right at all. Also If a teammate also purposefully unhooks people in front of me trying to get their own team killed or spam unhook without unhooking them.

    So really if you're (general you're) good to me as a survivor and don't pull any of that flashlight spamming, and play fair with your team, then i'm good to you as a killer.

    If you're not however then my rule of thumb is: you get no mercy. there's no room for mercy if for you there is no room to play fair. That's how I see it / go about things.

  • RoaderFrost
    RoaderFrost Member Posts: 170

    @PinkCaffiene a word about "rats" - sometimes survivors trying to get killers attention by failing skill check and waiting at the generator, then pointing in their teammates direction.

    There's a "special poison" for them, simply leaving them last one standing, leading to the gate/hatch and grabbing/closing their escape, then hooking. Followed by chatting the message "traitors die in shame" :)

    If their "help" was too impacting, post game report is also a good idea.

    For the strange reason most of the traitors I found was playing as Mikaela Reid.

  • PinkCaffiene
    PinkCaffiene Member Posts: 9

    Ohhhh that is absolutely evil and I love it. Respect! I need to try that next time lol maybe not the message at the end, might just ignore them to compliment the others. But the rest of that sounds fun even against that type.

    You too? I thought I was going crazy lol In my experience Most of the players that rat people out in the matches I've been in, have been Mikaela Reid, Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, or David King. Its kind of weird. I also noticed a lot of Meg Thomas, David King, Nea Karlsson and Claudette Morel's I've ran into are flashlight spammers. So I do have a theory tho, My guess is maybe the trolls get banned and make new accounts, don't want to pay for all the DLC so they only buy the base game and that may be why I see so many as the base game characters pulling this stuff perhaps? Its why now If I see a base game character with a flashlight in the lobby I nope right out and re-que instead.