Unrelenting counters DH validation

Unrelenting is considered a newbie killer perk but now that dead hard has validation and every killer is experiencing "missed hits" it has a place in some of my killer builds. Have any of you tried it yet?
Unrelenting meta pog
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We shouldnt have to run a perk to fix something broken with the game.
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Adapt and overcome. We run perks to counter all sorts of things why would this be any different?
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Do killers get slowed down after the validation hit?
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It is considered a missed swing.
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Perks arent the answer just a band aid.
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Same to using 4 second chance because of tunneling/camping
Same to using 4 slow down because of Gens fly
Everything is fixed by perks
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A band aid over a severed limb isnt "fixed". Its still bleeding profusely. Its just slowing down death and not for long. Bhvr has decided to continually pump blood into the body instead of closing the wound (balance)because they make more money selling you blood(dlc).
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I mean, it doesn't counter the validation so much as it lessens the impact of Dead Hard. The missed-swing thing is just what Dead Hard does, the validation only causes the audio bug.
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I am just pointing out killers have a way to recover faster when it happens. It is happening to me every match so there is value there.
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I'm only really commenting to clarify because people are responding with disgruntlement that they have to run a perk to "fix" something, so it's pretty relevant that Unrelenting does nothing to fix the Dead Hard validation issues- just helps with Dead Hard itself.
I agree, there's value, because it affects what the perk actually does, not the bugs it currently has.
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Ds? Bt?
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I have also been experiencing way more grabs with Unrelenting. They do not expect a fast recovery.
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Only further proves my point. Rather than tackling the issue of camping, tunneling, gen rushing ect. They just slap a perk and say "pretty good job so far. Give me more money!" Instead of treating the disease they are treating the symptoms.