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Justice for clown

Hey guys what do ye think of clowns current state he isn’t in a good spot atm what do ye think behaviour should do to help him ?


  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    Why don’t they change the yellow bottles to do something else 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️ Like blindness affect or oblivious?

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'm probably not the best to ask as I'm not really a fan of Clown in general and haven't put much thought into how to fix him.

    That said, I'll spit ball some thoughts, just keep it with a grain of salt.

    Firstly, the bottle slow down should force medium vaults.

    Secondly, he needs some form of map pressure. Maybe something like a jack n the box he can put around a gen that blocks the gen from being worked on for a set amount of time. This works as a "pseudo" map pressure by being able to have more control over which gens are being worked on.

    I've also seen the idea tossed around of his second bottle instead of its current effect causing controls to be reversed.

    Like I said, I'm not the best for Clown ideas, but he's definitely in a garbage state even after his rework. When's the last time you've even seen someone use the yellow bottles in a match? Exactly lol.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139
  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    The bottle slowdown already forces medium vaults.

    No one uses the yellow bottle because they don't know how and when to use it.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    2 Kills is balanced. Clown gets 2 kills all day long bruh.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    The yellow bottles are pointless a survivor gets haste off it and also u need to wait a few seconds in there to get the movement speed which is awful

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Give him a teleport ability to fire barrels that let's out a laugh in a non directional sense to all survivors and be undetectable so you aren't sure if he is near you or not, make it look like that gigantic body is somehow squeezing out of that tiny barrel that's the most clown like thing I could think of while giving some sort of map pressure to the guy because right now when I go against clown I want to ask him how much he charges for special events , that's the level of threat I feel

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited November 2021

    It's pretty good for closing in distances. Throw the antidote from a long range, get the speed boost, and catch up to the survivor. You can use it in loops too, in combination with the tonic.

    I rarely have situations where the survivor gets the haste off of it, it's difficult for survivors to pull that off. Plus, the gas doesn't last that long in the environment. If they manage to get haste from the gas, you're probably using it wrong.

    The activation timer is good, it gives you time to create your tonic setup and doesn't make him brainless. If the activation timer was deleted, it would be a game of throwing an antidote below you, throwing a tonic at the survivor, and cheesing that free hit. It would make Clown even more boring to play against. Right now, it takes skill and prediction to utilize the antidote.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited November 2021

    What if the pink toxin had the same effect on vaults as Pinhead's chains? That would make Clown's gas a bit better than Pinhead's 1v1 chain attack, but Clown still wouldn't have the 4v1 ability that Pinhead does with Chain Hunt.

    I'm not a Clown main, but my understanding is a good use of the yellow bottles is at loops. You drop the yellow gas on the opposite side of the loop from Clown and pink gas where Clown is, and as you do that run around the loop at the survivor. They'll be forced out of the yellow gas and by the time Clown gets to them it will activate, speeding Clown up. Then if the survivor continues around the loop they also run into the pink gas, so Clown is sped up and the survivor slowed for a double whammy in the relative chase speed. Presumably as long as it's not a super safe loop the Clown has a chance of beating it this way, although it's not necessarily easy.

    Either way, pre-dropped pallets are commonly cited as his main weakness in loops.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I'm not too sure, might make him a bit more annoying to go against, but we could probably test that out in a PTB to see how it goes.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If the survivor ever gets the haste effect and doesn't get hit in the process the clown player messed up. Against someone who knows what they are doing that should never happen.

    Honestly I believe clown is fine at this point. His weaknesses are the same any other M1 killer has. It's pointless trying to buff every M1 killer sepperatly to work in a game where m1 isn't that viable.

    It would make more sense to try and change the game untill m1 killers can compete instead of changing every m1 killers to fit a game they just doesn't support them

    Making the maps smaller for example would make Clown a whole lot scarier without changing him at all.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    He's a M1 killer at the core. The only thing that can save him is scrapping up his power and redoing him.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464
    edited November 2021

    One of the ideas I liked a lot, despite how ridiculous it was, is to give him mobility in the form of a unicycle that "balances" like grinding a rail did in old Tony Hawk Pro Skater games: you have a half circle UI that randomly wobbles and becomes more unstable and jerkier as time goes on, and you have to keep the bar on the half circle or you dismount and it goes on cooldown. Gives map traverse, takes skill to use, would make Clown more dynamic, and would be ######### hilarious to see.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’m flattered :)

    But yeah with your ideas. The antidote taking 2 seconds to activate is perfect and updates to his add ons would be nice. It rather he not become a meta killer due to his low skill floor but I think would put him where he should be

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    He's far better than people give him credit. He's not very good and certainly needs buffs, but he isn't the bottom tier people pretend him to be. Unless you go into matches with no add ons, and why would you do that?

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    He needs something though to help me map pressure the map big maps really make him struggle

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I learned the way of utilizing his antidote by watching Otz's 50 win streak with Clown, and it sorta works like this:

    You throw down a yellow bottle at your side of a loop, then one bottle at the survivors side and then run up to them, the change direction and run back. By this time the invigoration should kick in and you should be herding the survivor through the pink mist, giving you the double whammy that we all crave.

    Clown is pretty fun to play and I massively enjoy his heavy breathing and panting plus his sinister laugh, but his power needs some getting used to.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Clown is low C tier at most. He needs separate bottle for his Afterpiece Tonic and Afterpiece Antidote and set his base bottle number at 5.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    Ya and there pointless they give survivors haste why would you use it and also it’s delayed to use ….

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543
    edited November 2021


    *Lights torch

  • TheycallmeLix
    TheycallmeLix Member Posts: 334

    Every Clown I faced yesterday (4x) had Red Pinky Finger (that add-on seriously needs to be nerfed!) Overall he seems like a mediocre Killer that he can get easy kills,

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    Give him a unicycle ability to dash to a gen or a certain distance, bit like Freddy's teleport. While laughing with his sexy voice of course.

    Make the yellow bottles not as clumsy to use as they are now. Switching between bottles fails half the time because the tapping doesn't work properly.

    Separate charges for the tonic and antidote.

    Buff the bad add-ons and rework pinky finger.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Almo said that would make the ui too complicated/confusing.

  • clowninabout
    clowninabout Member Posts: 133

    If we can't have seperate ammo pools for bottles (I don't believe for 1 second it would be confusing, no need to change the toggle button or how reloading works, just have a reload fill both bottle pools). Then a base increase to number of bottles to 5 or 6 would be nice. His biggest struggle is map pressure, so maybe hitting gen with a pink bottle could leave it in a gas cloud that prevents it being worked on for 20 or 30 secs or something would be terrific.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I remember when they added the yellow bottles and certain people on the forums swore up and down it was the bee's knees lol. Anyway, they should probably buff his speed bottles. Either make the speed instant, or remove the boost for Survivors. Would make a huge difference.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Only if you’re bad at him will they give survivors a speed boost

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    Still though what kind of mechanic is that also I never use the yellow bottles they are useless

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    That would make him even worse xD the yellow bottles are amazing but since they share the same pool with purple it is a hard choice and most of the times the purple bottles just give you more than the yellow but if they would be seperate then this would be a huge boost to his utility and chase potential.

  • clowninabout
    clowninabout Member Posts: 133

    Direct hit a surv with a yellow whilst chasing, follow up with a purple. You get the speed boost as you move into the yellow cloud whilst they are slowed and half blinded. You are on them in seconds. Sometimes you can just use them to help traverse the map abit quicker if nothing else. Learning how to juggle his bottles has really improved my clown game. Still he's not A tier but he's not the worst killer imo.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Only buff he needs is the breakable wall animation to be him slamming the wall with his wiggly belly

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yellow bottles are far from useless. At loops 10% speed is huge when combined with the tonic and makes pretty much all loops unsafe unless you pre drop. The activation delay is used so you can get the speed boost after the survivor runs through the grey cloud

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    all they have to do is making his bottles separate charges and reload will give you back all charges for both, suggested this during the ptb of clown cuz it was obvious the new bottles are complete garbage in the state they released it

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,223

    They gave him more ways to use the bottles and kept the number of bottles the same. Truly galaxy brain. Using both bottles arguably makes him even less efficient now because of how often he has to reload and how long it takes to set up the bottles at tiles just for a single damage state. It was a complete trap of a rework.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 963

    His number of bottles should be increased. I really don't get why the huntress, who has a way stronger power, gets 5 hatchets while the clown has only 4 bottles and have to use them constantly if he wants to traverse the map faster. He spends way too much time in the match loading, even after the rework that decreased his realoading time. I would also like that he reloaded one bottle at a time during his reloading instead of waiting the full time for all the 4.

    His intoxication should have something that slowed down survivors repair and cleansing speeds for 1 minute or something. EIther this or give him some other new ability to pressure. Let him plant exploding bottles at gens or something.

    And also: remove the noise he makes while vaulting! Seriously, that "huh!" he makes when vaulting a window makes much easier to counter his mindgames that involve vaulting, like at the killer shack. The survivor will know he is vaulting even before seeing him.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    His rework was lazy and didn't really make him any better. Still a low tier killer.