Tip for killers

This tip is most useful after rank reset. Always bring iron maiden yall. I play survivor more than i play as a killer. One thing I observed is that other survivors hide in lockers (to counter bbq i guess) even though they are completely healthy, no hook stage yet and with all teammates alive. I can understand them hiding if they are dead on hook and want to divert the attention to other survivor which are still perfectly healthy but hiding in lockers just to not get in chase? That's pathetic. You're not only letting your team lose by not doing a gen, you are letting the killer kill your other teammates faster by not taking one for the team. You all know that if the killer killed one of your teammates, it is easy to snowball the rest of you if one of the three remaining survivors is hooked. Other one would be chased hence the other one would save with NO ONE working on a gen unless you have a teammate which is good at looping. Which brings me to my last point - You need to practice looping as well because sooner or later, it will be your turn to be chased when all of your teammates are dead. You're gonna need to verse the killer yourself and hiding in lockers and crouching across the map will not help you that.

For the killers, ALWAYS bring iron maiden most especially after rank resets.
