Flashlights validation

Are flashlights validated? Sometimes i feel that i look away half a second and i still get blinded. You know, now that there's a tendency to validate even killer's breath, maybe it's time to validate flashes, it's good for the health of the game and it wouldn't be a nerf to flashes, it would make them just work "as intended" am i right?
I don't know. I've been saying flashlights have been OP for months now and yet I am told they are the weakest item in the game despite the fact that a flashlight save robs a Killer of over 8% of his objective progress in three seconds.
I get told to "just face a wall" and still get blinded from the side.
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A survivor following you about means there's a max of 2 survivors on a gen. When you go to pick someone up, face a wall and if you can't, face a direction a survivor is unlikely to be. If you really think someone is there, fake the pickup. If there is a survivor trying to get the flash save, they'll run to try and get in position and at that point you hit them and repeat the steps until you can get a safe pickup.
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You say "that's two survivors not on gens" as if that is in my favor.
If one survivor is on my shoulder, and one is flashlight creeping, and two are gens... then the team is still at 50% objective capacity.
If the creeper then blinds me, they both take off and the team is back to 100% objective capacity and I just lost 8% progress and I am now behind all the progression their team made while the other two were on gens.
How could you POSSIBLY believe that is in my favor? Like, AT ALL?
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And in that time they crawl under a pallet and you are screwed if it is a SWF
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It dosnt matter when they can be directly on the side of you and get the save or just wait till your locked in a animation. The range for the "Hit Zone" is way too wide for flashlights. I was once hit by a flashlight in Hawkens when i was on the second floor Lab with the tube drop. The save came from below from a angle that really shouldnt of hit but still did.
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If flashlights bother you so much, run lightborn. That is what it is for.
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This is not the point of the post, i think flashlights are the worst items and i actually prefer survivors bringing flashlights over nothing in my matches. The point was to ask the devs to give the same treatment to flashes as other things in the game if they want things to be "fair". Obviously it would make flashlights terrible, but they didn't seem to care when they made grabs impossible or pallet hits extremly hard.
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The thing is I have a few killers that Lighborn never has yet spawned in my web. So when I face a flashlight squad or just 1 or 2 I'm expecting to get blinded in weird ways at every pickup, pallet or window
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Yep I had the same feeling sometimes like "how this could blind me?! I looked away #########".
I run Lightborn as a passive perk so I don't have to worry about anything anytime and it works wonders. The ammout of time it gets you free hit or they waste time trying to blind you everywhere (+ that aura also can give you kill if they are injured and you see them run into dead zone) is just golden.
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If you play well and aren't flash saved, the survivor attempting the flash save has wasted all that time following you about when they could have been progressing through a gen. And you might even get them injured so when you then hook the survivor, you have a head start in the next chase. Flash saves have been hard to pull off against aware killers ever since the rightful buff to a killers pickup animation (and the also rightful nerf to instant flashes). Generally if you're flash saved now, you are at fault.
There are a lot of different scenarios, yes. That scenario is a lot more difficult to control.
Generally speaking, if they can get into a position to flashlight save you when you pick a survivor up, you messed up by not baiting it out. The pickup animation is very fast compared to how it used to be. Sure, the first flash save might catch you completely off guard. Maybe no survivors equipped a flash and found one in a chest you weren't aware of. Perhaps they were very sneaky and you didn't see them. But if you keep picking someone up without taking any precautions (as I explained earlier to WesCravenFan), you're at fault.
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That's fair. I did not even consider that.
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You are literally victim blaming in this post.
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while i think new keys are the weakest items, flashlights and maps are also kinda bad.
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Maps are 100% the worst item in the game. They do not speed objectives or affect the Killer in any way. The only real purpose they serve is finding totems, and ONLY the most expensive map will do that.
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yeah but atleast they do something. keys nah.
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Keys serve a great purpose. If a killer slams the hatch shut on you, you can spare yourself from terrible gate setups. It can literally mean the difference between escaping or not.
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we forget:
-they can disable hag traps
-can burn wraith
-can be used when the killer is vaulting/breaking a pallet
-can block nurse charges
probably more.
they are good, not perfect, and i personally suck with them, but someone decent can clutch almost every round with them. And with built to last they have it basically forever. It's hard to master, but a decent player can do a lot of damage. (i think if hags traps couldn't be disabled, she would be a little stronger, but not sure, i'm a bad player xD)
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Flashlights might be the only item that can be actively worse than bringing nothing. Against a savvy killer, all they do is make you play like an idiot.
Flashlight blinds at windows and pallets? Cool, I have ears. I'll just follow the footsteps when you could have made distance.
Positioning for a save? If there's a wall next to the survivor (common), all you did was waste time. If they fake you into running out, you gave them free pressure from slugging. If you're just barely not close enough, they whip around in an unexpected direction before picking up, or you just plain mess up the timing, all you did was waste precious time.
The best and only proper way to use a flashlight is to not ever touch it the entire game until the killer forgets you even have one and makes a cocky mistake.
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I have gotten blinded from the side, even when facing the wall. I feel like it takes less time to get blinded nowdays too.
I usually try to dodge lobbies with lights or i put lightborn or franklins on just to give them the F you :D
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Imagine comparing being outplayed in a videogame to #########
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Uhhh... no?
I don't know what word you had under that censor, but victim blaming is.... anytime you try to turn blame around on the person being actually wronged in that scenario.
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Except it is mostly used in horrible situations to put blame on the victim of a tragedy, and here you are comparing it to losing in a videogame to an enemy doing their objective. If i'm playing COD, stay still in the open and get killed, and someone tells me to not do that. Its not victim blaming, its getting gud. Same principle here.
Very disrespectful to actual victims
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That is not even remotely the same thing as what I am saying and your reaching is entering Mister Fantastic levels of elasticity.
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Still, calling something extremely mild victim blaming is disrespectful as heck IMO
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100% agree.
The term victimblaming is so misused here on these forums that it's a slap in the face for anyone who actually got victimblamed.
Same thing with bullying. Comparing losing a videogame to the trauma that is being bullied is straight up insulting. Doesn't matter how badly you lost
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The validation hit does feel inconsistent, but not always to the detriment of the killer. There have been many times that, as killer, I get fully blinded (full screen effect and that sound validation) but still do not drop the survivor being carried. It may be a latency thing or a bug or something else, but it's rather unusual.
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There is a simple perk to counter from being blinded and it's light born. I use light born whenever I see 2 or more flashlights. Look with blast mine and flash grenade light born helps.
If I don't bring light born I get blinded from behind or at an angle which should be impossible to get or look away quickly and somehow I still get blinded.
Also survivors have no say on what perks you wanna use or how you play.