The devs need to address swf

xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

Honestly man I'm disgusted, and absolutely sick and tired of swf. It's been a massive issue for years, and on here and reddit killers complain in massive quantities, as a matter of fact it's the biggest issue most killers have.

I hop on wanting to have a good time in the morning before I start my day. Just wanna play a few matches and grind some bloodpoints to lvl up my killers. I need alot of perks for them bc I just switched to PC.

I play legion, and immediately I get paired with a an swf group where all 4 of them are running BT, DH, DSTRIKE, and some form of speed perk, ontop of 3 of them running purple flashlights with insta blind add-ons and one had the healing boon.

All match, they clicked at me, teabagged every chance they got, grouped up on gens while I was chasing someone else. Abused deadhard to make it to windows and pallets for free when they should have been downed, then had the audacity to teabag and taunt after the free escape like the did something great. Abused borrowed time by standing still teabaghing knowing he was invincible and then I hit him, and the free speed rush got him to a pallet where he teabagged some more.

I got three hooks. Then they decided to take the end game hostage and all three clicked and tried to blind me until I forced them out the gate. The last one just used deadhard to the exit gate for a free escape. Weeeee... so hard. Playing survivor is a joke. The devs hold their hands man. Then they act cocky like they are actually playing well or like pros. Dude, you ALL have second chance perks. You all are coordinating. Lmao.

This is constantly happening. I can't play the game and just enjoy myself. It's nothing but bully fests. Match after match after match.

I have a match like this, and I already just wanna quit. It's awful. Why won't the devs address how strong this is? It's a joke. You can feel how disadvantaged you are going against this. 16 perks and add-ons and coordinating!? Seriously?

It would be different if this was a rare encounter but I'm legit finding myself doing these kind of matches almost every other match I play. It's constant.

Teams need caps! Or killers need boosts against teams! Period! Killers don't play this game just be jesters for bully teams that wanna be A-holes. We want to enjoy ourselves too, and if we can't.

We just leave! Then your ttv squads can just stream lobbies all day for their followers Instead.

Their behavior is appalling. I've never in my life played a game this toxic. I assumed the MMR would help but I haven't seen any difference really.

The first time I play a killer the first match is fine, then immediately I'm playing against nothing but squads. Swf is getting worse and more common these days.

Post edited by Rizzo on
