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The devs need to address swf



  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    edited November 2021

    If I go into a match and don't like the survivors I'm up against, I just... go stare at a wall and put the controller down. I don't let myself get invested in a match if I'm just going to get tilted, and I'm not going to reward trollish behavior by interacting with them more. If they don't like interacting with the killer (I mean, that's what flashlight clicking means, right? That they don't like the killer.) then whatever, I won't interact with them, it doesn't bother me at all. They can have their gens uncontested.

    Survivors should be a bit more careful with that behavior, too. I was doing a killer Daily Ritual last night on the Switch, all I needed was to down two more survivors with Blight. First survivor I come across flashlight clicks at me over and over again, so I walk away and go chase/down two other survivors. Then, since I was done (and I hate playing killer on the Switch) I went and stared at the exit gate. After the match was over, I discovered the one with a flashlight had burned an Anniversary Cake. I hadn't seen the offering screen, so I had no idea. That survivor got like 9k points. I had the most with 13k. They wasted their cake. If the survivor hadn't flashlight clicked at me and given me the idea they hate killers, I might have chased them, maybe even hit some of the survivors a few more times and hooked someone, and everyone could've gotten some points.

    Edit: typo

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    Its not about the swf(But that you know), its about the disadvantages the killer has compared to the swf. You basicly get alot of extra free perks. It just makes the matches unfair.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    They just need to stop pretending this isn't a thing. Give the game generic voice coms, give people the option to opt out of using it and then balance the game around coms.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    What this game needs is at least a small radius bond and some kindred without seeing the killer to solo q's.

    Then they need to rework everyone with that on mind.

    At this rate either they do that or we continue with solo's being the guinea pigs until you reach high mmr and get destroyed by SWF's anyways.

    Killers will be buffed when every single survivor team became Op.

  • ShadowNurseZFX
    ShadowNurseZFX Member Posts: 491

    buff killers and give them the correct tools to kill survivors. make survivors oblivious when doing generators (embraces more of a horror feel).

    the real problem is that SWF have unreal communication. and survivors in general have so many options. slugging? boon exponential. unbreakable, WGLF. Camping? do all gens and let them have the kill. Proxy? do gens far from the killer. run kindred. use BT if u wanna be altruistic. killer made a good play? dead hard, or just take the hit and use overcome. and use dead hard at a later time. if they remove/nerf some of these options it would be fine. also nerf flashlights, if your not looking at the killer you cant get the beamer save. also, make it so flashlights do not remove hag traps or the artist's crows. Powers should not be voided by flashlights.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I agree with your general point.

    Oblivious while on gens doesn't make any sense though and would require a whole slew of reworks to other killers.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Probably the best solution honestly.

    Seeing as it's completely optional and you can choose to have it off the possible "toxic" people shouldn't really be an issue.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited November 2021

    Lmao, immediately insulting someone by calling them 'strange' for having TTV in their name, definitely the streamers that are the problem.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Swf isn't disgusting. 3rd party comms are. When I play swf I don't like using them because they're such a disadvantage to the killer. If solo gets a in game voice comm with the ability to mute others then in return killers should get buffed.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    No, I'm saying that putting ttv in your name is strange, because I can't imagine "random people I'm playing the game with" are ever the ideal people to advertise that you're a streamer to, between stream sniping and the fact that, being in the game with you, they're a bit preoccupied to watch.

    The latter part isn't because of losing, it's because of people who're definitely playing at the wrong MMR, or who take advantage of any poor matchmaking to start teabagging and constantly being clicky and dragging it out, because they want to play up their awful behaviour for an audience. And if they do lose, commence the accusations.

    People who advertise they're streamers do not, in my experience, tend to make for enjoyable game experiences.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    To be honest I get where OP is getting at. Yea he kinda raged a bit but I do to when SWFs just run perks that really dosnt denote skill just luck.

    I have nothing wrong with playing with your friends, I faced a few......very few......SWFs that were nice and didnt abuse the perks they had. I had one group that plays with the perks no Tool Boxes and didnt try to abuse the loops, pre drop pallets, or just BM. It was a fun match I got 2K with a 2E, but it was a fun challenge.

    I agree they need to Buff SoloQ and Killers to keep up with SWFs.....most my games I get a 3man SWF with a 1 SoloQ and guess who is my only kill....the SoloQ because he dosnt have access to the same communication as the SWF

    I feel bad for the SoloQ and tend to try to go easier on them so the game can be fun as well.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    To be honest i've met a lot of wonderful people since they came to my stream after the match both killlers and survivors. Some of them have become friends. Thats why most ttvs do it. Especially smaller ones like me. It's hard to make a name with all them big boys and girls running around. I get why people dodge lobbies with TTVS in them but sometimes we do play soloQ too :D. I have multiple times been playing with random people.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    You’re speaking on a portion of SWF’s. There are SWF’s out there who don’t care & want to enjoy games like mine.

    I don’t understand why people complain more about bagging when there are worse things happening like off-game harassment. I could careless for t-bagging.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    If you want to tunnel someone off hook, just count to 12 unless they give away that they don't have Borrowed with something strange like a premature Dead Hard.

  • Your mistake was playing Legion.

    Legion ######### sucks ass, especially in this meta. Legitimately one of the worst killers, if not the worst killer in the game.

    The devs' mistake is hubris.

    They need to buff the solo survivor experience to be as close to being on par with the SWF experience as possible, and then buff killers to be able to compete on the same level.

    You can't stop people from playing with their friends, and you shouldn't want or try to either. The devs need to accept that it's a part of the game, and balance around it. They're already in the difficult position of being tasked with trying to balance an asymmetric multiplayer game, they aren't doing themselves any favors by stubbornly insisting on balancing for solo queue.

  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    I like the leigon though. He's fun, and looks cool. He's there, has content you can buy, therefore should be a threat like the others.

    For one I think it'd stupid his base frenzy is as short as it is. You can't down survivors with his power, so why is it so limited? He should be able to get from one end of the map to the other no problem b4 he goes through his massive crippling cool down.

  • "He should be this, he should be that" There's a ton of things that "should" be when it comes to this game, but they aren't. And with the pace/principles by which the devs balance content, that ######### may never happen.

    Your only choice is to deal with reality as it is, and adjust your expectations accordingly lest you set yourself for miserable situations like the one you just described.

    Fact is, Legion ######### sucks.

    He can look as cool as he wants, he can have all the best cosmetics, he can do w/e he currently does, but the fact remains that he's a pathetic garbage tier killer that is absolutely miserable to play because of it.

    You and I could talk all day about how his power boils down to "hoping the entire team is hanging out in the exact same spot" or how his fatigue from using it is asininely long, or about how he incentivizes people to do the strongest possible strat survivors have: splitting up 1 to a gen and repairing while injured. Or any number of dumb things that make Legion utterly terrible. But we shouldn't, because we can't change any of that #########.

    Save your energy.

    Learn to play Demo, Nurse, Blight, Oni, Huntress, Bubba, Plague, Spirit or Nemesis or something. Play someone that's a c t u a l l y f u n, and will reward you for your time investment. You'll be so much less frustrated and miserable this way, than if you slam your head into the brick wall that is the devs unwillingness to buff ######### killers.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    I get your point and i agree legion is in a bad place, but you shouldnt force someone to play something they dont like.

    Not everyone likes Demo,Nurse,blight;oni,huntress, Plague, Bubba,spirit or Nemesis. I for one only like playing 2 of those and none of them are the ones i truly love playing. My choices are Legion,ghostface and Pig. Yes all the garbo killers but what can i do i hate playing ranged or teleporting wheezing lady.

    People dont have fun in this game if they are forced to play something that they hate just to kill people and this is where issue lies as well

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    threads like these not paranoid or something

    they just played games at high mmr for long times

    if they wrote like this may survivors in game queue time will be longer each time

    normally they quit killers like me before thinking write something here

  • Olokun
    Olokun Member Posts: 266

    SWF's are only 20-25% of total games . every games are not the same sometimes you win and sometimes you wont . you can still lobby dodge , and everyone have rights to play with friends . to end this know i mostly play solo survivor or killer and i play swf 2-3 hours per week over 20 hours each week. i still think SWF>Killer>SoloQ

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,751

    When they last put out stats on SWF usage (like over two years ago) it showed about half of all survs across all platforms in at least a two-man group.

    Since solo queue is just so wonderful these days, and has been for a while, we have to assume that number has risen significantly over the years.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    SWF is like voldemort around these parts.

    You just can't talk about it..

  • I'm not forcing anyone to play anything. People can play w/e they like.

    I'm just saying that winning is pretty fun, and if you don't want to get stomped and bullied relentlessly ingame, there's a short list of killers with a strong power, high skill ceilings, and interesting depth to their mechanics that make for fun games and fun times mastering them.

    Lot of killers that pretty much have nothing going for them, and are in practice end up being stock standard M1 stabby mans. Imo, it gets real frustrating real quick.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    As a main killer I dont mind you play with your friends I mind you play with comms.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    The solution is as easy as adding comms to everyone and buff killers according

    So hard to make that seems.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    hahahahahh trolling? so im not allowed to play with friends u do realise that when i soloQ my teammates doesnt do a single gen... some games i can do a 4 min loop without a single gen being done... its a joke

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    make the killer being able to hear the comms but instead of hearing what we actually say they add some mumbling instead

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Who is saying u cant play with your friends? u can just make all surv able to comms and balance killers around it.😊

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    If we hear a mumbling that we wont understand whats the point of that? Confirm they are SWF?

    The solution is put comms for everyone and treat all players as comms team.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited November 2021

    you can hear the sound if they talk then. directional mumbling sound so you cant hear the tactics but you can hear that they are talking just thought it would balance out it a little if they would add voice chat ingame but im 99.9999999% sure we wont get that for a long time

    dont u think that is a reasonable balance for it if you talk the killer can hear you but not WHAT you are saying. now ther will always be people in discord ofc nothing you can do about that...

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280
    edited November 2021

    Even if they added comms to soloQ i'd never use them. I dont trust random people enough to play in voice with them. Especially not while streaming. Also if that would to happen they would have to first buff the killers quite hard. Killers are having hard time keeping as it is now comms or no comms imagine how bad it would be if everyone had the chance to tactic.

    Edit: Still can't type

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited November 2021

    Yeah they need to nerf SWF and buff Solo. But i doubt it could happen someday its more easy to say than do it.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Adding comms to solo is the wrong idea. Making informational perks basekit for solo is much more beneficial since these perks won't actually make SWF stronger or more coordinated when they're already using voice comms that provide the same information but without restriction.

    As an example, kindred basekit. This would help solo queue immensely in knowing whether or not the killer is camping and wouldn't really affect swf since they can just say "killer is camping, do gens".

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I agree with others that the most “fair” solution would be to give everyone comms and balance killers around that, rather than the status quo which is basically just sanctioned cheating. Problem is that lots of people don’t really want to talk with randos online (myself included), so while it sounds like a reasonable solution in theory, I don’t think it would work well in practice

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Well you can also make friends by playing randoms and eventually u will have your friends for dbd.

    I dont see any justification Maybe you will be 1-2 weeks lazy becuz u dont have friends (becuz you didnt had before do you?)

    I feel like people want friends to come to em instead of making it on a game you gotta work for it too.