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I hate Mikaela Reid and Boon Totems

Now since she was introduced into the game along with boon totems I'm pretty sure you all noticed an increase of hex totems getting knocked out the beginning of the match. The totem rng is just terrible because ruin always spawn in the most obvious places ever like next to a generator ( besides maps like rpd, midwich and etc) . The best case scenario is just to maybe run haunted and undying, It really irritates me how fast ruin gets cleansed every time I run it and survivors power bomb these gens like there's no tomorrow and I lose because of it.

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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    So do I.

  • Member Posts: 718

    The totem mini-game is boring in DBD from both sides IMHO. Remove that and we can start balancing.

  • Member Posts: 412

    I seen matches where survivors know where my hex totem is and let me have it in play for a little while because they feel bad about finding really fast.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Mikaela is just overrated in general. Not sure why so many people love her outside of her having boons.

  • You press space and boom... totem is gone'

    Compared to what? 24 seconds to bless it?

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I've found improved value from Haunted Grounds lately. The Mikaelas can't resist; it's like one of those outdoor bug lanterns.

  • Member Posts: 8,306

    I'm gonna be honest, while there are problems with boon totems, I haven't noticed any actual detriment to hex perks specifically. Right now, hexes get cleansed within the first minute of the trial, and before boon totems were introduced... hexes were cleansed within the first minute of the trial. It's really not any worse.

    Also, I like Mikaela. I think she's cute and her story has some interesting elements.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I hate Mikaela but not for your reason. I just don't like her design.

    I'm pretty neutral with boons atm.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    So you're upset because survivors are cleansing more totems rather than sticking to gens?

    Who would have thought.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285
    edited November 2021

    Hexes are so bad right now that totems feel like survivors' belongings instead of killers'. Imo they definitely need a buff, especially now that survivors are looking for totems even more because of boons.

    Also yes, Mikaela's design is boring AF. They threw away the opportunity of making the first middle age/old female survivor, instead she looks like a wannabe witch from TikTok.

  • Member Posts: 735

    Boons work through floors. In RPD, The game maps…

    14 seconds on blessing to allow whole team to heal vs spending x minutes to find + 2-3s to snuff it. just so another boon is blessed.

    once boon is blesed on side without gens why would killer search it there for again x minutes….

    butcher is useless, wounding multiple survivors is useless…

    And as with gen rushing you know its game over, thats why people tend to face camp and tunnel

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Just personal tastes, i like her design and the fact that she loves halloween and it's also into horror stories makes me se something about myself In her.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    In my opinion, hex should be protected at the start of match 1-2-3 minutes so they can't break them immediately.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Haunted & Undying is a great idea. Btw the meta is shifting away from Ruin/Undying/Pop for the reasons you said. Killers are more so targeting the end game and preventing exhaustion perks now. Maybe combine your idea with the new Meta…

  • Member Posts: 103

    Devs said "oh you killers tired of the same old meta? instead of nerfing perks we making OP ones now"

    next perk Boon: Screw The Killer. When blessed all generators increase progression by 300%

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I find boons insanely overrated. They're good but that's about it.

    While the effect is strong it causes the survivors to spend so much time on totems that they are better slowdown perks then half of the killer slowdown perks.

    Especially if you run thrill.

    I think people are making boons stronger then they are cause they go out of their way to find them and waste a huge amount of time hunting totems instead of survivors.

    I only go for them when i hear them. At most go close to totem spots i know of. I have zero issue with boons and would take them over the actual meta any day.

  • Member Posts: 4

    More like:

    How we make more money? Oh, the survey said, that the player buying the dlc because perks. Let's make some op perks and nerf it next year.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    No need to bless a bad hex spot in most cases and better off cleansing. If you're wasting 24 seconds to bless a hex then it must be a really good location to invest in it.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Hate is such a big word. In my exp most Mikaela just act cocky af, but in a solo team boons are more of a time waster for them if you know how to deal with it. And by that i mean PRIORITIES. Never go out of your way to just snuff out boons. Down and / or hook first, then kick the boon if you heard it earlier and only if its really close. And at some point they will waste more time re-blessing totems instead of just normal healing and doing gens, thats the snowball for the killer. Playing surv with totem hunter builds for a long time also helped me to know almost every totem spot. But you don't even need that, you can hear them quite easily anyway with headphones.

    Boons are only strong with well coordinated survs on comms, most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah I was willing to give boons a chance but they just seem almost out of place tbh. As for mikaela she was written by a 14 year old tumblr user

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