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Smartface Bubba doesnt need to be removed



  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Friend, you have found what is called a "Strawman Argument" where they change your point to make it easier to argue against.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    Pride charm allows representation of onesself. Blackface Bubba is blackface. His skin tone beneath the mask is literally darker than usual.

    They're really not the same.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    That is a laughably weak strawman. I'm not even gonna entertain answering to seriously.

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    canadian people loves pc

    but even canadians who love pc will laugh at the question of whether this is a PC or not because of this dichotomous accident


    this thread shows why people not loving blizzard anymore

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,565

    I do really think the discussion is important. I will understand if the thread gets closed, I also feel like both opinions can be, and have to be expressed. Thus far, it has been mostly civil.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    People don't like Acti-Blizz because of mass sexual harassment allegations and them shredding up a lawsuit idk how that's relevant.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    DBD Forums users stop speaking over POC on issues they face challenge 2021 (failed)

    accurately sums up this comment.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    Now IDK about you- actually I do, you won't change, so this argument is entirely pointless and is just going around in circles- but I'm more than happy to accept the definition made by multiple people about an issue that they face if it can be commonly agreed upon. In this case, a lot of POC have agreed that this is blackface/cultural appropriation, so I'm more than happy to accept their definition and support their attempts to remove something that is being used to purposefully harass them

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited November 2021

    I was right - page 3 and the thread is out of hand

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    Last I checked nobody has actually resorted to name calling or anything else against Forum rules. Whilst this debate may be heated, it has yet to evolve into an argument.

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    thats what pc people cares about?

    we koreans only cared about news like diablo immortal as "you don't have a phone?"

    and a surprise party that tracer is a lesbian and the soldier76 is gay

    very suddenly all these happend

    It's not because of activision, how much this company now careless about their customers,

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Its really close though. I think rn the threads more or less a powder keg

    We just need to wait for 1 spark to blow the whole thing up.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    And when that spark comes it will be dealt with accordingly.

    People have been advocating against this cosmetic for a while- well over 2 years. This isn't a recent development. Who are you to say what is and isn't an issue for people?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    What I'm putting forward here is primarily the opinions of my wife (and I hope that being married to a Caucasian hasn't become grounds for disqualification) who is sitting about 2 meters away from me at the other end of my living room. This is a core part of my disagreement here. You seem to be more than willing to consider all POC a monolith and are you, yourself, speaking over them where they disagree.

    And then her opinions are also entirely valid. I've been using POC all thread when I should be using some/most beforehand, which was entirely my bad and I apologise.

    Also also - as I said then, I will never accept any sort of ideological segregation. Anyone can (and should) speak on any issue that interests them. Nobody's opinion should be discarded because of their race, sexuality or identity. And that cuts both ways.

    Correct, everyone's opinion holds some weight. However, again to use the analogy of the lawyer and the brain surgeon, they will have vastly different experiences in life, and so you wouldn't go to one person on advice for something they aren't experienced in. If you have experienced something for a large portion of your life, then you are just naturally going to be able to give better advice on the topic at hand, hence why your opinion should be weighted higher since you're more knowledgeable on the subject matter at hand.

    It doesn't matter if this is about sexuality, race, gender, religion, science- the topic is irrelevant. The general principle remains the same of "your opinion matters more if you have experience in the subject"- and so, absolutely no offence intended, I'd value your wife's opinion on the subject moreso than your own. Like I'd value an Asian person's opinion on the subject of Asian hate than I would anyone else.

    (Also, in terms of your previous talk about the comments you received when marrying your wife, I'm genuinely sorry to hear that. That's been taken to the extreme of the extreme and provided both of you were legally of age to marry then absolutely nothing should've stopped you, with no comments or judgements made. People will take these things too far, and I believe this was one such example of that).

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    no, thats just pc based idea

    they screwed one remastering and showed they don't care about their customers like before

    did you saw how diablo immortal presented? thats true reason

    it doesn't matter what happend there, people don't give a damn about it

    i never heard any person suggesting to hate them for any whistleblowon stories,

    also majority pissed about what you said just because they added soldier76 and tracer is homosexual

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    Saying that something that people who experience racism have defined as racist- though I appreciate not everyone will, which was my bad since comment 1 on this thread- doesn't create more racism in the world, it just allows people to deal with something that was racist all along but simply wasn't recognised as such

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    No I think the sexual assault victims would absolutely argue that it was due to the sexual assault lawsuits and not because of a few bad game reveals..?

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,565

    To just state my opinion on the matter, I personally don't see it as a necessary thing to change. I will be opposed to flat-out removal, however. As GBK has stated, though, that is (hopefully) not the case.

    That said, I'm naturally going to be biased. Being a white Dutch guy, I've grown up with the yearly tradition of Sinterklaas (which is, fittingly, around this time of year), where actual blackfaces (and, admittedly, not very flattering ones at that) appear commonly. Zwarte Pieten, they're called. Literally, Black Petes. It's something I just never considered as being offensive until a few years back. Strides have been made to improve the situation, but it only takes a quick google image search to see why even the current iteration ("roetveegpieten" - chimneysweep Petes) is still problematic. Even so, it hardly affects me at all. I'm too old now to be affected by any major change in the tradition (it's primarily aimed at kids around the age of 8-10), and the whole matter leaves me largely indifferent anyhow.

    With that out of the way, I can perfectly understand why a poc would be offended by the cosmetic, and if that's indeed a shared sentiment, by all means, I'll support that. Though, I really don't think flat-out removal is the way to go about it, as that seems like positive discrimination. Quite simply, it just doesn't make sense if we don't also remove, or indeed, change the other cosmetics. That isn't me taking offense to just Dwight and Meg's faces being the only ones, I just would greatly prefer a more elegant solution, if something were to change.

    (I am currently running on 4,5 hours of sleep. If this topic still exists tomorrow, I'll try to elaborate)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    If I'm being genuinely honest, I am not 100% the best person to ask for how to gague community requests to change the cosmetic(s), however I have some friends I could ask on what they believe the best way of doing this would be (and you absolutely could do the same if you wanted).

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    idk how many times to say this but it's not about the character of bubba, please stop making it about the character of bubba

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    Or, and hear me out here, we improve the reporting system to ban these players and remove one of the enablers allowing them to be racist? :0

    If you take a ban because of this topic then idk what to tell you, the only way you could really achieve that is through making a racist or insulting remark which are both clearly against forum rules lol

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    gonna have to ask what POC is.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    A lot of the people who advocate for the removal of the cosmetic suggest they replace it instead of outright deleting it with something equally as iconic, except without the problematic elements. My friend Tanibeax first suggested this one to me, I believe, and it does seem like the best solution.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    I didn't say anything all too insane last time either and yet things happened. You know well how that goes yourself too, if memory serves right.

    Anyway, the developers are looking into the Bubba situation, which means we might see a change in a few years.

    inb4 NFT blackface

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    Oh no believe me my ban was entirely warrented, there was a rule I broke very explicitly multiple times lmao

    We ban the bigots and remove the, at best, tone-deaf enabler. It's two birds with one stone.

    Also I've already explained time and time again why the pride charm is not a good example to use for this.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    If racist people use Bubba's smartface cosmetic as a way to harass others, the pride charm can be used in the same way.

    I'm pretty sure everyone remembers when it got added we had some people saying they were getting tunneled and camped because of the pride charm.

    From what GBK is saying, people who were using Bubba's Smartface, were camping and tunneling people, and people would assume they were using that cosmetic with the intent to be racist.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    People don't do it, or people don't say they're doing it?

    Because just because a SmartFace Bubba facecamps a claudette, doesn't mean they are doing it to be racist, unless they state so in post game chat.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761
    edited November 2021

    Regarding your I swear, there's a name for this that escapes me but what you are doing is conflating two very different scenarios. I'd go to the Lawyer for specific legal advice. I'd go to the brain surgeon for advice on neurology. However, that does not mean that their opinions on, say, baseball or the morality of a welfare state would be any more valid than mine, assuming we all watch baseball.

    You're correct in that I wouldn't go to either of them for baseball advice- I'd talk to a baseball player. And I'd assume the opinion of the baseball player to be more valid than that of you three, as this imaginary player has more experience with baseball than the imaginary lawyer. You see what I mean?

    It also (and this is key) does not mean that I am incapable of having a valid legal opinion or making a correct point on neurology.

    Correct, it does not. However, people will be more inclined to believe the opinion of someone with more experience and knowledge in the subject. If you can back up your opinions with experiences, be it legal documentation and prior court hearings you've seen, or a video of you playing baseball professionally 15 years ago, then people will also likely provide a lot more validity to your opinion than they would have prior, as they know you come from a place of experience on the subject.

    To use a much more real world example, I'm currently studying economics (among other things). My friend, who I'll call Darlah (which isn't her real name), is studying psychology (also among other things). For economics advice, people would obviously go to me over Darlah, and for psychology advice, they'd do the opposite. In terms of getting advice for, say, criminology, they'd naturally go to someone else.

    I hope this is making sense now?

    Race relations are something we all have to negotiate together.

    Which is absolutely true, however this isn't an issue of race relations, but instead of a lot of POC being racially targeted and harassed while a cosmetic enables the intentions to be made clear. Obviously, this won't suddenly solve racism, however making people feel more comfortable while playing their game seems like a good thing, right? Race relations would, imho, be something entirely different.

    Here, we have a videogame with an aspect that was likely designed to be inclusive. I don't think that, without a significantly more robust discussion with the playerbase, the devs should change it because a few people declared it to be 'offensive'. I think that's a very bad precedent to set - the sort of precedent that turns you into Ubisoft, pumping out deliberately bland media deliberately to avoid offending anyone.

    I believe that while intentions may have been pure, it was tone-deaf at best, and a lot of people I've spoken to seem to agree. It's been taken by racists as a tool for targeted harassment and since a lot of people- or at the very least a vocal minority- of POC players have spoken out against the cosmetic, I believe it at least warrents some looking into (which has been confirmed by not_Queen to be something they're looking into doing).

    Can you see that, from mine (and the perspective of my missus) that this is an example of that?

    Kind of? I get that it may seem extreme but I'd rather support people who are advocating for more comfort in playing the game than deny their opinions and experiences simply because of a cosmetic. The cosmetic itself has no monetary value and can be easily replaced with something else equally as iconic with far less problematic undertones. And while this may look like PC gone mad to you, to me it seems like a reasonable request for people to feel more safe in the game, and remove a tool to be implicitly racist, as explicit racism will lead to punishments.

    Taken to the extreme would be the commentsmade against you and your wife, for example. I don't think this is an extreme at all.

    EDIT: sorry for the long comment but I felt like it was warranted in this case.

This discussion has been closed.