Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Please allow progress on all "unlocked" archive challenges at once

If we've "unlocked" (ex: we could select it as an in-game archive challenge) a challenge to work on, we should be able to make progress on it no matter if we have it selected or not (get rid of the selection part). This would help out in games where you might have previously selected a challenge for stuns/blinds, but the killer is facecamping one of your teammates all game, so instead you could complete a "finish 3 gens using technician" challenge that you had unlocked but didn't select instead. Too many games I've a challenge that I can make zero progress on through no fault of my own (maybe the killer is afk) but if I could make progress on other challenges at the same time, it wouldn't be as annoying/disappointing.

Otherwise, make it so we can select 2-3 challenges at once or something. I'm not saying that all challenges on a page/whatever should be unlocked for progress from the start, just give us some ability to not go 3 games vs. a Nurse with a stun/blind challenge and get 0 progress as a result.

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  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Having at least 2 challenges selected at the same time would be preferred. A bit fair too.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I could see this being a thing for challenges where they don't give rift points. that would make it easier to clean up the old ones we didn't get around to in the past.

  • Member Posts: 177

    I doubt this will happen as players will get through tomes way to fast and might get bored sooner

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I would really like this. Survivor challenges are tricky because you don't really know what role you'll end up filling that particular game, or what killer you'll be facing (which does affect which challenges are possible - no heals versus Plague, no pallet stuns versus ranged and semi-ranged killers, etc.) Sometimes I've had a challenge up for 10+ games, finally switched it out because the conditions were never possible in any of those matches, and then 'got' it on the next game, but I'd switched to something more reliable like totem cleanses. It's frustrating to have to put all of your challenges on standby while you wait for one thing to maybe become possible when you can never actually control the conditions that could enable them.

  • Member Posts: 522

    The upcoming change to archive challenge selection of having 1 killer and 1 survivor at once still doesn't address this need. If I've got an escape trials archive challenge active and I fail to escape trials 10 games in a row, it makes me want to die. If I could have 2 survivor challenges active, them maybe the archive system doesn't feel quite as dumb since I have the possibility of making progress somewhere.

  • Member Posts: 522

    Still asking for this. I've got the "unhook someone who previously unhooked you" and "dodge a hit from a killer" challenges as possible challenges, and whichever one I select, the other one is the one I would have made progress on in a match. It's extremely vexing and a waste of my time, whereas if my original proposals was enacted or even "two challenges from the same role active at once", I'd wouldn't be so annoyed.

  • Member Posts: 522

    If you're going to have the dumb "get 3 iri unbroken emblems" challenge as survivor, at least make it so we can have other survivor archive challenges active at the same time so I can get progress and am not wasting my time when the killer doesn't afk/dc/isn't a potato/etc.

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