I love the current state of the game

Dead by Daylight is currently the sweatiest it has ever been and I can not get enough of it. As a killer with very high MMR on most of the meta killers, every single game I play(crossplay off) is a complete sweat fest from both sides, with toxic gameplay being the norm. I snuff the boons, wait out the DS, slug for 4k, bleed out, everything I can possibly do to make it a less enjoyable experience and win for myself is what I do.
I’ve been burnt out lately tbh. Game isn’t really fun for me atm but glad to see you are.
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At least you are enjoying playing killer
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@Sakurra At high MMR this game is blatantly survivor sided. I do lose some games, but majority 4k no matter the map. I love obliterating full SWF's and watching them cry.
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I'm not denying it's sweaty but....
Unpopular opinion alert:
People are extremely over exaggerating the current state and balance of the game.
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In what way?
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@BabuDweet I do think people are over exaggerating it as well, most people only repeat what they see on youtube videos of people that actually play the game at a very level. Granted, I do have to wait awhile for a match, but for the most part what everyone else is complaining about I am taking enjoyment in. I really do enjoy tryharding and sweating every single game.
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The Dead by Daylight community???
Surely there has to be a mistake in your typing
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It means my MMR is high as well. If I'm playing nicely I get 5 boring minutes and that's it. That's why I stopped playing nice.
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I love DBD, the one game where I can win and yet feel like I still lost all in the same match. Even if I win it doesn't mean it was fun or enjoyable.
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So.. how exactly do you know that you have high MMR?
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@Mooks The amount of games I have won with 4Ks is much higher than the amount of games I have only gotten 0 or 1k.
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Definitely not I can play 30 games in a row and face swfs every single game I ######### you not it just happened to me
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When you only face teams that finish all 5 gens in under 5 minutes that's when
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And? You don’t know how your rating gets adjusted. We know that killing survivors that are lower than your own MMR don’t increase it greatly etc. But we don’t know any numbers.
but I guess it’s the first time I see a mature enough answer to this. So props for that! (I still think it’s unnecessary and counterproductive to talk about how high/low someone’s MMR is especially since it doesn’t even track skill…)
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Dead By Daylight is working perfectly. Boons are balanced, killers are not depressed and you don't have to use a Vpn in fear of being ddosed or swatted.
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@Mooks Well, it has been confirmed that the number of kills is directly proportionate to changes in MMR. I have faced a lot of 4 man SWF's who go into every game and steam roll the killer. I have also been the victim of that. What I am saying is that no matter how much my MMR goes up per game I win, I have won enough games for there to be a significant positive impact on my personal MMR. The reason I even brought my MMR up is because most people complain about the game without even experiencing the issues I experience, just watching people on youtube go through it. I personally enjoy having more of a challenge which is why I made this thread lol. I wanted to see what everyone else feels about the state of the game.
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Same I can lose 10 games in a row with no K and I still get faced with sweaty swfs
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Clearly you're one of those people then.
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Glad you’re enjoying it. MMR is pretty much the reason I left
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Totally agree.
The killers in my matches are doing just fine, might be because I'm on crossplay off and most are just using all meta perks and good killers.
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You have to be talking from the Survivor Side of the game because killer side is HIGHLY unbalanced with all the Maps, the unneccessary Nerfs of perks and Killers (and no I agree with the changes to Spirit), the brokenness of Boons, MMR, SWF Coms, etc....Survivors haven't had it any better. While Killer side is very unplayable in the laid back setting that most play in.
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everything I can possibly do to make it a less enjoyable experience
That's not very cash-money of you.
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Every patch balances the game better and better year after year. And those 15 dollar cosmetics that make me better are unbelievable to own and flex! They let everyone know how high my IQ is IRL!
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Its not the mmr, its the unbalanced state of the game that became visible with help of the mmr.
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I agree.
Like yes survivors have the advantage.
But people pretend that if you pick something else then blight or nurse you load in to the entity displeased screen.
Killer is the harder role. It's far from the impossible role though
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Executioner is still really fun tho
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To an extent yes. MMR definitely exemplified the issue. Plus the new content has been less than stellar.
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The only way to enjoy the game as a killer is either camping bubba or slug plage. "Fun" playstyle (12 hooking) is actively being discouraged by the devs
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I am having fun lately. I decided to take the time to learn the flashlight....What a fun little tool. Helps piss off the killer and gets me extra BP. Went from only using a Med-kit to bringing only Flashlight. Got my first career save and had multiple games where I maxed my blinds.
Killer is ok. Can usually only play 2-3 games of it a day though. I still play for 12 hooks....lose some win more.
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The missing voice line certainly didn´t help with the cenobite. It was the first chapter i haven´t bought. Now the next chapter looks dark, at least for killers.
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Yeah. Artist looks strong and her perks are too but overcome just sounds annoying for m1 killers. Boon exponential really only serves as a final nail in the coffin for twins
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Man this Topic and those comments are lit :D
I feel most of the comments here
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You have very high MMR if you can average 1k and you play more than like 2 hours a week.
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Maybe one day the game will be better again