Kill statistics...

I have a hunch camping and tunneling at high MMR accounts some for inbalance in the game, because kills is one of, if not the main known variable they use to help balance the game.

Which does indeed make some sense upfront, in order for the most people to have fun a 50/50 balance is good. However, as we all know as killer you have to play nasty sometimes. Just the same old cycle killers camp and tunnel because gens fly and gens fly because survivors don't want to be camped or tunneled.

That leads me to believe in order for the game to be balanced they really would have to solve this issue aswell. Because if balanced around chase you could turn that tunnel 2k into a 3k everytime.

Just curious to see what people think about the premise of tunneling ect possibly effecting balancing options.

For the record I play killer quite alot and rarely get 4outed, not saying it doesnt happen but it is rare. If I play all day odds are 50% are 4ks and the other 50% are mainly 2ks with the occasional 3k and 0k.

Yes all statistics in this post where made up in the moment on a feeling, nothing scientific, just me trying to recollect and be as honest as possible.