Pre-Rework Freddy

Is it the nostalgia that makes it seem more interesting or was it genuinely a more inspired and fun design than current Freddy? I feel that using that power as a baseline and reworking from there would have been a better choice than completely changing his power.


  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    They changed Freddy's power?

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Give him back.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 423

    As someone who used to play a lot of pre reworked freddy he was a lot of fun, especially with red paintbrush and how you could have 0 TR in the dream world but I don't despise him for his rework, both are pretty fine renditions of him but they just need to do more with the addons. I think a good compromise is to scrap the sound based addons altogether. They're garbage and instead give him new addons that replace his gen teleport with the old dream demon power with varying ranges 8/16/24 meters. That way you're trading out the gen teleport for the ability to manually put survivors under sleep with maybe an extra downside of a slower passive sleep?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    More inspired? Yes. More interesting? Sure.

    Better design? Not really.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,588
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    His design WAS bad.

    But it was more interesting and had more effort than his current design does.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,588

    I really love the OG design, as I am sure you are aware.

    Still, you are correct on that last sentence. It is a hundred times better than the current one.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'll take effort on making something cool even if it doesn't pan out over not even trying.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    The worst thing about the rework is that there's nothing unique to the dream world anymore. The dream world is where Freddy gets his power, so imagine how absurd it is that the only ability he has is a snare or a pallet. It's pretty pathetic.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Current Freddy is just a waste of the license. Like, c'mon. It's Freddy Krueger. How did he end up this generic? What about his power actually resembles the nightmare killer?

    Survivors have very little incentive to leave the dream world - the big reason to do it is so that he can't teleport as much. Beyond that, you hardly notice. Sometimes the Dream World is actually nicer to be in because it increases the brightness and improves visibility.

    I get that Freddy's a character DBD would never be able to do justice to mechanically, his powers are just too creative and wild, but they can do better than this. His original incarnation had flaws, but they were a much more faithful attempt to represent the character. Him being able to attack people while awake, and sleeping barely being a threat against the man who makes sleep terrifying, is just weird.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,232

    I wish we still had the option to play the pre-rework version today. He was much more fun for both sides and far more thematically accurate (and REALLY cool). He actually had cool addons too, instead of the set we have today that does pretty much nothing. I'd take Old Freddy anyday over the current 4 killers in a blender version we have today.

    He could've used a few buffs, but he was criminally underrated in strength. He was pretty damn far from the worst killer in the game in my opinion.

    I wish BHVR would give him back to us.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    I think best would be a mixture of old, current and completely new features for Freddy. Old Freddy was too weak and current one lacks creativity and a dream world you want to escape from.

    for one, Freddy should be invisible for survs and be able to pull survs into his dream world. No interaction with awake survs. but also add in survivors falling asleep after some time. Survs being directly pulled into the dream world by Freddy should suffer some kind of status effect so they can’t carelessly finish what they were doing.

    Keep in the alarm clocks as a way to always be able to escape the dream. Selfcare skillchecks shouldn’t be able to wake you but other awake Survs and failed skillchecks when getting healed by other survs.

    Teleports to gens are viable and should probably stay for map pressure. I also thought about maybe being (instead) able to teleport to sleeping survs. But just being able to teleport to a gen nearby would probably be enough.

    If possible with buttons available etc, keep in puddles/pallets. But I don’t think they are necessary for Freddy.

    Another gimmick that would make sense with Freddy only attacking survs in Dreamworld could be that his arm elongates during a lunge visually. That way you counter the often complained about lunge of Freddy which just seems longer because of smaller model/weapon and you add something from the movies (at least I think I remember his arms elongating in one scene?)

    from this on balance with time of cooldowns and other number changes etc (pulling survs into the dream world, survs falling asleep, gen teleports).

  • Imc91
    Imc91 Member Posts: 33

    See? Literally so many ideas to make the old Freddy better from people who don't get paid to do it. It's really a shame to see how the devs took the easy way out on this one. Hopefully they revisit Freddy but I frankly don't have my hopes up considering the laundry list of other killers who need it more honestly.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'll give it this: The "can't interact with Survivors until they fall asleep" thing was a bold attempt to capture the feel of Freddy.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,588

    I always try to do everything I can to bring him back, but it is hard to keep talking when your words fall on deaf ears.

  • Imc91
    Imc91 Member Posts: 33

    @GeneralV For real. I just like to think about what could've been, especially since what we got is boring to play as and against honestly. I used to play old Freddy all the time and now I barely touch him.

  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    Honestly I think @GeneralV should make a thread on what he would do if the game was his and see where it would go because I have seen so many good ideas and even if it's a really small chance a dev might see it and in someway implement it into dbd. That and he is very creative with what I've seen from him.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,588

    I know how that feels. I really do.

    I appreciate the support, mate, but...that would require A LOT of work, which would only be ignored.

  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    Yea I know something likethat would be one of the longest threads I have ever seen posted on the forums but regardless I would probably be on that thread everyday.

  • Imc91
    Imc91 Member Posts: 33

    I really do think a combonation of old Freddy with auras, game slow, and sleeping mechanics but with the clocks and an auxiliary power of fake pallets or snares would be much more interesting than what we have now. You could honestly take away the teleport if that would be too strong.