I think sometimes this community doesn't think.

Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

Here is where I come up with that Idea.

I've heard from some survivor and killer players that I've played with that they get bored because you're essentially doing the same thing over and over again and the results are the same. However whenever something is changed or a new element is brought into the game no matter how small people freak out because they're not able to do the same things they've always done that make them get bored of the game.

Not all changes work out for the better, I'm not implying that at all but it sometimes feels to me that the devs are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

yes they've made some huge errors that shows just how weakly the game itself is held together code wise but that's not the point. here are some examples; some stronger then others.

  • updated survivor movement. yes some of it looked bad I'll admit that but again people complained had to switch it back.
  • people complained about too many infinite loops. they added breakable doors, people complained about that.
  • they've changed how keys work because killers complained about how they worked. Now some people have quit playing the game because they don't like how the keys and hatch work now. and others don't believe it when you tell them about the change.
  • they changed moris twice. first it was one hook now it's two yet people still complain about killers bringing them at least what I've seen anyway
  • The change to DS took forever to die down and we knew it was coming for months.
  • boon totems gave survivors and advantage and now they're adding a killer that can relight a hex totem or any broken one as part of their power, how much complaining is going to come from that????

some of the community complains about how the game is just the same thing over and over again but some of those same people as soon as anything is changed it's


doing that insures that no real change will ever happen

Post edited by Mandy on


  • FreshCoal
    FreshCoal Member Posts: 174

    The statement is kind of ridiculous to be fair.

    I also realized that my other message I sent isn't on here, apparently it needs to be "reviewed" before it can be posted. What the hell?

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,601

    That's bound to happen when you play a game for so long. It's like "oh, by the way, that chair you liked? yeah we replaced it." It feels uncalled for, even if ultimately it ends up being a more comfortable chair. Adding to that is the fact that some do not find the new chair comfortable at all. Give it some time? Maybe, but it'll never be like that old chair again.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited November 2021

    No doubts about the collective insanity here.

    Suggest a change for balance... get riddled with replies about how OP or Unfair that is.

    Recommend a change to a Perk... Get torn apart by the opposition to it and accused of being an x/MAIN.

    Recommend a Decent change in strategy/Tactics Vs. the opposition... Get bitched out by everyone comfortable in their own method of playing.

    Say you like a specific color... Get Ripped a new one by the LGBT and Colorblind Communities for "Whatever Reasons" that means.

    I'm not even gonna mention what happens when asking others to "play nice"

    Basically, no matter what side you take, or don't, the bottom line is that anything that you say in this community has an opposition of some kind. Some are predictable, a few are outright offensive, and others just want to change the narrative of your post. Despite all of this, there are "some" that may debate or agree with you rationally, but these are few and far between.

    Regardless the Devs have to make their choices to appease the "Mob" over actually attempting to balance the game. Unfortunately the aforementioned "Mob" is the majority of the games players, i.e. Casual and New Survivors. They simply can't take into account any survivor or killer with over 700 hours of playtime, since they just don't represent the majority, and with Each new chapter, especially the licensed ones, bringing in new players by the droves... It's impossible for this game to ever achieve any semblance of actual "balance", and truth be told, they don't want that, they only want what makes the majority of players claim they are having "fun".

    In other words, to HELL with your Opinions or Suggestions! If they don't conform to the insanity of the majority of players, you amount to little more than a Fart: The pathetic cry of a little turd, Desperate to escape!

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,657

    That is partially true, and it is obviously impossible to please every single player.


    I am confident that many reversions (which rarely happens) and a few small adjustments would calm most of the storm, if done right.

  • Ussu
    Ussu Member Posts: 177

    Sometimes? Lmao

    You can please some people some of the time but you can never please everyone. If the devs realize this, they can better assess which changes or suggestions will help most, and which will be pointless to bother with.

    Not saying it's easy at all. There are thousands of players or more, and all have their own opinions and feedback or suggestions, much of which is in conflict with other players opinions, feedback and suggestions. Plus some players react poorly or toxic when they don't get their way or don't like a change. It has to be miserable to deal with this every day. There is probably several dents in the dev office walls from everyone beating their foreheads into the wall in frustration.... but regardless, there will never be 100% player satisfaction.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean the biggest reason for what you are saying is that the community isn't a single collective being. There are very few people who completly agree on everything in this game.

    But that said, yes you are right. The community is insane

  • FreshCoal
    FreshCoal Member Posts: 174
    • "updated survivor movement. yes some of it looked bad I'll admit that but again people complained had to switch it back."

    Personally I don't really care about the locomotion changes.

    • "people complained about too many infinite loops. they added breakable doors, people complained about that."

    The issue is that they swapped one bad map design principle for another. Instead of having infinite windows vaults, the maps now spawn with what is essentially a pre-dropped god pallet. Both of those are bad map design and your damn right I'm going to complain about it.

    • "they've changed how keys work because killers complained about how they worked. Now some people have quit playing the game because they don't like how the keys and hatch work now. and others don't believe it when you tell them about the change."

    I'm glad keys were changed they used to be so stupid and just held the survivor's hand even more by giving them a free escape even if they lost. Not to mention they could t-bag in the killer's face and then instantly jump in. And who are these people that quit the game after the hatch nerf? I certainly haven't talked to any of them.

    • "they changed moris twice. first it was one hook now it's two yet people still complain about killers bringing them at least what I've seen anyway"

    I don't know anyone who complains about moris, they are pretty much just cosmetics now.

    • "The change to DS took forever to die down and we knew it was coming for months."

    The only people who complained about the DS change were bad players who either didn't read the patch notes or couldn't rely on having 4 hook states per match.

    • "boon totems gave survivors and advantage and now they're adding a killer that can relight a hex totem or any broken one as part of their power, how much complaining is going to come from that????"

    Boon totems are ridiculous since survivors can relight them as many times as they want, and Hex: Pentimento doesn't let the killer "relight their hex totem", it lets them rekindle a broken totem for a minor healing speed debuff.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Let's...take a look here.

    Firstly, as others have mentioned, this community isn't one person.

    It's a gaming forum.

    Most people who post on gaming forums do so to express feedback, usually about something they want changed. People having fun mostly...just keep playing.

    Plus, I think you are mischaracterizing the nature of a lot of the current complaints.

    • What do you mean by 'updated survivor movement?'
    • They were right to do so. There are still too many infinite loops. The reason people complain about breakable walls is that they don't take too much power away from the loop - it still gives survivors a guaranteed escape.
    • Yes, the old keys were bogus. I can't think of a single thread recently where someone complained about this change. Killer and survivor...I think this is one of the few issues almost everyone agreed was silly.
    • I haven't seen a single mori complaint in months.
    • Yes, nobody likes being nerfed. Especially with how many survivors blame losses on 'tunneling', and DS being one of the two big 'anti tunneling' perks.
    • Probably none...maybe Sluzzy. Pentimento is...sort of crap. The complaints are going to be about getting CAWCAWCAW'ed on from across the map.

    Again, people are going to complain about games they are passionate about, because the better something is, the more evident it's flaws become. It's Xeno's Paradox.

    This is not always a bad thing. Some change is indeed bad - the Wraith, Slinger and Cenobite nerfs, for example.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    This is not a unique trait to DbD players. People, in general, complain alot. It's a human thing. Go to any video game forum and you'll see.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    People was asking for MMR because red ranks were full of unexpirienced players. "It's so easy to get rank 1 my teammates/opponents so dumb".

    Now they say that MMR is a big mistake and no one ever asked for this. "I have to sweat in case to win to increase my invisible imaginary rank to play with sweatier opponents which I don't enjoy".

    Collectively they are insane.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    First If you don't know about the short lived survivor movement update you're pretty new to the game and have no idea about it. that's fine

    Second for the keys and the moris I was talking about people I play with not the entire community. One of which quit playing the game because they couldn't use keys the same way. and the others complain about moris. Only 2 things on that list are personal focus.

    I agree the pin head nerf was stupid and wasn't needed. But the wraith was overpowered. The nerf was needed and he never needed the buff in the first place. I know there is no real balance. They made him faster and people exploited it The slinger nerf I don't even notice.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its the world at large 20% informed rational intelligent people working with 70% uniformed irrational unintelligent people, last 10% are the anarchistic/exploitative psychopathy/sociopathy that are in for personal gain or social anarchy.

    Why should this forum be any different?

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    Yep true. At first I thought only killer mains dont think and are just salty in general. But nope, have come to realize many survivor mains are of similar nature as well.

  • LaChicalinda
    LaChicalinda Member Posts: 43

    Entire game and comunity are a horror movie xD

    I always fun, except against bligth.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    You're very correct my head is empty except for the thought of Bruno Bangnyfe

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306
