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What's the best build to go against SWF groups?

Been running into them a lot more lately, and can't seem to keep up with the coordination. At times it feels unfair, cause by the time I get one down they've done four gens even when I'm leaving chases to go get people off other gens.

Right now I'm playing a lot of plague and the perks I'm using are:

Discordance, Ruin, Thrilling Tremors, BBQ

Any suggestions?

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  • Member Posts: 8,077


    Oh, that makes it a bit easier.

    I like a variation of the 'Otz' build - Retribution+Ruin+Discordance/CI+Devour Hope/Undying

    I also personally like my 'sneaky Plague' build - Plaything+Retribution+Lethal Pursuer/Discordance+BBQ/Thana. Huge pressure, tons of info and works brilliantly against people who refuse to cleanse.

    I also love the 'infect all the objects' addons, holy crap is that fun.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    On Plague?

    For SWF?

    Corrupt, PGTW, No Way Out and NOED.

    For add-ons? I personally enjoy Infected Emetic and Rubbing Oil. Anything involving Black Incense is automatically good.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited November 2021

    Ruin, Undying, Pop/Deadlock and an information perk of choice (BBQ, Thrilling Tremos, Discordance or Tinkerer).

    It's a boring build, but I think it's the best against SWFs.

  • Member Posts: 312

    Hook, then stand there. Camp. Swf groups hate that. But do that if gens fly fast, your low on hooks, and your down to 1 or 2 gens very quickly. They'll need the heal points to pip. Works like a charm not always but They'll depip if they ignore you camping.

  • Member Posts: 455

    Cant suggest NOED because swf is smart to do totems, well least my SWF we rush totems before a single gen.

    If they add voice chat so you can communicate with randumbs via solo que, maybe there would not be lesser swf, swf will always have some kinda way to ruin any good killer build or ideas or at least make it very tough to win. Expose build may work , make your choice/iron maiden/star struck and that perk whispers I think its called !? that alerts you if they are near any crows. Tinkerer is very deadly as soon as a gen is 70% you get a huge notification making killers who can tele/road runner race a map quite a threat.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Plague is awesome against Circle of Healing, and with her buffs she's extra good against SWF.

    I would stack slowdown perks that don't require you to kick gens too much (excluding Ruin): Corrupt, Deadlock, No Way Out, and BBQ. Corrupt for early game slowdown, Deadlock for general slowdown, NWO for endgame slowdown, and BBQ for an oppressive Plague.

  • Member Posts: 379

    None it's a automatic lose if they are even halfway decent you just accept the l and move on or you start dodging swf lobbies like plenty of killers do

  • Member Posts: 1,551
    edited November 2021

    Only perk that would help you to delay is Dead lock and Corrupt so you have to least one of those two in your inventory. There's really no perks to help you do well against SWF. Ruin? Gone in seconds. Pop? Can't use it if each chase takes more than a minute and you can't physically reach a generator before it pops. You have to rely on your experience as a Killer more than anything. Play as brutal as you can, make them work hard for it. Don't let them do stupid saves or do a full reset under the hook. Punish them for it, Find the weak link in the team. Slug them tactically where you know it'll buy you the most time. Even proxy camp when you know you're in a good position like a corner hook with three gen on your side of the map. Stack as much pressure as you can so anyone holding M1 has to leave and try to help

    Actually maybe infectious fright would help you in this case if you're confident you can snowball fast enough with say Nurse, Oni, Blight and Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    I've gradually been moving away from CI on any killer that isn't Hag.

    Even at my MMR, it's more common to see a coordinated group just hide and wait it out, tiny maps excepted.

    If I want early pressure now, I'm tending to run Lethal Pursuer.

    I used to run Deadlock a lot, but I noticed that what happens is that it delays gens early, but results in a cascade of gens popping together later.

  • Member Posts: 455

    Hehehe true, not sure if you notice though but killers are running NOED even more since boon totems, I honestly thought it was gonna be the opposite that they wont bother or just gave up on it but seen its even more appearing lately yeah we have no choice and rush them bones break at least 3 to 4 and bless the last 1 or 2. can always prove thy with build to last and a gen tool box build for lost time :P

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