Chapter concept-prey of the night

So im brand new to this forum so apologies if these have been done to death already but I've recently gotten really into the game and wanted to do something fun. I would also like any constructive critism or ways i could change the chapter and any numbers are subject to change and I couldn't think of appropriate cool downs. Thank you
Chapter title-Prey of the night
Killer-The Ghoul
Lore: Grisha was born to a rich Austrian family in 15th century and was adored by all he was handsome and incredibly charming being treated like a king even a god to some. Through this power he was able to do horrific acts torturing his own people and revelling in their screams and taking liked for what they would call a 'blessing' usually with a feast not soon afterwards. However his beauty soon faded his ears grew long and pointed with long claws to replace his nails and sharp razor teeth linned his mouth. His skin that akin of leather with lumps forming across his back ge became what he truly was, a monster.
In horror,disgust and fear he was locked down in the dungeons of his own castle to rot. Taking his rage out of the prisoners slaughtering them and feasting he schemed for the day he could escape making the long tunnels of the dungeon his home and fashioning a chain with a long hook on the end.
He waited, long he waited for the chance to take his rightful revenge and soon his did when a child with her friends in a keen of exploring came to his home so he sprung wasting no time slamming the child's head in with his claws and ran rampant through his castle slaughtering all of them with his teeth,claws and hook.
Finally, he was done sitting on his throne of skulls and blood adorned in his once regal clothes a fog a thick one swallowed his body and could see hundreds of new bodies to kill and feast on.
He accepted the offer.
Power- The ghoul is able to throw his hooked chain a set distance that embedded itself into a surface it hits and tethers the ghoul to it. Pressing the power button again pulls you quickly towards it as you bash into it either able to throw it again or swing the hook in a wide range to hit a survivor. If you hit a survivor with the hook however they are stuck in their position as you are tethered to them you are then able to pull them towards you to hit them, however if they complete 2 difficult skill checks they break free. You have 5 charges of this power but hooking a survivor spends all of them
Blood ground- You defend your rightful ownership from those who wish to take it. After hooking a survivor all survivors in a 16/24/32 metre radius scream and have their auras revealed for 1/2/3 seconds and are exposed for 30 seconds
Hex:Bloodborne- a hex rooting itself on the blood you spill. Every time you hit a survivor you gain a token up to 6.Once hooking a survivor all tokens you have are spent 1 token locks a generator for 10 seconds and each other token another 10 seconds are added and the generator regressed at a 50/75/100% rate.
Scourge hook:Harsh Torment - The suffering of one is passed to others. At the start of a match 4 hooks are turned into scrourge hooks highlighted in white to you. After a survivor is unhooked from one for the next 40/50/60 seconds if they attempt to repair any generator it will instantly explode and begin to regress along with being blocked for 40/50/60 seconds. Any survivor who attempts to heal the survivor will being hindered for the next 35 seconds and be oblivious.
Survivor: Charlie Devlin
Charlie grew up in a small urban town just outside of Manchester in a small home. Her family were incredibly dysfunctional only being kept together due to convenience and the roof over their heads. Thankfully for her she spend most days out, spray painting billboards or telephone boxes and anything of the sort, getting in trouble with the police was a natural part of her life and she loved it. However one day out in the forest with her girlfriend she was attack by a group of people clad in all black attacked them. Pinned to the ground she watched as the people killed her girlfriend in front of her as a thick fog rolled in. A castle appeared towering over them as a creature hung from it and roared. She ran as soon as she could until her legs no longer could carry her...
Situational awareness- You are constantly aware of your surroundings. Whenever you repair a generator this perk activates if you enter the killers terror radius during this time you can see their aura for 1/2/3 seconds and don't leave scratch marks for the next 10/15/20 seconds.
Boon:Light in the dark- A boon that provides momentary liberation. Bless a totem to make it a boon totem and soft chimes ring out in a 24 meter radius.When a survivor is within its radius all status effects are removed and the survivor becomes undetectable to aura revealing and gain a 5% haste boost.
Fighting spirit- You fight back against the odds. Every time the killers aura is revealed to you you gain a token up to 6. You can see the killers aura if your aura is revealed. For each token you gain
1-20% repair speed
2-15%healing speed
4-5$ movement speed
5- immunity to broken,heamphroagge and mangled
6- over time passive healing
You can only gain a token every 60 seconds and lose one if your hooked.
New map can be a castle with some outside areas like the raccon city map but with a bigger outside. It would be snowy and in the mountains
boon totems still keep the hex eg if you boon a totem with noed noed still activates
Claustrophobia- now locks all windows and pallets until another generator is done
Dead man's switch activates on any survivor
Lethal pursuer now shows the aura of a survivor you lose a chase with
Furtive chase now permanently decreases your terror radius by 3 each new token but in a chase these tokens are spend with each level of bloodlust to give you a haste effect.