A Trend I've noticed with the overall community.

xRam40I9 Applicant Posts: 55
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

Whenever anything is popular someone demands it to be nerfed. Look at adrenaline, back in 2018 I uses to see post after post and meme after meme about how it was zero skill.

Back when billy was seen 1/5 games minimum you got the occasional post of him needing a nerf (this one wasn't as bad but you literally see none now).

When spirit was popular, (whether or not she deserved it).

And heck, even post nerf self care was called strong at a time.

My point with all this? Maybe to let some of the people who have this kind of usage=strength mentality aren't always right. While a good bit of the time what's popular is what's strong I think everyone could benefit from looking at things a little more closely over just seeing and then immediately saying.

What do you think? Am I just rambling off the obvious? Feel free to say.


  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2021

    Knee jerk reactions are a trend of the community and humanity overall. Some moderation, wisdom, and views from those that play both sides are needed.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Anything useful to the other side will eventually be toned down. It’s hard to get excited over new perks from either side or new killers because if they’re good then it won’t last.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    Where do I start here?

    • 'Popular' is fine. Stuff can be popular without being crazily OP.
    • Adrenaline is still ultra-strong, potentially OP. You don't see much of it because there are even better perks. And that's...saying something.
    • 'Meta' killers are a bit of a different matter. They aren't picked so much because they are strong, but because around 3/5 of the killer roster is too weak, clunky or has bad, boring addons.
    • Spirit wasn't OP, but she could be irritating to play against as there often wasn't much counterplay to her. She's still very strong.
    • OP things aren't good for a game, as they artificially reduce choice. Survivor perks are a good example of this - CoH, Dead Hard and a few others are just so overwhelmingly effective that not bringing them is playing the game 'wrong'. Killers/killer perks on the other hand have the opposite problem. Something as janky and unreliable as Ruin, for instance, is still meta - because the other options are mostly meh.
    • Usage is often indicative of relative strength. This is what 'meta' means in this context. It's the gaming equivalent of natural selection.
    • There is stuff on both ends that needs to be dialed up, but there is also probably stuff that needs to be dialed down. The effectiveness of facecamping and slugging on killer, for instance and several survivor perks on the other end.
  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 941
    edited November 2021

    I mean, post-nerf Self-Care is still strong to be fair.

    It takes 32 seconds to heal base, sure, but having someone heal you is still 32 seconds overall (16 seconds each). Self-Care's is just like a normal heal, except you can do it anywhere and without restrictions or travel time associated with it. People just see that 32 second self-heal base time and go "omg so long, it sucks" when in reality it's the exact same overall time commitment as someone else healing you.

    Then again Boon: Circle of Healing exists now, and everything is relative, so I guess it does suck currently.


    That said, people tend to complain about commonly used things being strong because things tend to be common when people use the thing a lot, and people use things a lot when the things being used are strong and appealing to use.

    Everything's relative too, as mentioned in my Self-Care rant, so I think one tool being commonly used and deemed OP just means it's probably above the curve in a noticeable enough way.

    I'd be more surprised to find something that's overpowered but not popular to be honest.


    Edit: Get my meaning and things?

    I just wanted to say "thing" again.

  • Ussu
    Ussu Member Posts: 177

    I think those players who constantly whine and ask for nerves of the opposing team are just mega salty about any match they lose and want their side to have the advantage... usually. There are some legit complaints, like with the hacker situation.

    I just want a balanced and fair game with a great match making system. One side only isn't supposed to win all the time. It should be generally an even split.