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Long thread about dbd balance for basically everything

Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

This is a very long thread I wanted to talk about because seriously it needs to be addressed, everything I am talking about needs to be addressed in some sort of way


Perks I really want to talk about, why? Well we have FAR too many now and with how often content is being pushed out, alot of perks are being left in the dust and forgotten entirely

And I know you are asking, "Hoodied you may be a silly dude who doesn't exactly do balance justice so why are you talking about perks being left in the dust?" because I care about this video game enough to make a thread that will do absolutely nothing to create change thats what! but besides that new perks are also being created that are...a weird mix of utter garbage or problematic. Adding new content is only gonna slow down the process of allowing multiple different perks to be used instead of the same 4-16 out of our 174 teachable perks (Don't know the total amount of perks overall, don't want to check either) and along with most of that 174 being gimmicky perks, they won't ever be used as a "meta" perk due to the gimmick being so massive example being the existence of Yun-Jin's perks, where all of them are a gimmick of sorts and are super situational (Smash Hit is if you stun the killer with a pallet, Fast Track that boosts your great skillcheck boost on gens but requires your teammates to be hooked for it to work, and self-preservation being a perk that only works whenever you are close to a survivor being hit by the killer), then you have the perks in which are just flat out bad (Lmao imagine thinking visionary is a good perk, you get more from deja vu than this perk) and alot of these perks were released over a year ago and have been just forgotten or barely touched up on, infact we even have 1 perk that I am still 100% positive does NOT work (Sole Survivor) as it has no feedback on if its working or not, every single Ash perk (You'd expect licenses to be noticed in the good perk category but nope most of the perks for licensed chapters are super bad except for Laurie's DS and Bill's Unbreakable)

You'd also expect that if a perk apart of a chapter is being changed the other perk's for that character would be looked into but nope. Along with the army of bad perks, we've also got severely outdated perks, etc etc

And with the constant flow of content being added to the game which adds more perks, the game will eventually get perks that are better versions of older perks due to how forgotten they are (Funny thing is, we already do have a few perks that do this)

Killer's add-ons

You'd expect that add-ons would be the most important things to focus on for balance, but surprisingly I have been disproven by how Pyramid Head still has an add-on set so bad that only his range add-ons are good, he has been in the game for over a year now and his add-ons suck still. But outside of pyramid head, alot of the status effect add-ons are completely useless still (Like 60 seconds of blindness isn't good at all) and some killers even have add-ons where the effect nerfs them

Like seriously, I see how 25% is big but so is moving at 110% as now you rely on your chainsaw for movement constantly, which is really noticeable when you are already a killer who is restricted to being careful with your power, so if you are restricted to your M1 with this add-on you might as well leave that chase

Now the problem with constant add-ons is how every killer has 20 add-ons (Can't remember if its 19, 20, or 21), so having to balance that many add-ons is surprisingly difficult when you constantly get new add-ons due to a new killer releasing

Survivor's items and add-ons

Yes, survivor items and add-ons are important too, because alot of them have problems

Most of the flashlight's add-ons have effects that aren't noticeable or is Odd Bulb

Maps still need to be entirely reworked or just scrapped all together

Keys aren't problematic anymore for killers but I will be using its aura reading capabilities as something to talk about, broken keys are useless if gotten from chests and need the proper add-ons to be useful, and alot of the aura reading add-ons drain that key very fast

Medkits and toolboxes are weird, as they are indirectly changed so often with new updates that I can't say anything

Firecrackers literally have add-ons that were never used because they weren't ever put into the base game due to "wanting to make them exclusive to events " but are extremely weird to use and to get a blind with them it can be hard because they are so...loud

Alot of these still need tweaked, but aren't because of the broken record that I am

Maps, map offerings, and offerings

Alot of maps have balance issues (Looking at you Haddonfield) and map offerings can result in you being pushed into a map that you cannot play on whatsoever, "But hoodied just use a sacrificial ward or your own map offering" I would do that if this game's grind didn't feel like trying to get a 5 star in genshin impact without spending money, along with that you have a what if moment, what if nobody uses a map offering? Now you wasted a sacrificial ward and you wasted a Blood Point offering opportunity. On the topic of offerings, alot of offerings are really strange and can hurt the killer/survivors straight off the bat (Shroud offerings) and Mori's (OMG I said the M word) are being reworked yes so I won't talk about those. But now you have the other offerings that choose where basement and hatch, where its either you can't use them or stuff them back into the ol' offering maker because now its in the game and is only used in meme builds or if you really want a hatch escape.


Conclusion is that I got really bored when making this and it took like an hour. Real conclusion is that we really need to do less chapters and focus more on old content instead of new, going to bed now cause good lord I am tired


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    In short:

    • Yes, about 2/3 of the killer roster needs an addon pass and about half need a Plague level rework and a buff.
    • Survivor perks have the opposite problem, in that there are a lot of really good ones overshadowed by a handful of OP ones that you'd be foolish not to bring.
    • Map balance and often 'feel' is atrocious. There are maybe 12 maps that need a serious rework.
    • Flashlights do have a lot of uses (Hag traps for instance) but yes, they do need a rework.
    • Toolboxes are a problem when used with high tier addons in a coordinated group. They are fine otherwise.
    • Ditto medkits.
    • I'm fine with map offerings (I still seek out the Yamaoka ones, can never get tired of those maps), the problem is - as you point out - map balance and quality.
    • Further Hook addons should not be a thing. Or at least, not allowed to stack. You've never experienced hell like Grim Pantry or Badham with 3 of the suckers.
    • I'd love a season of 'we fix a lot of stuff'.
  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    I like reading long posts about valid concerns that probably won't ever get acknowledged enough to evoke a change.

    It lets me know I'm not alone.