Farming bp

I just got out of a match where I was against a SWF and they all expected me to farm because of the event. I DONT FARM. I play both sides and as a survivor I hate farming matches because they're boring and ruin gameplay. As a killer I don't do them because I like to earn my points and rank. When they realized I wasn't going to farm they all went to a place where they new I couldn't carry them to hooks so when I did they would escape and then just run back to the same place. I ended up hook killing 2 of them but one DCd as they died and I let the other 2 bleed out. A guy messaged me after saying I'm a POS pretty much because I was one shorting them with Michael Meyers and because I didn't farm for them. He thinks I was just gonna tunnel everyone out of the game but I literally had no intentions to do that. I try to hook everyone one by one and then go from there I never tunnel off the hook and I only stay by the hook when I know there's someone that's also by the hook. So my question is am I ######### player because I didn't give this SWF their match on a silver platter? Or am I right in doing what I did? I also reported them for exploits but I doubt anything will come from that.


  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    Simple guide to help.

    If you are a Killer and you don't want to farm:


    If you are a Survivor and you don't want to farm:


    It can be frustrating if you solo queue and you are the odd one out who does not want to farm because you can be trapped in a corner by a teammate or teammates keep failing skillchecks on purpose.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    1.) What they did was not an exploit.

    2.) You really are this mad over farming for an event that will be gone in four days?

    3.) If you felt they were "holding the game hostage", you could DC from the match. It sounds like if they were trying to stall you out, this game lasted a lot longer than the 5 minute time out you would have gotten.

    At the end of the day people are allowed to play how they want. I don't agree with messaging people nasty messages, though.

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    1) An exploit is taking advantage of bug or certain mechanics of the game. Which they were doing because they knew I wouldn't make it to a hook and they just kept running back to that spot when I was stunned.

    2) I'm not mad I literally just asked if I was the one being an #########.

    3) I don't DC ever

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    1.) Only if it is unintended. Putting yourself far enough away from a hook to wiggle off is intended.

    2.) No, you are not a.... whatever bad word you put under there. They are, but not for the gameplay but for the bad form.

    3.) Well, that's a personal choice. But this scenario had a solution you elected not to use.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    If the solution to anything is "you must DC or throw the game", then that's not a solution. Particularly when DC'ing comes with an escalating penalty.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Then what do you think the solution is to bodyblocking a survivor in the corner of the map for 3+ hours, out of curiosity?

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    That the game needs something to address that beyond being able to report somebody after the game. Which you can't do if you DC, which is obviously a problem.

    The person who's not doing something wrong having to take a penalty to get out is a temporary fix at best.

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    1) it was intended to drag the game out to be petty because I wasn't gonna farm. They definitely exploited this one area of the map. It's not like they waited for me to chase them. They literally just went there and sat there didn't move and let me down them because they knew that they'd be able to wiggle off. In the process taking advantage of an exploit and holding the game hostage.

    2) they def were for both form and gameplay.

    3) I can't really argue that accept by saying what rainehdaze said: if that's the only solution then that's a problem

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited November 2021

    Why didn’t you just farm? Or if you’re REALLY adverse to it, pretend to farm and then kill them all, thus allowing you to move on?

    I understand if farming isn’t your thing, but it was one match. Why not just go through it and then move on to the next match?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Ignore them.

    Play how you want to play.

    If they are crawling to spots where you can't pick them up (happened to me last night), bug report and report them postgame.

    Sometimes I want to farm. Sometimes I don't. I'll generally let polite group farm once I've established control over the game, but I'm not going to be pushed into it.

    Because it's really, really boring.

    In games where I want everyone to get BP, I'll injure them and let them heal up in the exit gates a few times. That's it.

    I'm not going to let them endlessly pallet stun me and stuff.

    I don't DC.

    What I'll do against groups who take the game hostage is go somewhere, turn my killer to face a wall and pop on an episode of Bob's Burgers or something.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    It's not an exploit, it's an intended feature. It's why perks like Iron Grasp and Agitation exist and why you can have a survivor bleed out instead of hooking them to death. Sucks when it happens but it's not an exploit.