How to play Hag against CoH?

If there's one killer that can't commit to chases or it loses the game it's Hag. I allways thought medkits were really strong against Hag, but at least they eventually run out.
I feel like it's not even worth leaving the hook and need to make sure somebody is allways hooked all the time and play around it. Has anoyne come with a better strat or is this just the state of Hag nowadays?
You can’t.
Hag and Twins have been nerfed to the ground with the addition of boons. They were rare killers, now they are almost non existent.
And who is paying the price ? Survivors. A lot of my survivors friends are complaining they don’t face Hags anymore which was fun.
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You are talking like this is a bad thing.
Like every Hag-player plays - Hook someone, place a Gajillion Traps around the Hook and if that person gets unhooked, either head back because they can only crouch away, or teleport, if they triggered any Traps. Adding Make your Choice would also help.
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It's easy if you're commited to put the work for it.
You press "Unready" when you're queued as Hag, then you press the button that bring into the killers list and choose Nurse. You invest around 500-1000 hours on this killer and you have no worries anymore. Have fun in DBD!
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To be fair even before boons I don't think I have ever seen a really good Hag for a whole year but yes Boons definitely stomped her
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Placing a lot of traps around a Hook only work against noob survivors. It’s the equivalent of a face camp Booba.
A decent Hag has a good map knowledge and will try to 3 gen placing traps at key places (windows, pallets, strong loops…).
Survivors used to get punished, now they can take a hit and go back to safety without anyone assistance saving a lot of time.
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Face camp
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Try using Exposed perks. Make Your Choice is especially good on her.
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You don't.
You counter healing by committing to chases, but most killers aren't able to commit to chases. Lose/Lose.
A lot of killers were gutted from boon totems, Hag included.
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Don't forget Oni. I'm having a way harder time to keep ne snowball rollin' since CoH came out.
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In my experience when a Survivor says they think a certain Killer is fun to play against what they mean is "This killer is really easy to counterplay and we can waste their time easily until all 5 gens are done".
Unsurprisingly Hag is a 110% speed Killer with no chase power whose primary ability is hard countered by the toxic Survivor's favorite item: the flashlight.
Zero surprises that she is "fun to verse".
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Michi, aka Lord of the Hag, posted an hour long video called Totem Trouble for Halloween where he just killed survivors over and over who were cleansing and blessing totems.
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Granted, I'm nowhere near his MMR - but yeah. Plaything+Devour+Retribution+x works quite well against boons.
CoH needs a nerf. That's all there is too it. Even some of the most chill, least nerfherdy streamers mention it constantly. In coordinated teams, it's too strong - to the point of hard-countering entire killer toolkits, and snuffing it is essentially pointless.
It'll eventually get nerfed (my guess is the midpatch) and until then, on Hag and Wraith especially, you just have to build around the expectation of facing it every game.
Don't be a jerk lol.
Camper Hag is as boring to play as it is to face.
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You can't, play Plague instead
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I rly wonder why people keep saying that this boon is bad for hag.. All it does is creating a new point of interest and with the right traps around that you can easily down them
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Try to be faster with slugging than they can recover from it. Good Luck tho.
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Many people prefer the chase playstyle, and Hag is the excact opposite of it so almost no one plays her because of it. I also don't necessarely think that boons destroy Hag, it makes her weaker sure, but so makes it every Killer. Though Twins are getting really hurt by CoH and the upcoming Boon: Unbreakable.
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Granted, I'm likely nowhere near as good a Hag as you - but I have found that good teams will figure out your 'zone' and just relocate to another area.
Win or lose, CoH turns games into very long, very drawn out wars of attrition.
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Boons make wounds insignificant, the only way to stop a boon team is hardcore camping and tunneling.
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Trap the totems?
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Welcome to the current meta.