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Can you imagine this game without perks ?
Like literally, neither side wouldn't have a single perk. All addons & items would stay exactly the same.
Ignoring the fact that game would have less variety, would you enjoy to play DBD like that ?
I mean yeah sure, sometimes it's fun to keep things simple. I'm just not sure if the Killer could apply enough pressure with no slowdown perks at all. It probably would end up in a lot of tunneling and slugging.
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I feel like perks change the game up TOO much.
If you think about how the presence of a single Unbreakable can completely change what is a correct play into a very incorrect play and lose you the game. The Killer basically has to guess around this perk as well. I've lost kills over a "For the People" play which is simply so rare that you don't play around it (e.g. don't leave a slug near a closed gate), that it felt like I simply lost there because of the perk.
Then you have perks like Dead Hard which are so powerful, you have to do this boring 2-3 second wait "mind-game" each and every time you press M1 for most of the game.
Sure there are very powerful perks on the Killer side as well, such as Tinkerer, which completely change how the game is played (although it's easier to spot quickly).
Looking at a game like CoD (which introduced perks), I can't think of a single perk the presence of which completely changes the game, or caused me to play the game differently.
I feel like perks should be less powerful overall, and add a flavour to matches rather than a handful of perks basically defining the entire meta and game. Some perks are basically more powerful than a Killers power.
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End up... Like... as it is right now? xD
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Well at least it's harder right now with Unbreakable, DS, BT, Souldguard and so on.. As tunneling will most likely cost you the game.
Now imagine this without all these perks. Why wouldn't you just tunnel survivors straight from the hook if you don't have to fear anything.
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If you have all these perks, sure, if you want to have only a kit for that, sure.
i rather have fun in the game. the mechanics itself are broken. I don't care if a killer tunnels, he does what he needs to do to win. It's just not as much fun as it could be
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I would not feel the requirement to tunnel if Survivors didn't have Dead Hard to give second chances or extend chases, Iron Will to get an advantage in mind games, and DS/UB to give them many second chances... Etc etc
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game would probably become hide and seek again...
camping might be an issue with this.
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Why would I ignore having less variety? Variety is a lot of the reason I keep playing the game.
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It's not about running these perks. It's the fact alone that they exist wich makes a Killer fear them. That already makes a huge difference compared to a completely perk less game.
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the perks are fun, and i thought about a separate game mode too, but w/e they won't do anything like this anyways
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i think it might be interesting for like 10 games. But i think to be able to play the game over and over again it would be terrible. People tend to complain about stuff like RNG but its one of the main things that keeps the game fresh.
One of the things for example games like Rocket League has, is that it has a physics based core gameplay. The amount of situations and variance and just unique scenarios feels endless. This also applies to shooters. You can play the same angle and have different outcomes every time with one side being at an advantage.
It also helps escaping float chat archaic type of decision tree's that would be possible with less variables.
I can sit here all day and cry about balance of every perk,every addon, every single missed opportunity. But removing them would make the game significantly worse. They are very necessary. In one form or another.
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I recall way back when that they had this test that players could sign up for. They wanted to see what the game looked like without any perks whatsoever (possibly also items? not sure). Never saw the result from that.
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Yes, in fact, I would like an option to play without perks, a more raw version of the game.
(Other that with friends and all agreeing to not use perks)
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For survivor it wont change much they can already dominate whitout them for killer it mean faster match