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Why does nobody play death slinger anymore?

I never see him anymore but he hardly even got nerfed. He's much more fair now and is still an absolute MONSTER in chase if you can aim, so what's the problem? He's actually kind of fun(?) to go against now. Please more of him instead of huntress haha ๐Ÿ™



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    Because as much as I parade about the nerf and as much as I say he deserved it, it was lowkey overkill. I'm happy that I never have to face him anymore but I feel like they could've done so much more to reward skillshots after aiming instead of this, and whilst he's still amazing at zoning due to the increased movement speed that's all he's really good at now.

    I absolutely hate(d) Slinger, and I really feel like he needed a change, but they didn't go about it the right way. His fundamental flaws continue to exist while being unfun to play as now in the eyes of a lot of people, as well as the animations making people nauseous.

    He's a prime example as to why choice restrictions for perks and powers should be implemented to help balance out imho.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    What is funny that everyone complained about zoning and they changed him in a way that he is actually forced to use zoning way more than before..

    I never liked to use zoning while playing him, because it's cheap and boring for me. I always enjoyed quick-scope and it was super satisfying to get long range hits, but it's just not viable against survivors that look behind them, because even potato can react to it now, so it's not worth a risk and zoning is only option.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No I don't have fun with him anymore.

    If you think it's no big deal then you play him.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    nah he always had this level of zoning. just by walking around due to the insta-ADS you'd zone people through simply existing. take into account latency and a good slinger would have you speared before theyd have even moved on your end. his ability to quickscope was his zoning, and now his ability to walk while ADSing is his zoning.

    all they did was change how he has to zone.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    That's not true.

    They could just make longer animation when he stop his ADS, so he couldn't fake it and he would be forced to commit on his shots more.

    His projectile is super small and it's not instant, it was possible to dodge it even before, but problem was Deathslingers that just fake it.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    He definitely isn't a "monster" and he wasn't one before either. Also "hardly nerfed" is not the words I'd use.

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Nah he got nerfed into the dirt just based on everything you've typed I can tell you don't play him a lot yourself so you can't be shocked others don't as well

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    Because we're mashocists enough to play the killer role, do you want to go even more extreme and play this slow poor killer he have become?

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    People are just mad they don't have brain dead killers who win in every scenario. And that's not an exaggeration either. Old slinger literally won in every single situation just because survivors had no way to tell when he would shoot.

    Old slinger was like huntress with no wind up time. So that's what they did to balance him. They made you have to plan shots instead of quickscoping when its convenient to. Slinger still has a lot going for him in a chase, people just don't care how to learn his mechanics because they're use to getting free hits.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Insta-ADS was only really strong on zoning if you let him get really close to you, and at this range all other ranged killers are also very deadly. He is a 110% killer so there was no reason to let him get that near (except if he was running Monitor, which imo shouldn't work on him).

    Long range shots were always unreliable because his hitbox is so tiny that even just slightly wiggling while running (which doesn't really make you lose distance) would make it super hard for anyone that wasn't a god with him to land a shot. Now long range shots are even more of a joke to dodge because of the longer ADS, and the only real reliable way of playing him is going for zoning which is boring for anyone. watch from 5:54 to 6:53 to get my point. It's in Japanese but the footage is enough to understand. The Jake manages to dodge his medium-range shot just by walking a little to the side, and even if he was old Slinger there just a little wiggle from Jake would be enough to dodge. This guy is the 3rd Slinger with the most downs while Speared on the Leaderboard, so dodging Slinger was never "just hope he misses" like people used to say.

    What had to be done to Slinger were just three things: (1) make it so Monitor doesn't work with at all, or maybe give him a 24m lullaby; (2) make his TR a bit louder, until today it's one of the most subtle TR musics; (3) give Slinger a massive slowdown if he raises his gun without shooting, something slower than even Huntress, so Slingers who actually went for quickscopes at medium/long range are rewarded, while the cheap zoning Slingers are punished.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594
    edited November 2021

    Ey look, i found the "People that Don't Play Slinger, Yet Still Wanted Him Nerfed!"

    If you played old slinger, you'd see how much disadvantages you have compare to old slinger

    Old slinger: Instant ADS. 24 meter terror radius, actually rivals the Huntress and Trickster even, Was in leagues above other killers.

    Now...? with New Slinger? You're 110%, you can zone... better. i suppose. but at a shittier rate, with the slow as ######### Ads that makes me feel like a grandpa using a magnifying glass on a Newspaper,

    i don't want to #########' zone 24 / 7 on all my shots, i want to ACTUALLY quickscope people and drag them in through the hard hitting holes,

    Now? People look at slinger like a old dog, waiting to be put down... Don't comment about how easy slinger was when you Never touched him,

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Ikr. Anybody with a brain knew how busted old slinger was. I loved his design but always felt awful playing him since it was pretty much easy mode. You can still reel around corners which is arguably his biggest strength. Hole shots too but those were always a gimmick. He plays the exact same as before but now survivors have actual counter play instead of just going off of guess work alone.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    "He is still an absolute MONSTER"


    His only way to play him properly got removed - Quick Shots while kind of sneaking towards gens with his low terror radius.

    He has 0 Map Preassure. That's why Slinger mains had to play him like that. Ot was the only viable option in higher ranks/mmr.

    Now you don't see him, because he is dead( in high mmr).

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Ah yes just try to downplay me because you really have nothing of value to say. A DBD forum classic.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    As a Ex slinger main... i can downplay any of this post.. and in a actual decent way too,

    I spoke about the slinger alot, saying the ONLY nerf he should get is the terror radius, that's about it.

    But now? a Dead killer, which any survivor can react to and don't even need to have two braincells to use to dodge a damn hit,

    and no. i ain't counting the Scripts or the Macros or w/e people use to exploit the aim to make it Instant ADS again,

    Look i get where you're coming from, But don't comment on a Killer that shouldn't have been Nerfed in the first place.. He was 100% weak against Survivors that knew how to counter him so well,

    Don't try to say "Oh he's still good" No, He's not.. He's a dead killer and he will remain that way,

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Just out of curiosity, do you have any footage of yourself playing old Slinger? I really want to see how you won every scenario, maybe you were really a natural at him because even the best Slinger mains I know which were at the top of the leaderboard (most of them have dropped him!) struggled against good survivors.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Why would people use Slinger over Huntress in his current state? Everything that Slinger had going over Huntress - quickscoping, reactivity, and stealth - has been removed from his kit. When you take those away, Huntress is objectively better and more rewarding to play - she's not range-capped, has more favorable hitboxes, and isn't punished as much for missing. She also has a higher skill ceiling.

    If you think he hardly got nerfed, you don't understand how he worked. His main draw was the quickscopes; people who were used to FPS games had a killer who rewarded that skillset, and that doesn't work anymore. And Monitor went from borderline OP on him to borderline mandatory just to make up for how crippling a 32m TR is for Slinger. They should have given him a 24m lullaby instead of that.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Some people just watch a specific creator (recently made a troll video that people thought was real) and take everything they say as fact.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    Because the devs adjust killers based on what survivors think it's "fun" and "skillful", basically making them a clunky mess everytime that nobody wants to play.

    It's almost as if the killer should be fun to play AS before anything else.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    that might have something to do with the fact that BHVR decided to remove everything unique and fun this killer used to offer and turned him into a worse Huntress copy.

    revert the latest changes (the TR increase & quickscope removal) and i guarantee you people will play him again.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,577

    Deathslinger and Trickster both have The Huntress Problem: they don't bring anything to the table that makes them a better option than Huntress if you're looking to play a ranged killer. They have all of the same drawbacks but nothing that meets or exceeds her strengths in any area. That's before you even get into the fun factor. It's obviously very subjective, but Huntress is miles ahead of Slinger or Trickster in the fun to play department.

  • Percival_nxs
    Percival_nxs Member Posts: 193

    is a killer who punishes you a lot when you miss even one shot, each missed shot is potentially another 20/30 seconds in chase.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    The only unique and fun things about him were removed. The quick scope and low TR.

    Now he's just a bad and less fun Huntress.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Because he isn't good, never was, and now is even worse

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,200

    Because he got nerfed with almost nothing to make up for it.

    Iโ€™m not even against the ADS nerf, Iโ€™m against the fact that it got nerfed and he got almost nothing in return to make him better (slightly faster speed while aiming doesnโ€™t make up for it).

    The terror radius nerf should have never happened though.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Yea and my point was that yours is dumb. Saying "play duh chareecter!!!" means literally nothing. You don't want to make a valid point and would rather just write off everyone who disagrees with you as scrubs. If you can name any down side to being able to zone survivors in every possible way then please tell me. I'm interested in hearing.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    Yeah i mean he could zone but this is due to his power. I mean you could simply remove his gun and put him on survivors side. Doesn't matter anymore ๐Ÿ˜…

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193

    Funny thing about that video is that he spends a lot of time going over the weaknesses and how to adapt to them. In that clip he recommends using Slinger's pressure to push survivors into getting hit. Either by 1. Shrinking distance and shooting or 2. Shrinking distance and M1.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Okay then how is he dead? Because all I see is actual counterplay. I don't see why he should be able to shoot survivors without any reaction time as that goes against any good design philosophy. Deathslinger desperately needed the nerf and saying he didn't is just a massive cope. In every loop you died just because you couldn't do anything against him. Vault? Shot. Run to the pallet? Shot. Fake it? Hit. In the open? Zig zag and lose distance or get shot. Every scenario with Deathslinger was a lose for survivors. And I actually have a fair amount of hours put into Deathslinger as well. I have him P3 and a handful of cosmetics along with knowing his mechanical side too. Reeling around corners and prediction are a big part of his kit and is what I consider his skill ceiling. With old Slinger you never had to use these though. Why would you when you could just noscope survivors like its BO2?

    The "oh well you just never played the character" thing is a non-argument. It's like moral high ground. You can say things to paint me in a certain light to try and put yourself above me, but it doesn't disprove anything I've said. All you're doing is making a desperate attempt to discredit me in probably one of the most childish ways possible. I'd also like to add that you don't need a million hours in a character to say "oh okay that's bullshit". If anything you should've been the one playing against old Deathslinger. I've already stated in this reply the reasons why he was busted. If you don't see any design flaw with that then I don't think there's anything I could say to change your mind.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited November 2021

    ah yes a killer with a mechanical skill requirement to actually be able to aim like a fps game and understanding the limits and speeds of survivor/killer movement and gauge distances to land projectile shots.

    plus a slow 110% ms with a 32 meter terror radius, clunky ass killer with a very questionable quality of life controls. with some of the worse purple/pink addons in the game. and generally meh-diocre addon.

    gee i wonder why he's not more popular? whatever could be the reason.

    i actually do play him and comfortable with playing fps games with projectile guns, where my titanfall pilots at!? . and hes honestly more trouble than he's worth in his current iteration.

    he's good in a 1v1 but that's all he's good at. with the current boon meta, his playstyle of ambushign survivors and keeping everyone hurt so that he can effectively chase and chain them, just doesn't work as well. since he is still very slow, he gives survivors a heads up with the new radius, and people just aren't wasting time healing because of how prominent boon coh is.

    he's also punishing to play if you're very bad with your shots, which i think for most people is not something they feel like going through when they could just try another killer.

    when other projectile killers have far more advantageous to play atm.

    • plague can keep people broken as a big massive middle finger to both of the boons. she can literally win games with one snowball play with her corrupt. plus she's 115+. engaging a plague who wants to be defensive when she has corrupt is out of the question. has build in tracking and anti stealth.
    • huntress can literally bulldoze through most teams if she has to play defensive. her hatchets are the sizes of haystacks. has virtually infinite range.
    • trickster can literally bulldoze through a whole teams + several bt in half the time huntresses needs to without the need to reload or basement. has alright range.
    • executioner is 115% doesn't require los and can hit u through walls, he can also bypass ds and bt to just outright tunnel and execute you out of the game.
    • hell even engineer fang cenobite can be played as a projectile killer, who has 115% ms + a game slowdown.

    literally anything a deathslinger would want to do, another killer can do better. things go south for a deathslinger its very hard to make a comeback from. with the other projectile killers, there is still some flexibility in their kits to salvage games if you're good enough to capitalize on making your own opportunities.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,907

    You actually consider a killer that got gutted and is clunky to play fair and balanced?

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    It's really not how tf can you have a opinion on something you've never played?

    That's like saying this game is trash

    When you've never played the game

    How much sense does that make

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Yes but if you've played deathslinger for 3 games your opinion should be valued way less then the guy that has 1000 hours

    You wouldnt go to the doctor and tell them they are wrong right?

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    the cooldown thing would've been a much, much greater change. its sad at what slinger has become.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Play him and find out immediately

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    You have no idea how long I've played slinger. I could tell you the same thing. You don't know anything about how slinger should be balanced because you haven't played him long enough. It's easy to say and there's really not a lot to say about it. As I told someone before it's a non-argument. It has no weight and all you're doing is trying to put your opinion above mine by claiming I know nothing about slinger.

    Also I don't need to be a medical professional to play DBD x>

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Yet again you've made no attempt to actually refute anything I've said. If all you can say is something about the same regurgitated strawman you love so much then there's no point in even continuing this conversation.

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    I've probably played 2k hours as slinger so unless you've played more then that then yeah I would say ik more about the character then you

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    There is no strawman I work on airplanes for a living you probably dont so therefore I wouldn't go to your plane advice

    I play slinger you obviously don't so therefore people shouldn't go to you for slinger advice or opinions it really is that simple

    Stop overthinking it my guy your all in your feelings taking it personally when I'm talking in facts

    Sorry if the facts hurt your feelings but they are what they are that's why there facts they don't change

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    And that's the problem. The new Slinger reinforces the playstyle that survivors already found the most unfun to go against. Slingers who actually went for long shots were punished, while the zoning ones weren't.