Lethal pursuer is S tier

It's pretty entertaining to watch Survivor do their crouching rituals and then cleanse your totem right in front of your eyes since it spawned beside them and you physically can't do anything to reach it and can only die inside.
Now you get to see your totems get cleansed in 20 seconds even better than before
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Unironically though I personally think the perk is S tier. The early game is a killer's weakest spot, and Lethal Pursuer can be combined with Corrupt to cover up the weak part of the early game. Even LP by itself is incredible for covering up the weak spot. I use it on Clown and Trickster w/o Corrupt and it's amazing. I think Corrupt is more powerful but the perk is still really good.
It's even better on killers that don't need Corrupt, like Billy and Blight.
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Lethal is beautifully efficient on killers with mobility like Blight, it's so good for immediately putting survivors under pressure and slowing early game gen progress.
Also it shows you afk survivors to get out of the way quickly.
Hey, if the killer went afk then survivors ain't gonna stop doing gens, why should I not hook a survivor if they go afk?
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Survivors do actually stop doing gens and they'll walk around trying to get as many other points as they can lmao
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Honestly though it's a mix bag. The early game information is amazing and starting a chase immediately as soon as the match start is great but at the same time you still have to deal with actually downing the Survivor. I reckon you won't have any trouble playing Strong killers like Blight, Nurse and Snowballers but it's very iffy on M1 killers.
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If they do then I'm yet to see it happen cuz usually if I miss the first minute or so of a match that's usually a gen or two gone
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Oh sorry, I meant if you were afk partway through or for the whole match.
They need to discover you before they can realise you're afk, and frequently they'll start the game on a gen.
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In my experience most people will do gens and leave for the quick 10-12k bp. Because you get the +5k for leaving. Most other points are pitiful besides totems
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Good point, I see what you mean.
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It's ok, but I can't live with the fact that I have a Perk for 9 seconds and then have to play with 3 Perks.
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Clearly we share very different afk experiences
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Lethal Pursuer can simply decide how game goes on.
Nemesis, Dragon's Grip, Make Your Choice, add-on for 15sec undetectable after killing zombie.
4 survivor doing gen in Killer's shack. They hear terror radius near, but it's gone... next second Nemesis enters the shack by vaulting the window. Dwight got grabbed by the gen and put on hook next to the shack's corner. Gen is kicked, William "Bill" Overbeck tries to finish the gen and Dragon's Grip is active on him, almost immediately he exit the game. So only 3 survivors left. Person who unhook Dwight got exposed by Make Your Choice and put on the hook. That was a first minute of the trial - 2 hooks and one DC.
If not Lethal Pursuer they would finish the gen and spread across the map.
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Thats fine when you set up yourself for the win. Lethal Pursuer makes that I can go into a chase immediatly with Blight. Or that I know where to go with Killers who might have a rough early game, like Myers or Oni.
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Yeah but I don't really care about the win to much. I rather go for Whispers to find someone quickly.. if I go for own builds.
At the moment I play Perk/Item/Add-on randomizer on both sides so the chance of getting Lethal 9 seconds is kinda there.
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If you struggle with finding survivors in the beginning I guess it's helpful. I can 98% of the time tell you where survivors spawned.
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Ib4 you find a good looper. Waste of perk slot.
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This perk would have to last the first 60 seconds to be S tier.
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I'm all ears has a very specific condition and lasts for 6 seconds. 60 seconds would make it instantly the best information perk in dbd objectively, and Nurse/Blight/(maybe) Billy would just flourish with everyone slugged in that first minute on most maps.
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I never used it on my blight since I don’t have it unlocked as a teachable, but I always find survivors like 20s into the game and hit them with my first traversal rush so I guess I don’t need it, looks really solid though
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Well... yeah, but I'm All Ears triggers multiple times during the match. Lethal Pursuer triggers once at the very beggining and then never again.
Don't take me wrong. Lethal Pursuer is useful to get that early pressure, I just don't think it's S tier. It helps you because the spawns can mess up your early game, but there isn't always that much you can do with the information it provides. When you spawn near the survivors and find them early the perk wouldn't make that much of a difference too. There's also the fact that some perks can help you find you survivors early and still work for the rest of the game. Corrupt Intervention can be used like that and also blocks the gens. I also had games when I had both Discordance and Lethal Pursuer, but then most survivors spawned around a single gen and immediatly triggered discordance... which means Lethal Pursuer didn't really do anything in that game.
Lethal is still good because it's the most consistent perk for this role, but with these flaws, I don't think it's an S tier.
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As I just said, there's just one problem with this specific situation: Discordance would have done the same thing, and also work for the rest of the game.
Additionally, not only Discordance is a very good perk for Nemesis, by using it to find survivors at the start, they would think you had Lethal Pursuer since you were Nemesis and guess your perks wrong because of it, not realizing you were using Discordance.
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So you don't run Ruin?
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Thanks for advice :) Discordance can mostly preform better in long term and have a good synergy with PoP.
Yet I haven't even unlocked it from Legion, so it's going to take some time.
And yes making survivor think you got one perk when you got another is a great way to make some unpleasant surprises :)
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Oh, once you unlock it, you will really want to try it on Nemesis.
Discordance pops notifications from time to time when a gen is being worked on by two or more survivors... and those notifications count as loud noises for the zombies.
This means zombies will automatically be atracted to any generator highlighted by Discordance. It's one of the best sinergies for Nemesis.
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I don't run any slowdown. I don't care about winning so I go for more fun builds, or random Perks.
My win is getting 8 hooks, good chases and 4 escapes so everyone gets alot of points.
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To get the same value it'd have to trigger 10 times. BBQ 15.
60 seconds is too long imho. It's already incredibly good at 9 seconds.
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It really is S tier on mobility Killers. But yeah, no sense in using it on M1 Killers.
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I get some usefulness from Lethal using Doc or Pig, where I'm trying to get hats or madness asap. It can be effective, but it's hard to tell if it's worth a perk slot. A lot of the time the survivors are on the far gen and I would have headed there anyway.
But you totally just inspired me to try Blight again. I'm off to play.
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Have fun!
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On a serious note, a perk that in its best case scenario gets me 1 early hit is lucky to be called even B tier. Very overrated and its value can end up much less than that.
After enough matches you have spawns memorized already. Finding survivors early shouldn't be something you need help with.
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AFK survivor crows really throw me off. Sucks. Gotta hook em.
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I even suspect that Corrupt Intervention and Lethal Pursuer synergize because Corrupt’s main weakness is when the survivors all hide right away and wait it out. If the survivors just go full stealth for the first 60-90 seconds then Corrupt is wasted. But if you have Lethal Pursuer with it then it mitigates that risk and guarantees you’ll be in a chase immediately at the start of the match. At that point worst case you down and hook that survivor and it puts pressure on the rest to come out of hiding and either do the gens or go for a rescue.
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Maybe think of it as the first 9 seconds are guaranteeing a quick first down, which is more than a lot of perks offer.
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I doubt it would be that effective. Maybe against noobs. We're talking about a perk that's one and done, then you're a 3-perk killer in a game where killer needs 4 meta perks to compete.
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OR i can just use corrupt and i will already know where are the survivors at the start of the trial. They usually spawn next to the blocked gens.
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Blight, Nurse, Billy can make it to their auras before it wears off and still have time for lunch.
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I like LP, but the only time I really use it is doing that silly gimmick style with Pinhead where you try to find the box super early.
It doesn't last long enough to sacrifice a perk slot for, and it's not too hard to get into your first chase pretty soon after starting using better perks (CI, Discordance).
If it did something like showing the auras again every 60 seconds or something, now that would be almost worth running.
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Oh, I agree with that. I don't think making the perk last for 60 seconds would be a good idea, I just think Lethal Pursuer is far from S tier.
But honestly, a buff it could use would be having another effect that triggers multiple times or just lasts for the match, in addition to the effect it already has, just so you don't end up with 3 perks for an early effect that might end up not making any difference.
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I don't think it's S tier, but I do see it's value on certain Killers
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I used it on Hag and Myers before I stopped playing killer. It's a nice perk but S tier..no.
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How about making Leathal Pursuer a channal ability, like maps? It autamatically activates at the start of the game for 3s, the rest you can use by standing still and pressing a button. But besides being really strong, I guess that a lot of survivors would balk at this.