Redefining Killer perks

Since MMr have been introduced, gen regression have been more mendatory than ever before, if you want to play a game that last for more than 6 minutes top. I think it's time to get some game extender basekit for the Killers, so their build can focus more on Chase/Information perks and be more unpredictable. I would advise doing 3 Things to the killer side :
- All gen related perks are deleted exept for action speed debuff (to keep it in line with survivor action speed burst perks/item)
- Corrupt Intervention and Deadlock are now basekit : these 2 perks are baidaid fixes for issues the devs have known of for years, simply because they're discuted almost every week on this forum. In short, the spawn of survivor is greatly rng and will often loose you up to 3 gens by itself if you don't have Corrupt on. Most of the maps are far too big to use gen regression efficiently (Ex: Pop is barely time efficient if you include travel and animations time in the mix) which led to the creation of "Deadlock" a Cenobite Perk which is locked 'sig' behind a paywall. Making it base kit would gain a net 2 min for every game and free a perk slot for the killer.
- Boost base gen regression : Something small such as 5% instant regression from a kick and double the regression rate (from 1/4 of a survivor to 1/2). The killer time investment is now meaningfull, offering new options for time management.
With these simple steps you make games last up to 4 min longer and free up to 3 perk slots for the killer. Likewise, you also take a step to solve another problem this game as : the vast disparity of strenght between loop setups depending of the map and its layout. If the killer have some room for a wider range of effects, you can minimise the urge to rework these things because he can take a survivor by surprise wich does not happen often when you run 1-3 gen related perks.
If these changes would apply, I think we could finally have some meaningfull measures taken against camping and tunneling which are probably the lamest playstyles available, while being straight up encouraged by the MMR meta. I would suggest 2 things :
- Borrow time is now basekit : If you're a good Killer you will expect BT everytime someone unhook in your face, but you don't know for sure if they have it. So, maybe you'll wait 12s for nothing, or maybe you'll swing to test it. The result you obtain have nothing to do with your own skill but rather an arbitrary decision made by the survivor to take the perk. Making it basekit will average the result of this situation. Either, the killer swing and the survivor has to mend, or the killer waits and the survivor is downed. Thus, tunneling is still a strat but it's harder to achieve, meaning that pressuring the map is now more appealing.
- Hooks now function like Pyramid Head cages : If the killer stand too close of a hooked survivor, the hook will teleport on the opposit side of the map. This effect will allow survivors to combat proxy camping by leading the killer to the hook, teleporting their teamate out of the danger zone. Camping is the strategie that has easily the greater effort/result ratio. If you can catch a survivor in less than a minute (LF with Lethal for exemple wink wink), and camp them to death, the Survivors have less than 3 minutes to do 5 gens and a gate. Add NOED into the mix and even with perfect efficiency the Killer will get a second kill in this scenario. Thus, camping secure 2 kills for 2 chases when not camping take between 6-10 chases for the same result. In fact camping is so efficient that gen speed needs to be ridiculously fast to have a fighting chance. Desincentivizing it would then, allow the games to last longer.
What do you guys think of these ideas ?
While I’m okay with the idea the devs would never remove 10+ perks from the game.
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this is pretty .., rude.
but I’m agree with the genspeed problem.
that’s sound too powerful especially the base kit perk part.