SBMM: DbD became unplayable for me

Here are the results of my last 38 trials as survivor (0=killed, 1=survived):


26 times killed, 12 times survived.

In about 2-4 trials the killer was IMHO a beginner. About 6-8 trials were nice to play. About 18-20 trials were ugly (camp, tunnel, slug).

In the old ranking system I was rank 10-12. In the new system I am grade Gold I.

The killers are most often to strong for me. I don't have fun playing against these killers. Please fix this issue. For now I would stop playing DbD and switch to another game.


  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    " In the new system I am grade Gold I." This is nothing to do with anything.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what to tell you. Get better? If you are losing WAY more than you are winning then you just need to get better. If you find yourself being the one tunneled most games that could mean that you are weak in chases and the Killer takes the free kill for a 3v1, which is much more in their favor.

  • It just became unplayable for everyone else too. Servers crashed.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    The entire point of this post is that OP feels like they aren't getting matched with equally skilled players often enough. Just "getting better" won't help make the process of getting better a more enjoyable experience.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2021

    There's been a significant increase in camping/tunneling and running NOED since SBMM. It's un-fun but it's basically required now at high MMR and technically even lower than high MMR as lots of high MMR killers have stopped playing killer because of how bad MMR is which is now getting lower MMR killers forced against those high MMR survivors. I don't blame them though, it's the result of a terrible system. It needs heavy changes or to be removed.

    I played a 4 man SWF the other night with 2 of us being good survivors, 1 just average, and the last being a decently new player. Out of 6 hours of straight playing we only lost one match and even that was just because we made a lot of mistakes. Bare in mind that almost all of these matches were not even close, as in we won with the killer only getting on average maybe 4 hooks. We weren't even running many meta perks either. I'd say there was a NOED in probably 90% of those matches which is pretty wild. I'd also say on average nearly half the total hooks in those matches were just from NOED alone at end game and with camping.

    MMR has made it pretty un-fun for everyone right now honestly.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Interesting. Theres a slight pattern emerging from your losses and kills. It starts to appear when you get 3 wins in a row, followed by a loss and then a win following that loss. Then a large string of losses and the pattern repeats followed by a larger string of losses. The string of losses after every 11101 starts to double.

    Thats awful.

    Id say that also sums up my survivor experience as well lol

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    The issue is that survivors SBMM only counts escaping as a win. Honestly, any game with 2+ escapes is a win for the survivors, even if it doesn't feel that way for the one who dies.

    Maybe MMR gains for survivors should be tied at least somewhat to what they did that match. Right now, nobody seems to be satisfied unless they personally escaped, even if it was a 3-out.

    Flip a coin 10 times.

    Record how many times it landed on 'heads' and 'tails'. Chances are it'll be pretty uneven. This may mean that the coin is unbalanced, but it probably means you just need to flip more.

    Flip it 100 times. Your results should be closer to 50/50.

    Do it a thousand times and it'll be closer again.

    The phrase of the day is 'sample size'.

    While SBMM definitely has it's quirks, and sometimes puts you up against unsuitable opponents, over time your MMR should stabilize in a place where you are escaping as much as you are dying. It just might take a while.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Lmao. It's kind of difficult to find one "weak" person in chases with the new SBMM. Literally every survivor is on their A game when once they decide your SBMM is high on a certain killer. It's absolutely funny that they think this is balanced. You chase one survivor for a bit, see it isn't worth it. Break off to chase someone else. Same thing. So you basically go after one person and then 2-3 gens pop before a single hook.

  • mugele2
    mugele2 Member Posts: 4

    "in the new system I am grade Gold I." This is nothing to do with anything.

    It should prevent questions about my grade and the old rank 10-12 should give you some information about my skill level.

    "Get better?"

    Do you think, I get easier killers, if I get a bit better? I don't think so. Probably I get better killers as now. I think my expirience will not be better than now, if I became a bit better.


    No, it's not always me, who get tunneled. 2/3 of theese trials was 4K and no one escaped.

    My point is, I don't get equal trials. One side is completely dominant and most often it is the killer. Often I can predict my result even before my first chase. It becomes boring. I understand, why people start disconnecting or killing themselfes on the first hook. There is no fun. If DbD continues on this way, IMHO it would loose a lot of players.

    "Well it's working then... they said they want survivors to escape about half your matches and that's whats happening here."

    If you think 12/38 is the half... And look at the last 14 digits: 00010110111010000001110100000000000010. That was not fun.

    "I played a 4 man SWF..."

    Maybe I should play in an SWF and not longer with randoms... OK! This might be a way to survive more often.

    "MMR has made it pretty un-fun for everyone right now honestly."

    At the very beginning it was better... Now it is bad, I think.

    "as lots of high MMR killers have stopped playing killer because of how bad MMR is which is now getting lower MMR killers forced against those high MMR survivors."

    OK! Thanks for that explanation. Now I understand what is going on.

    Most probably I would continue to play DbD, but only in a SWF.