When Survivors are dedicated to Holding M1. Judge my gameplay

Honestly I don't what I could have done in this scenario really if survivors just want to hold M1. My first chase ended relatively quickly but they knew that doing the middle generator was the optimal so they targeted it first. Had I known that all three of them were doing that generator I probably wouldn't have slapped that survivor on the basement.
Admittedly I made a mistake overcommitting on the Nea in retrospective at three minutes but at the time I truly believe I could have downed her right there but she played distance right and would have gotten the pallet regardless since there's also dead hard.
I thought Survivors would have at least healed so I thought can afford to at least invest some time on chasing but in hindsight they were just pumping generators lol. But I believe I would have lost regardless since all the resources on the map are still intact and generators had progress throughout. They did a great job splitting and doing one generator each.
4:38 is basically where I realized I screwed up and these guys know what to Gen to prioritize and it's also shortly after that I realized that the everyone was split out across the map and was doing one generator each.
By the end I knew I lost the match spectacularly and I probably could have gotten a 4K if I farmed orbs at the end to one shot the Claudette but I didn't bother. I knew I lost the game and all they did by the end was messing around so I didn't sweat hard. Did an M1 and let them do a reset. Game was over at 6 minutes really.
I don't blame the survivors at all for how they played that's just the nature of the game really, I was in their shoes as well lots of times. That's just what happens when everyone is just repairing generators and I had done this to a lot of killers too where generators popping left and right.
They weren't Toxic either so it's all in good fun so this isn't a video calling them out.
What did you guys think what should have I done in this scenario? I think it's pretty easy to give hints in retrospective but inside the match I didn't know I was screwing up that badly.