I'm starting to think there should be requirements before you start repairing generators

Second hook in the entire game by the way and the Huntress downed people relatively quick like I would say 30-40 seconds and threw about two pallets in that entire game collectively. Got downed trying to greed pallets.
This was a Huntress and she just resorted to proxy camping the hook.
Honestly who would have thought that a Killer can't chase 4 survivors across the whole map from doing one generator each. This is also Solo Q and everyone was just gen happy.
The huntress also had no Ruin or Corrupt but this is still ridiculous to watch lol.
They need to do something about spawns and maps.
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They should make a school map.
Edit: I’m an idiot.
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I said this like a year ago once but they really should start giving Shroud of binding as an offering to killer and make it Yellow rarity. It's an outdated offering since a Killer wants Survivors spawning together. But instead they get an offering that spawns survivors separately instead which is the direct opposite of what you want.
Maps do need fixing.
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I think it should take a 1-2 second action to officially start repairing a generator and stop its regression. Seeing survivors literally instantly tap a generator with their index finger mid-chase and the regression magically stops just looks really really silly. I think all you need is a short action to start repairs to make it a bit more realistic without significantly changing game balance. You could even, once that action is taken, apply that 1-2 second amount of time to the progress bar immediately to avoid unintentionally making gens take noticeably longer to complete on average. (It would still be a very minor buff for the killer in some scenarios, such as when you are chasing someone around a small loop that has a regressing generator next to it, but that’s about it.)
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I made a topic about gen tapping being very obnoxious and people have suggested that yeah there should be a prerequisite like 1-2 second to disable regression and there should be like a 8% regression on kicking a generator. They might need to decrease the regression on Pop so it'll be more in line with that buff but that would be fine.
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I don’t think there should be offerings that effect spawn in the first place. Survivors should just always spawn together.
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That's why I run Overcharge alot......if they try to tap a Gen Mid chase they will regress it even more. But that still doesn't stop them all the time because SOMEHOW they can make the save midchase.....
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Also Dragon’s Grip could be funny in that scenario. 😄
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I think overcharge is useless cause once survivors tap it, they'll be prepared for it again.
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I once thought survivors need to pick up one of oil cans over the map before repairing generators.
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Yeah but it will stop them from tap and running. But that's why I said it won't always work.