Myers stalking through a hook

Why is there still no fix for this and I have no choice but to get face camped to death?
You know so much about the game though, remember? More than me. How are you getting camped to death? You're so good.
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Because it's an exploit people are doing? Can't be unhooked by other survivors.
Pretty funny that you're so salty about a previous interaction that you went ahead and brought this up haha. That's some post game chat salt level didn't expect it to see in the forum.
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Nah. Just thought it was funny and a bit ironic.
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Ironic about what? Pointing out an exploit they should be fixing? That has existed for quite a while now even before this patch?
If anything just proved that I was right in our previous interaction. Most people don't know how the game works :^)
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why you think facecamping is exploit?
hooks can't hide survivors its not that fat
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Because this is TRUE face camping. This is not any regular face camping.
I don't have problems with face camping Killers got to do what killers got to do.
Myers can go inside the hook preventing survivors from unhooking. It's an exploit.
If you think any killer should be close to that hook because no.
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Fill me in, what happened?
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He said hope's 7% movement speed was slow. I said it was pretty fast and most people don't know how the game works and disregarded that 7% increased in movement speed is HUGE in gaining distance. Imagine that speed against a 110 ms killer and that's almost half a normal killer's ms
Instead of making any rebuttals and supporting his argument he instead opted to just scoffing at me and ended the conversation there.
Few days later he's here making post game chat level salt on a Thread addressing a problematic exploit.
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No his stalking exploit. People need to read.
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That's not true at all. If you're going to tell the story then tell the truth. I said I thought, and many others, that Hope isn't worth running because the haste add is too low and there are better perks. Why lie to make yourself look better? That's sad... But considering how you act, I'm not surprised. You then said you know so much about the game, talked like I know nothing, and came off as a giant snob. I see you on here today complaining and I thought it was ironic, since you're such a beast at DbD. None of this surprises me though. You seem like a know-it-all with an ego anyways.
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He stalks to go inside a hook because there is no collision when stalking, preventing survivors from unhooking because the killer is directly inside the survivor's hook.
Admittedly I should have worded the topic better but eh. I hope that clarifies it.
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You said hope speed is a joke a.k.a slow. How am I lying?
You said this. Lmfao
I disagree it's not a joke and people who says otherwise have no idea how the game works. You have yet to make any rebuttals as to why and again just opted to scoffing at me instead of supporting your argument.
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The rebuttal is I don't think it's worth taking up a slot. How are you constantly missing this? I originally said let's agree to disagree to be respectful. You can lmfao on. Not worth the agitation. It's sad that people can't understand not everyone will agree with them. Disagree and move on. Be respectful.
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And I disagreed that haste speed isn't a joke. How are you missing this this? Any more speed addition just to warrant a perk slot is flat out breaking the chase dynamic.
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Yes you can't. Confirmed and tested.
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I have to agree with the other guy. I don't think that only 7% haste at end game is worth a perk slot when you can get more value out of other perks the whole match.
This is excluding a build with hope synergy of course.
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Ok. You disagreed. I got that part. That's why I said let's agree to disagree and move on, yesterday.
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7% is huge and is absolutely worth the perk slot, You can make pseudo infinites with this. Problem is 2 minutes is short and is situational. Killer needs to be on you as soon as all five generators are done.
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Thank you. You're not the only one that thinks Hope isn't worth a slot. It doesn't matter if you agree with me though, according to Myla. Myla will tell you she knows more than you then ignore what you have to say. She's so witty. I've never seen someone so angry that someone else thinks Hope isn't good enough. Also, it doesn't even last the whole end game, just 2 minutes.
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Thats kind of my point you'll almost never get close to 2 minutes of value and it only activates when the gates are powered alot of other perks would get way more value way more often over hope.
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Already did they don't care. I also reported it to Otzdarva himself to get it known from any of bhvr's team. He said it's reported and I don't need to worry.
This is prior to the new patch dropping so this bug is still available and seems like there's no urgency to fix it at all since this bug is still pretty unknown. They only move when lots of people know about this like infinite mending legion where they immediately disabled his addons.
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Seems like a time problem and not the haste itself?
Which is the point.
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You don't have a point. You're all over the place. Continue using Hope and let others use something else without belittling people and acting like a know-it-all. You can have the last word. You're the type that needs it for self validation.
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If you make it to long it will be used to hold the game hostage because of making those infinites. If anything maybe a second effect like seen the exit gates no limit or fast exit gate opening.
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Come back when you have rebuttals and stop cluttering my thread on an important issue. thanks.
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Again seems like the haste isn't the problem and something else which is the point. People pointing out the haste is the problem has no idea how the game works.
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The point is the perks not worth taking over alot of other perks in this context yes 7% is trash because that's all you get and only when the game is over. Now if it was 7% all game it would be busted. I'm all for hope buffs though.
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That exploit is terrible and I'm sure it's just an oversight. They may not have a good way to fix it either... but I remember they fixed the issue with clairvoyance and collision detection a while back... maybe they could do that here.
That is some next level camping too...
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I heard this was already a thing years ago but was fixed. For some reason it resurfaced again which isn't anything new really with this game.
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First of all, can you keep your discussions to the threads in question - without taking other threads off topic.
Secondly, if you think you've found a bug (such as Myers being able to facecamp in this manner), please make a report in the Bug reporting section of the forum, as this isn't intended.