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PC - Clipping "Flight on the wind" outfit - The Plague

etms51 Member Posts: 625

Description: When i click on "The Archives" button on the main menu, the game shows various challenges and i click on the "Rift" tab. Here i can see more rewards about the Rift. If i click on the ">" button, i see the page 8 of this Rift. I click on this outfit called as "Flight on the wind" , and i can see the plague. Here I move towards the back of "The Plague", and I see that you can see the purple piece of the dress that overlaps with the gauze of the head. (Video 1)

Step by Step:

1)Launch the game

2)I click on the "The Archives" button on the main menu

3)Here i can see more different challenges and i click on the "Rift" tab.

4)Here i can see more rewards about the Rift.

5) If i click on the ">" button, i see the page 8 of this Rift

6) I click on this outfit called as "Flight on the wind" , and i can see the plague.

7)Here I move towards the back of "The Plague", and I see that you can see the purple piece of the dress that overlaps with the gauze of the head. (Video 1)


  • Killer: The Plague
  • Outfit: "Flight on the wind" body + "The plague" head
  • Frequency of the issue: Always
  • Version game: v. 5.4.0


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