Artist Power Clarification
It is my understanding, as per the power text, that if you hit someone with a Dire Crow within it's "Arrow" path it will injure them, even without being swarmed correct? If that is true, then I think it's bugged. I just had a game where I hit 3 people on the other side of a wall or pallet, well within the injure path, and all it did was swarm them. I will try to get video in another game but wanted to make sure I am not mistaken about how it's supposed to work.
I recommend the video of OtzDarva about the power of the killer, from 8 meters it reveals the survivors and before 8 meters, the raven hits the survivor
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It has to be a direct hit with the crow at close range. If the crow passes through any object it will only swarm, or damage an already swarmed survivor.
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It's not only about range. You need to have clear path, so any objects like wall etc. will result only with swarm.
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Ahhh that's not made very clear in the power description. Interesting. Thanks.