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General Discussions

Is smurfing with a low mmr friend back again?

Member Posts: 1,551
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

Just something I noticed.

I thought they fixed this like a year ago where the matchmaking would prioritize the highest ranked in the party or in this case the highest MMR? Is it broken again?

The killer was new to the game and shouldn't be getting into this type of matches. Had like 100 below hours.

This isn't an isolated case as well. It's something very obvious when I'm playing alone I get competent killers but when I play with somebody the amount of baby killers is just unreal. If you can't confirmed their hours on their steam profile they usually have incomplete builds like this one and also not attempting any form of mind game.

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  • Member Posts: 8,077

    One of the devs responded in my MMR thread yesterday and explained this.

    Basically what happens is that a super high MMR party waits for a long time in queue, people dodge them and eventually it'll just throw them essentially the next killer around as a sort of snack.

    There are also definitely SWFs that smurf their ratings down (I'm sure everyone has encountered the groups that immediately run to you and suicide on hook)., especially as these SWFs tend to be the absolute most abusive types. I literally just had one who 99% the final gen and refused to end, instead wanting to show off their bodyblocking/sabo skills and how strong medkits+COH are for 30 soul-crushing minutes until I finally gave up and AFKed, after which they informed me that they were reporting me for 'non-participation'.

    I'd love to know how many new killers run into this crap and just never return to the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    I mean this is a match recorded on peak hours where the Survivor queues are instant at daytime.... I played alone afterwards and the difference in killers are night and day. I was actually thinking that Ruin and Undying is steadily getting less usage but it turns out people still use it all the time when I'm alone.

    I do get that matchmaking just throws around anyone if the queues are long though it's something I theorized about and I guess that's confirmed now.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I see this crap at peak more - as there are more survivors queued at high MMR, more dodges and just not enough killers to go around.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Sounds like an Uroboros concept. New killers get stomped and refuse to play. Then it's even less killers, so range of stomping increase.

  • Member Posts: 1,551
    edited December 2021

    Actually I hard disagree about this. A good chunk of my win streaks as a Killer are at day time. Night time is basically where Navy seals are awake.


    Which isn't surprising since a lot of my Friends do in fact play at Night after coming back from work lol

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Morning = crazy Spanish, Chinese and Russian premades.

    Night = navy seal types.

    The issue is that MMR is creating a perpetual chain of stomps for some people, as when you become a 'snack' killer, you don't lose MMR.

  • Member Posts: 421

    It's currently the group average, they confirmed this yesterday. They also said something about group MMR, see second to last bullet point here:

    I'm not sure if taking the highest MMR is the obvious, easy fix, particularly if the MMR difference is larger. What makes you sure that a single actually good person can make up for three bad players.

    And then you'd have to make sure that you don't create an artificially high demand of high MMR killers. When there are too many high MMR survivor groups and not enough high MMR killers then the matchmaker will sooner or later assign some of the high MMR groups to a lower MMR killer to get a game going, and if it then chooses to hand down groups of four super experienced actual high MMR survivors to a mid MMR killer, and give the group of the experienced survivor who plays with his three friends who just bought the game to one of the sought after high MMR killers, that's not optimal either.

    In the case of a 3SWF queuing, it would also be unfair to the solo survivor if there's just one other survivor of his and the killer's MMR.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Matchmaking doesn't work. Plain and simple. And it's nothing to do with SWF.

    I started a fresh account a few weeks ago. By my second match as killer, with only 2 perks (thanks, tutorial bloodpoints!), I was already facing survivors with stacked meta perks.

    It takes an absurd amount of time to unlock teachables, and these guys had teachables from as many as four different survivors to the ones they played. That requires leveling 4 separate characters and the one you're playing up. It takes roughly a million BP to go from level 1 to 40, so we can assume that they must have spent a minimum of 5 million BP. Say you average 20,000BP a match. That's 250 matches.

    250 matches of experience vs literally one prior to this match. Granted, I had a lot of prior experience and still won, but imagine a new player gets a lucky 4K in their first game. Now they're facing considerably more experienced survivors. Why? There's plenty more new players joining the game. This shouldn't be happening.

    And on my main account, I dodged a lobby a couple of days ago as The Artist - a killer I have played for 5 matches - because I saw survivors with 4000 and 6000 hours in-game (according to Steam) that I've faced on other killers before and know to be very good. I re-queued and got a lobby with survivors who had 200 hours at the most and got a relatively easy 4K. Same killer, same MMR, wildly different survivors.

    Say what you will about the emblem/rank system, but it put new/inexperienced players alongside new/inexperienced players for the most part. Sure, the skill disparity at the old red ranks was huge, but all it needed was more ranks added (simple enough to do) and a stricter rank reset (like we used to have), and matchmaking would have been a lot more reasonable. Instead, new killers get fed to the wolves with this current system. If I was new to the game now, I wouldn't want to play killer. Ever.

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