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Tired of Haddonfield offerings

Survivors really try as hard as they can to make the game as easy as possible for them when it is already easy. They try and force me to go to blatantly one-sided maps and expect me not to just close app during the loading screen. Honestly just cringe when I see a strode key or badham offering and it's an EZ close app.

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  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Don't DC, the penalty's just going to keep going up and you lose more time than if you just open the damn gate as soon as it's possible.

    If you send me somewhere miserable and bad for whoever I'm playing and start tryharding, I'm just going to become a scenery feature. There, there's the win you're trying so hard for. Are super easy wins fun? Because you can have one.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    I just try to get fast down and camp from first hook. I don't really do it for Haddonfield, it's not that painfull after that basement window was removed, but I hate RPD.

  • Member Posts: 51

    I don't actually get a penalty if I close app during the loading screen so I just have to load the game back up which takes a little bit due to console.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Forgot about RPD oh god, I hate Badham more than Haddonfiled but whenever I get haddonfield as killer the survivors get the best setups regardless of the god window removal.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Haddonfield can be awful on M1 killers, but at least they finally broke the frigging infinite. It's the #1 map I dread seeing, and one of the big reasons why all of my 'main' killers either have an anti-loop, traversal or location abilities. If I get an offering on Pig, it's one of those 'can I just AFK this one?'.

    Badham...I have no idea why this hasn't been fixed outside of dumb breakable walls. It's still possible to get hook spawns where it's impossible to hook survivors downed in some places unless you've preemptively broken the right wall. Plus endless dumb loops and tiles.

    I'm surprised you didn't note Grim Pantry either, which has bad hooks and the same dumb RNG tiles, generally involving a 'poglog' near the paddleboat.

    Cowshed is another nightmare.

    Honestly, about 2/3 of the maps in this game are at least moderately survivor sided and tend to mostly test 'did you play the right killer?' more than anything else.

    I still struggle. The fact that survivors can vault out of a building, have almost complete map vision and immediately get back to a gen - all while being totally safe is frustrating, before you factor in the massive pallets, predictable gen spawns...ugh.

    RPD has...grown on me. I still don't enjoy it much, but I've got a feel for the geometry now and if I basically stake out all the central gens I can do okay - and the silly geometry hurts survivors just as much (so many bonus hook stages while they work out how to get to that survivor).

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Only thing that is good on RPD are totem spawns. Hex builds are usually really good there.

    If that map is from offering I just go no mercy and camp, where I usually have option to block one entry, so survivors have it harder to unhook.

    If that map is random, I usually play it same as Azarov's Resting Place. I chose 1 side with more gens + main hall gen and never leave.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah that's not far from my strat. I'll only camp when someone BMs or it's EOGC but I'll tunnel like a demon.

    For me, it depends on who I'm playing.

    Hag and Demo I can usually make a plan. Pig or Cenobite? Urgh.

  • Member Posts: 561
    edited December 2021

    I agree the map was extremely strong when it came out, all windows open, lots of pallets and infinite loops, right now 95% of the windows are closed and the only ones that remain are the ones on the 2nd floors that are basically not that bad since the killer doesn't get stunned like a survivor does after the fall, basically an advantage for the killer unless you have balanced landing, on top of that a lot of pallets have been removed and some of them are not even loops but loop extenders (the ones behind houses) the only good windows that are left are the ones on the house that has the generator in the basement and can be ignored.

    I've talked to some friends who play killer and most of them told me that they no longer have this map ''blacklisted'' as a strong survivor map as they have consistently won with 4k's even with slow this point complaining about this map is more of a ritual that some people still do (since it was pretty normal to complain about it like 2-3 years ago) instead of actually being an acceptable argument.

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited December 2021

    Twins are kinda broken on RPD. There are some hooks, where you can block entry with Charlotte while annoying survivors as Victor.

  • Member Posts: 1,607
    edited December 2021

    Force quitting the program during a match loading won't trigger a DC penalty because the game never started. You'll just lose your offering and possibly add ons. Personally, I have gotten constant map offerings but it's not haddonfield. It's almost always Ormond or Red forest.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    It's still one of those maps that's too big (oddly enough, it's one of the largest maps in the game, but it doesn't look it), and it might as well be named Screw Your Sightlines still.

    Have the wrong killer and it'll take forever to get into what the game actually wants to consider a chase.

    That, and the gen spawns are basically guaranteed to be spread out. It's still bad in a lot of ways.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Cowshed is absolute hell and I have no idea why they didn't fix it when they updated the coldwind maps. I've never had much of an issue with Grim pantry even though it is definitely a strong map but I generally do quite well on this map. But Haddon, cowshed and Badham are wildly unbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 561
    edited December 2021

    It's big sure, its the size of ormond, but it compensates with the fact it doesn't even have jungle gyms or TL walls, and again 95% windows blocked, most pallets removed, at this point the only factor that I could say is still a valid argument is that generators are well spread and the map is big so slow killers have a bad time getting from 1 generator to another.

    There is literally almost nothing left on haddonfield, with almost all windows closed, no jungle gyms, no TL walls, and the size of the map is a lot less of what most people make it out to be since the edges of the map tend to have nothing so I would count a lot of that ground of the map unusable since you are not gonna go to the corner of the map or the edges since there is nothing to loop there and people tend to stay near pallets and pallets are placed near buildings at the center, and sometimes even haddonfield can spawn with a big dead zone, Seriously at this point its a sheeple effect, people hear veteran killers talk about haddonfield and new killers just follow the idea...

    Most maps have their statistics show something like 160 square feet or something like that but if you take out the edges and the big dead zones that are actally unusuable the statistics of most maps would shrink a lot. (I dont have a haddonfield screenshot but I use this as an example)

  • Member Posts: 968

    i prefer that map rather than badham to be honest

    🤔depends of the RNG

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Right I'll just find the basement and sit down there or stare ate the police lights trying to find Waldo. Last time I tried on that map I got 2K and that's only because the survivors got greedy and made a mistake.....AT THE OPENED EXIT DOOR

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Honestly, I don't think Badham is as bad as most people say, or at least it didn't use to be. Though its OG version (when there was just one, that is important) is my second-favorite map in the game, so I am a little biased.

    As for Haddonfield, I understand it is difficult when Survivors send you there, but...If I was playing in the current state of things, I would definitely take it over RPD or The Game.

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