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Spirit going into Billy level of obscurity

Member Posts: 1,551

I legit have not seen a Good spirit or a Spirit doing well ever since her Nerf. Ripo.

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  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I want to play her, but to do that I would have to do endless level grinding. Though I don't think that would help your desire for good Spirits. :T

  • Member Posts: 453

    I'll play some spirit today, she's still good. Might spice it up with some prayer beads so my movement can't be tracked as easy.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I'm doing fine with her.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    May she rest in piece, then.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I never seen her even before the nerf, now its more, maybe once in 50 games?

    She is not scary like blight or nurse anymore so people playing other killers instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    But it's especially bad in this one. Even after the Nurse nerf. You can still see God nurses here and there on a lucky day. But the pick rate on Spirit is noticeably low at least from my experience and haven't seen a Good spirit after the nerf. Bizarre really.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    The good Freddy players were removed along with the second nerf to his power. Hence why I said he fell off.

    The good Spirit players? @TheGannMan you've been called.

    The good Billy players? Overheat. The only thing that needed a change were InstaSaw and they gutted the whole killer. Idiotic idea and I wish they'd get rid of it again.

    Also I like you bringing up Billy despite me never mentioning him in my original comment. Really relevant there

  • Member Posts: 670

    Like I've said, they should revert her collision nerf so both sides now have equal amount of information

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Idk, I still see them once in a while.

    For me it goes something like Plague-Doctor-Deathslinger-Spirit-Blight not particularly in that order but.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    "Nurse got a massive swing of the Hammer and down she went, taking both good and terrible Nurses down with her (good players couldn't deal with the bugs, bad players couldn't be asked now they no longer had 4 blinks without downsides, or old OmegaBlink:tm: to basically guarantee wins)."

    Hey so I've highlighted something that might be relevant to your comment hope you enjoy

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Blight. I just played a match against a blight that walked backwards. I’m assuming that’s what people call Lag flick. There are more things to do with him that controller players cant. I really hope he gets a fix so both console and pc are on par with this killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,826

    I don't see her much but I've been playing her and I've had fun.

  • Member Posts: 267

    I still play her from time to time and i think she is still a decent killer. Mindgames and fakes still work around small loops because most survivors don't trust their reaction time. Mothers Daughter Ring + Dried Cherry Blossom is hands down the best add-on combination on her especially against Iron Will gamers.

    However just like most killers she sucks to play on the new map.

  • Member Posts: 16,664
    edited December 2021

    For Nurse, it is true. Otz even had a video on his channel just a few days ago stating that 3 Blinks Nurse is easy mode. And back in the day 3 Blinks were way more common.

    I also see a good share of Nurse players nowadays, not as many as before the Nerf, but more than the first few months after her Nerf.

    When it comes to Spirit, she plays roughly the same. She is even easier than before, if you use MDR and the Cherry Blossom, the game plays for you at this point.

    And regarding Billy, I still think that not the Overheat killed his playerbase. It was already dropping when they changed his animations before they added Overheat and nerfed the Add Ons. And up to this day Billy does not feel the same as before, his animations and FoV are different. The latter can be somewhat fixed with Shadowborn, but I totally get why someone does not want to run Shadowborn on Billy just to feel a little bit more like "old Billy".

    Also his collision is so annoying. I played tons of Billy before the Nerf and since they changed the animations, I played a lot less, simply because he felt so much different.

    (But also his Add Ons before were really making him easier. Billy should never had Chargetime Add Ons and his Cooldown-Add Ons made it almost not punishing to miss chainsaw hits... Let alone allowing him to change from mobility to chase way faster than nowadays)

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    I see Spirits still. I am on the fence about her nerf.

    However, I do not think the community's reaction to the Deathslinger nerf is an exaggeration at all. That man was straight up assassinated.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited December 2021

    (Message deleted because i misunderstood what you were saying. Ignore me lol)

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Spirit has probably just regressed to the mean in terms of pick rate. Prior to her nerf I think she was one of the most popular characters at higher ranks. Now she’s probably the same popularity as most of the rest of the killers in the game. And since there’s almost 30 killers so far if most of the killers are picked evenly you’ll only see a specific one at most every 30 or so games on average.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    No because now I'm curious as to what you said originally 🧍

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    You missed Billy losing instasaw and old cracked Billy.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I miss old Billy so even the people that spammed those addons have my respect 😔

    Also InstaSaw was nowhere near as prevalent as OmegaBlink, Multi-Blink, Forever Freddy, or YakuRing Stridor Spirit. He has a pass

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    You know, I found it hilarious that the same logic isn't applied for survivors (dead hard it's a valid example)... A killer is strong even if they aren't streamers over 5000 hours that use her/him? Nerf...

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I’ve been trying to tell people Spirit is fine but they don’t listen and would rather not play her and take the time to learn her. Maybe she really didn’t take skill before and takes a ton of skill now.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    I personally don't think nurse is that hard to play. I played her for like 10 thinking ok im probably not getting any kills this game. That didn't happen I was hitting the majority of my blinks and left with a bunch of 4ks. I personally find huntress harder then nurse but that could be because I'm on console.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I'm still seeing Spirits and they're doing fine. And MDR is still busted; it doesn't matter that you know what direction she's coming from if she's moving at the speed of a freight train.

  • Member Posts: 705

    I enjoy winning. If I know I'm making it harder for myself needlessly, i'm not having fun. I'm in it to win it; my opponents should feel pressured and a trash Killer can't do that without extreme effort and even then it's unlikely you'll get a clean win without some luck on your side or extremely bad Survivors. It's Nurse for me all day, every day; what I can accomplish with her is only limited by my skill.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    You say that like I don't want BT, IW, and DH nerfed 🧍

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Tldr i thought those examples where you basically saying the same thing for billy. People only played him for the addons. Which probably a lot did. But some others really just liked his base power. And after removing the addons the problem would be solved. But they just wanted to go further. And hit him hard. So billy unlike those examples lost so much power and playability. He can still be as strong. But hes just boring and buggy. Like people always meme about reverts. But i fully stand behind a billy partial one.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    freddy needed different changes than the ones he got, i stand by giving him some power back and making him feel less clunky

    billy needed about 3 add-ons changed. he deserves so much better

  • Member Posts: 352

    I think that Nurse was the excepetion because she still has the strongest base kit. Pretty much every Nurse either runs double recharge to cancel the cooldown mechanic or range + one recharge, which it's still pretty good. An extra blink add-on is nutty, but i'd argue it's more fun to have strong things in the game than meme stuff that nobody is gonna use. The old version of Torn Bookmark could literally make her worse than not having it, which didn't make sense.

    Spirit nerf is another weird balance decision because Ring and Cherry Blossom pretty much turns her into a different killer, so if you still see a Spirit now, it's just a guy with these two add-ons.

    As for Billy, maybe the janked collisions are also a victim of spaghetti code just like the buggy animations, but yeah, even base kit he felt better to play. It's a mistery why BHVR doesn't bother fixing this stuff even though they said that they know about it.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    As someone who grew up as a Billy main, and who's still one at least in the heart, overheat really isn't much of a concern, especially since they re-balanced engravings. Sure, it's a mechanic that is kinda there, but it rarely gets into play except when being exceedingly greedy for chainsaws that really aren't there. When everyone mentions overheat it feels almost as they still think it's the same as it was in the ptb.

    Imho, the reason Billy has disappeared is that Bubba is objectively better almost across the entire board and even a blindfolded bonobo could play as him. The fact the reworks happened at the same time kinda sealed the deal. Now, I could go in detail about why he's better, but I'd digress.

  • Member Posts: 513

    Good, I might just dust off my spirit and start playing her again.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    just because he's outclassed doesn't mean we can't want them to revert unnecessary things that effectively took the remaining part of his playerbase and sliced it to pieces

  • Member Posts: 370

    I haven't seen a single killer playing well for weeks now beside some nurses.

    All killers that win at my MMR are winning because they camped/tunneled and other survivors are trying to help. When they play fair, they never win, they barely have 1 kill.

    In chases they are terrible, completely braindead in common jungle gyms, their mindgame are phoned most of the time... and they barely catch me, they often change target...

    The skill level is insanely low atm.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    At least she is still a top tier, don't know what people are going on about

    Billy got a proper shafting

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    That's what happens when you nerf a killer because casuals couldn't deal with them.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    I seen some Blights with God flicks beside some God Nurses. Maybe some camping killers that got rewarded a 3-4k because randoms are way too altruistic for their own good and generator stopped progressing lol.

  • Member Posts: 618

    The old nurse was dumb, but both multi blinks and omega nurse was fault of the devs and their poor design decisions and changes. However instead of just removing those problematic parts they added the most annoying and unnecessary mechanic ever, literary just like billy's overheat.

    Forever Freddy wasn't even that good, the only reason why he had such success is because most survivors are trash and not efficient with gens. If you do the math, the slowdown his addons were providing was pretty much minimal, a few extra seconds.

    Old spirit, despite how powerful in chase she was, still could have been countered with efficient gens and hold W. Except for when she ran ultra rare ring, which is still the same anyway. And Stridor was only ever useful vs Iron Will, to give spirit chance to play vs survivors who have it (and usually at least 2 survivors run this perk it every game).

    Now you know where exactly Spirit is during her phase and if you don't ######### up, there is no chance she gets you, unless of course she runs mother-daugher ring. It's not that people were thinking they were gods with her, it's the fact that the way she was nerfed just makes it insanely much easier for survivors to counter her. She is now just basic loopable killer with extra movement speed, which is really her only advantage now. And if survivor has Iron will, well then spirit has next to 0 control over the chase and the game, just like every non-meta killer which is majority.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Spirit is just Wraith before he got nerfed.

    Change my mind

  • Member Posts: 775

    Spirit is still good.

    Butt this only applies to players who still play her often without relying on Stridor and MDR.

    She is better than Billy at least. Even though they both got basekit and terrible addons changes.

    Stridor nerf (more like Iron Will buff), Directional sounds (which make decent survivors to safely drop pallets), huge gap between MDR and other addons, terrible new addons.

    All these caused her to lose popularity I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited December 2021

    I play Billy and just don't really noticed the overheat mechanic. I think people are way over-estimating that nerf.

    The insta-down add-ons was a pretty big nerf. (If Bubba can go from one side of the map to the other side of the map chainsawing the entire time then I don't understand why insta-down add-ons shouldn't have been kept). Overheat isn't anything.

    The yell before he sprints is stupid too.

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