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When I play killer, it's like I'm not allowed to have fun

It's always the same thing constantly.

Groups of 4, all coordinating, gen rushing, and flash light clicking. It's non stop every game.

Everyone has decisive. Everyone had borrowed time. Everyone is bringing toolkits or medkits. Boons are constantly going off.

Like, im sorry to ######### and moan. But I use to usually get at least 2 or 3, even 4 kills a game. But after all these boons came out, and everyone always using the same damn perks I can't keep up with it.

Whose idea was it to have a boom that gave everyone Unbreakable? I can't even slug if there's a boom out now cause oh they're back up and now I have to find the Totem and nope there goes another gen.

Honestly, I just had a game where I got my first down and two gens popped at once. I had just been there, they weren't close to done but when I leave for ten seconds they're all over them like flies.

I'm just getting sick of it. Like im being punished for wanting to play and have fun but I'm always stressed out when I'm the killer.

Playing survivor on the other hand, feels incredibly broken and boring. There's so many ways to heal up and get going again, places to hide right, so many pallets to stun the killer with and all I can think about is...

The Devs have given killers the biggest 'F' off in any game. Balanced? No, everything is sided for the Survivors now that it's not even remotely fair.

Like, how am I supposed to get rid of 4 boon totems, which the last game had, find them, protect my gens, and stop them all at once?

I'm not. I'm supposed to roll over play dead and let the SWF groups call me a #########, loser, tell me I suck all of that all the damn time.

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  • Member Posts: 4,335

    My advice, stop sweating, I did and my games are chill as hell.

    I think if you want to sweat, face the sweats. Let us chills play each other.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    You either skirted around the question, or you're saying that you find fun it survivors use the perks you want them to...?

    So, again, what is fun to you?

  • Member Posts: 619
    edited December 2021

    I feel you as a killer player. However, your gripe is with SWF survivors, not solos. I’m always solo and it’s a nightmare. I get “tunneled” constantly. I get camped all the time. I usually get incompetent teammates. Killer and solo play needs something to make it better.

  • Member Posts: 619

    To be fair, killer should feel power. It’s the supposed power role.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah I play for thematic fun myself.

    when I play survivor I want to fear for my life. I want the threat of elimination to be constant and immediate and frankly it’s not.

    Its so easy to heal up now that if you can get the killer to drop chase, which they often do because they have to spread pressure, then you can Uber heal up and be right back into the game in seconds. It’s too much. I rarely sneak around the map anymore I just run everywhere because I can.

    As killer I want to feel like the monster, survivors should flee, feel pressured. It’s up to me to create that pressure but the game mechanics often make it very hard to do so. Also with it being so forgiving, survivors are bold to the point of annoyance. It doesn’t feel right and often isn’t fun.

    I don’t want to play competitive loopy chase but I’m often forced to. It’s why I want custom game bots. I can kill them as underhandedly and dirty as possible and no one is gonna melt down at me post game about it or try to ruin my game experience by being obnoxious in game.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I am sure you are still killing plenty so do not sweat the defeats. As soon as you start caring or expecting a specific result DBD surprises you.

    Become the SWF hunter and equip Iron grasp, Agitation, Starstruck, and Lightborn.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    because that’s survival horror. I’d rather die thematically than run circles around the big bad guy.

    Weak antagonists make for lacklustre games, ######### movies and bad stories.

    Yeah my biggest gripe with dbd is the fact it’s pvp only. I hate pvp because nine times out of ten you’re online with giant man babies that you would never choose to play with if you had the choice.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Playing the game and using the perks provided by the game is not being toxic. Sure, body blocking, getting blinded in multiple ways, having the hook you're going to get sabo'd and having the unhooked person body block with BT active on them when you're obviously going for someone else is annoying/frustrating, but none of that is toxic. They all have counters. Starstruck will completely remove body blocking from your games. Make Your Choice will help to a lesser extent as well. Lightborn is fantastic when you see multiple flashlights in a lobby, it's even better if you turn your face to the side when they try to blind you so they don't suspect you have it and keep them wasting time.

    While I do think killers need some love, mainly in tile design and maps (they need to shrink some of the huge ones), your complaints are not that big of a deal. Really, just running Lightborn or Franklins seems like it would fix half of your problems.

    The only thing toxic survivors can do is t-bag, point after they pallet stun you, wait at the gate in order to just waste your time and then t-bag you when you get there, or hide and not do gens (holding the game hostage) and send you nasty comments in the chat.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Kinda funny is that I had a lot of fun with Artist, but I think it's not because of Artist, it's just because of lower MMR.

    My probably highest MMR is Nemesis and I can get 4k there sometimes, problem is those games, even when I "win" I definetly don't have feeling like I won. It's just stressful af to play there.

    and like what am I supposed to do with it? Start auto-cliker and have afk games to lower MMR? People that say just stop playing "sweaty" are really annoying me. You don't really have to play sweaty to get that high.

    My main issue is not that they are good, I used to love to play against good survivors, but CoH allow them to go for protective hits a lot over and over again. Like ######### am I supposed to do with that? Nemesis is not good for that. Before it was fine, you hit them and they will have to waste time searching for someone to heal, but that doesn't work with CoH when everyone can heal alone.

    I think tunneling is boring and I just loved to play hit&run tactic, just spreading injuries for snowball, but it just doesn't work against CoH. Have anyone found alternative other than tunneling?

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I was when we had old moris. Man I miss playing against old ebony moris. So scary. If you were hooked once you were pretty much dead. Most of the animations were great too (mostly). Even a mediocre killer could be powerful thanks to that little iri offering.

    I played a lot more survivor when there was a real threat of elimination from moris, now its a yawn fest.

    But people get upset when they get eliminated and its not fair to eliminate people quickly. Its a real bummer such a win for the balance cry babies.

    Maybe F13 and among us had the right idea, make a single queue and the killer is random. I'm not a big fan of that either but at least the killer is powerful in those scenarios and games feel threatening.

    DBD is sacrificing scare factor and horror survival theme for e-sports comp balance and it kinda sucks, because its assymetric survival horror its supposed to be hard to survive.

    I think the people who want equitable balance are the ones whom this game isn't for. It assymetric survival horror its not meant to be balanced. The more they try the more watered down the play experience gets.

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited December 2021

    Alright, so let killer have 8 perks and we are fine...

    I had so many survivors waiting near exit gate just to leave when I get there, so annyoing. Like why? Thing is that they are not even toxic in endgame chat, it's just reflex or IDK.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Sure, just make sure to make the killer to run as fast as survivors and remove their powers.

    Toxic people are going to be toxic no matter what. I don't know why, perhaps their parents didn't show them enough love. I used to wait for the killer to come to the door so I can leave them my item, if I had one, as a way to say gg, but a killer pointed out that it's still annoying and better that I just leave. So now, I just wait to make sure no one gets downed and needs rescuing. If I see the whole team and they stop to t-bag, I leave and hope the killer has NoEd and he somehow manages to get one before they get too close to the exit.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    "make the killer to run as fast as survivors and remove their powers."

    Nah, you would need 16 perks for that...

    Just you are saying there are perks for everything, but I can use 4... I have no idea how survivors are going to play, they do.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Your powers and speeds make up the difference in perks. You also have powerful iridescent add-ons that can be game changing.

    You're not supposed to know how they're going to play, just like they're not supposed to know what you're going to do. You don't need 8-16 perks. While some perks are busted (looking at dead hard and boons), the biggest issue will always be maps and how large they are and how most of them always seem set up to always benefit the survivor.

    That's what frustrated me when I used to play killer and it's why I can only play Trapper when I have the nerve to even try killer, he can at least shut down loops. Its so tiring getting looped around the same thing over and over only to have the pallet dropped and have them reset by going to another loop.

    Some lower tier killers definitely need some love and lots of killers need full reworks on their add-ons to make them less trash and more useful and fun, but really, if the devs made the maps more fair and the loops more 50/50, even the weaker killers would have a much better chance.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah and that's a ######### deisgn choice given the theme. I'll play how I feel and continue to say so in the hope they implement changes away from that thinking. They probably won't though which is a shame.

    The other solution to this is bots in custom game mode. If I'm not in a competitve mindset or basically the online coimmunity is just flat out crap (which is often is in this game), then I can still play and enjoy DBD with some solo games. Many online pvp gaves have this and it widens their market to people who don't often play pvp.

    I waited to pull the trigger on buying DBD because there was no solo play option.

    Its the reason I still play battlefront in most of its forms and F13. Because hell busting up some bots is often just fun.

    That's what its about really fun and online competitive games are often not that because people take it so seriously that anything they don't agree with in game becomes some egregious personal attack. If we balance for these competitive types we kill the theme which is the initial thing that draws people to the game.

    Balancing for 50% kill/escape rate is poor design in assymetric survival horror.

  • Member Posts: 298

    I fixed the title for you buddy:


  • Member Posts: 1,994

    And yet it is horrifically balanced in favor of survivors

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Right I play now to have fun, be silly and make the game fun for the survivors. After I started doing that the game are more fun and chill, the survivors are not so toxic, and I dont have to worry about SWF Hit Squads.

  • Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2021

    And don't forget that rankning as a killer is harder and slower. You must kill 2 at least and you can't camp them and also required you ran around and break gens and more. All just to get one charge in ranks.

    For survivor you can even be sacrificed, but if you did enough you get one charge at least.

    It would be easier if 0 kills might give you a charge in ranking too if you farmed enough points in every category

    And it's not the killer that always want to get 4K.

    it's also survivors, that think that all 4 should escape every match

  • Member Posts: 48

    Eh most decent killers still 4k at high MMR and just complain about how "hard" the survivors made it. This just seems like another one of those post tbh.

    The fact remains that if your only getting sweat squads and losing every game, your MMR is dropping significantly and you will be vsing normal players again. Most people just get stomped a couple games in a row and come to the forums to complain because someone got under their skin.

    I agree with most people when they say if you don't want to play sweaty, that's entirely up to you, however you shouldn't just be able to bring a meme fun build and win vs sweat lords. So if you want to chill, bring a chill build and just do you, if you want to bring the strongest perks In the game, go for it .

    I play killer and survivor and have my gripes about both sides, mainly map balancing and how some tiles that spawn can be way too survivor sided, which if im sweating as killer sucks but when I'm chilling it literally makes no difference how the match ends.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    That doesn't mean the game's balance isn't out of wack and completely in the survivors' favor.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    The Unbreakable type boon is very overpowered, just you wait. I once had 3 people escape only because all 4 had Unbreakable. Now they're gonna have infinite Unbreakables for 1 perk slot. It's madness.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I dunno, "stop sweating" is honestly terrible advice. Yeah, if you can completely reorient your gameplay experience around self-made objectives and wilfully ignore what the game is actually telling you to do and how you should do it, that's one way to get fun out of the game.

    But you shouldn't be put into a position where your choice is to play in a way you don't have fun, or play for hours+ losing everything until you get to somewhere you can goof off and maybe have fun, and then hope MMR is playing nice and you're not still going to get matched with people who are sweating.

    And there should really be a sweet spot where trying to win doesn't hit this yoyoing point of going from stomp -> sweatfest -> stomp -> sweatfest. Which seems to be another thing we see a lot of threads about...

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    It's an unpaid job, essentially. Having your players play the enemy role is cheaper than developing an AI.

  • Member Posts: 618

    You don't have to play sweaty to get to high mmr as a killer... You know some people are just naturally good at the game, unlike you apparently.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I think what we gotta remember is that the "Just don't play sweaty" advice doesn't help out much when MMR pushes you up whenever you get a kill. The only way to avoid getting into the sweat ranks altogether is if you play for 8 hooks and never kill anyone which is fine if you want to do that but you're a killer and you're supposed to be killing people as the main objective. At some point BHVR are gonna have to go do a sweep through all the killer and survivor perks and start buffing a lot of the lesser used ones to more viablity. At least that way you aren't pigeonholded to be running slowdown perks all the bloody time.

  • Member Posts: 4,185

    Fun fact, the devs proclaim a 2k/2e average as balance. So 2 survivor on average are expected to lose.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Thing is.. most people don't even sweat and I get sent to high mmr. I just try to have fun with blight but since he's a good killer and I'm adept with him I'm just naturally at high mmr. Yet my casual is like half my brain but apparently that's high mmr.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I had a game where I just wanted to chill with legion, with the caveat of wanting one stack of BBQ from each survivor. Normally, going out of your way to hook them already means that it will be an easy game for the survivors, because they can so gens at their leisure.

    But this one game a Dwight wouldn't have me have a hook and tried to prevent each and everyone with all the tricks in game. So I decided (BAD WORD) it and tunneled him out of the game. And while doing that, sadly the game totally turned on its head and the others interfered in my personal quest to kill this Dwight, so I accidentally got a 4k. So even a chill planned game can turn sweaty.

    This post serves no real purpose, but it's a fun anecdote.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Did you honestly just call dbd "balanced"? This game is so far from balanced its hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Wait so with no power role your say that 1 survivor should be equally as powerful as 1 killer?

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    The only thing that has worked for me is continue playing 1 shot killers, nurse and blight.

    I've been playing billy a lot again and slowly I'm having fun again if I'm not playing pallet breaking simulator ofc.

    And yeah, I also had fun as the artist probably because of low mmr but it got boring after a while.

    People don't seem to understand that some killers don't want easy wins, some want to outplay and be outplayed, not outperked.

    Hit and run was killed because of the current healing meta and sadly I do not like playing nemesis so I can't give any advice on him.

    People seem to think that you have to win 300 matches back to back to max MMR when in reality it is like win 20 matches and you can lose 10 in between.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    You said there shouldn't be a power role that means ever player in the match is on the same level.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    No, you're not.

    Do bones.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    So you used to stomp matches, and now you get either draws or losses? That means you are actually going against people what your skill level should be and don't like that you don't stomp babies anymore, you are the baby getting stomped

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    No you said it shouldn't have a power role it should be balanced. That doesn't explain anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    There's 3 pages of posts im not going to sift though them to. This game need to take in the 4v1 aspect when balancing and not the 1v1. That's the problem we have now 1 survivor is roughly equal to the killer instead of the team as a whole been equal or stronger as it should be.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I tend to play Wraith

    Faking unclocking... and running Discordance, TOTH, Whispers, (I totally forgot the last perk... LOL)

    I don't unclock all the time... I don't injure/down/hook Survivors

    I chase while in clock

    So in a way... I deny boldness and altruism

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    They have comp where the survivor runs the killer as long as possible. The problem starts when you start adding up the strength of each survivor and all 4 are way stronger then the 1 killer. The strength comings in when its how much time can 1 survivor waste. If all 4 survivors are alive and a killer gets ran for 1 minute thats 3/4 progress on 3 gens.

  • Member Posts: 19

    Just dodge any match with survivors with flashlights, killers have minimal queue times these days

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