How would a Killer Tier List look like when you first started playing DBD?

Greetings survivors, killers, and both-siders of the Fog! I hope this thread finds you doing well.
Recently, fellow Forum member @Seth__ made a post explaining his 5.4.0 Tier List and, when you see those kinds of posts, sometimes you notice how some killers are not as powerful or as weak as they were when you first started playing Dead by Daylight.
And this is exactly what I would like to discuss today. I would like to share how I think an accurate Tier List would like during the days of Patch 2.4.0, when I joined the Fog.
Without further ado, here it is:
To be completely honest, the reasoning behind each killer's position is not difficult to understand:
Nurse and Spirit really deserve a tier of their own.
High Tier starts by sharing a memory from the days when you were guaranteed to see Hillbilly quite often. It is sad to think that this is not true anymore. As for the other two, they were mostly identical to what they are today (Huntress did receive add-on changes, but it didn't really affect her position).
Mid Tier starts by finally showing everyone the truth that was always right in front of their eyes. Yes, this is Old Freddy's correct position in a Tier List, and anyone who disagrees can get a time machine and play him for themselves with the killer knowledge they have today. Next is Myers...which is pretty much the same. Followed by Old Doctor, who still retains his mid-tier position and Pig (keep in mind Pig hadn't received many nerfs back then and was still an Endgame monster).
Low Tier starts with Cannibal because of that damn movement speed penalty that always prevented him from reaching the mid-tier. Then Trapper, who only got a buff recently. Followed by the Old Wraith most people remember, due to his buff only happening recently and...Clown. I know one or two Forum members who would crucify me from placing Clown on the Low Tier, but it is what it is...
Legion is...complicated. If there is something from the past that I do not miss, you can assume that thing was bad. Legion is a perfect example, and even finding a position for him is borderline impossible. Despite being a Low Tier killer, this guy had no all. But you could still lose with him.
So I settled for a Tier of his own, though not in a fun kind of way, such as Nurse and Spirit.
And I believe that is it! This was a very refreshing post to make, and I would love to see your Tier Lists, should you choose to make one!
As always: see you in the Fog!
-Signed by GeneralV, your local Old Freddy main and 2.4.0 player.
When I first started playing DBD? Alright, here goes:
(The Trapper was the only Killer in the beta)
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I was expecting someone from the very early days to do that!
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Yeah he was 100% the weakest killer at that time. In his released PTB state he was was weaker than even on his full released. I legit remember I never lost to a PTB trickster, because he was much slower when aiming. And counted were the times I lost to a trickster before his got his new buff. I only lost to fewer than 5 times to pre-buffed trickster. Which is why I made this account to complain about how weak he was 😂
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Thinking back on it, its kinda sad lmao
pretty sure I started at 1.5.2
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Yeah, PTB Trickster and his release version were pretty weak.
But then again, most things around tgat tine were not good to begin with.
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Despite my disagreements, I love the way you made this list.
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I want to say Bubba’s rework happened after I started playing but I can’t remember. Correct me if I’m wrong.
EDIT: I just realized that Plague wasn’t on the tier list #########. I’d put her A tier.
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I don't exactly remember when I started playing, and I know this tier list is off. But this is probably the tier list I'd make if I traveled back in time and said "HEY, MAKE A KILLER TIERLIST NOW!"
Biggest Note: In hindsight I do think pre-rework Freddy is underrated, but this is based off myself from the past, he doesn't have that hindsight.
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Started playing in July 2016. Now I had a bit of a hard time with this because you have to consider that real infinites were in the game at this point. You could infinite at jungle gyms.
So even though Trapper was awful at most things, he was able to block off some infinites (even though it really wasn't much help). He also excelled at proxy facecamping hooks with a trap directly under a hooked survivor. There was some crazy mindgames back then on whether the Trapper would fake setting the trap under the hook or commit to it as survivors would try and unhook before his setting trap animation finished.
Apart from that, it took years setting and picking up traps and they could be permanently sabotaged.
Hillbilly is the next best because of his crazy mobility, instant down power and the fact he could break pallets with it too. When you compare that to old Wraith and Trapper, that's amazing. He was also really fun to play which is why I mained him :)
You could say Wraith was SS tier back then if you considered how "OP" he was considered at low ranks or when people just started playing. But in reality he only really excelled at bloodpoint farming. Yes you could hide your TR but his cloak was very visible, hooks represented who the killer was (not map specific like it is today) and Spinechill also existed.
Fun times.
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Honestly, I feel like even though Clown was weak at that time, he was still mid-tier like people said in the past. There was no... current Freddy to be outclassed by, and since infinites were a problem at that time, he was the only killer to be able to consistently counter them. Obviously if we had the same Clown today, he would be the worst killer in the game because he no longer has infinites to counter, but in the past he had quite the niche.
Anyways, here is my tier list for 2.4.0, where I started playing!
If old Legion could do the bs zero-counterplay chases with no add-ons, they would be A tier, but I never played Legion at that time and thus I don't know much about old Legion, but I know they were unhealthy as #########.
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Bubba's rework happened with Patch 4.1.0 in July of 2020.
From what I remember about those times, this is a very accurate Tier List, the only exception being Pig's position...well, at least I don't think she was the worst.
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It's mostly the same with now except Legion was in S tier due to me starting when he got released then experienced his BS when his power can down anyone if he wanted to and then Infinite mending legion and moonwalking legion what a dc fest.
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I don’t have a specific order in each tier except S tier. I think the worst killer at the time was probably Wraith or Trapper.
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Then I respectfully doubt you could "play him well". If you really could do that, you would know that he was nowhere near the worst possible tier, despite his weaknesses that needed to be addressed.
Despite the lack of hindsight, I loved the way your past-self would do a Tier List!
Those Tier Lists from the very early days are always interesting to see because there isn't really much you can add to them.
Post edited by GeneralV on1 -
So basically all 3 of us started around the same Patch.
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Ah, I see.
Then it is extremely accurate, at least based in my experience.
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Old Legion have their own category considering how broken they were.
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Oh, here is someone else who arrived just in time for Old Legion.
This one is pretty similar to mine, actually. And I definitely see your reasoning behind it.
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I would SFW with my rank 1 cousin when I started, and I would always get stomped so my subjective list looked something like this:
But the way I ranked them when I played the killers looked like this:
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So you would see Freddy as the only non-OP killer?
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Nurse - This was a time of three-blink basekit Nurse and Omega Blink Nurse. She's still powerful now, but she's somehow more balanced than that nightmare.
Hillbilly - The only rework that I feel shouldn't have been. The only thing really annoying was the back-revving and some of his add-ons, but base-kit Billy was strong without being overpowered.
Huntress - Other than three Iri-Head Huntress, she was balanced. And they fixed that (maybe not in the best way, but they fixed it).
Hag - When I started, Hag took roughly three seconds to place down a single trap. She got buffed shortly after, but that first impression was something I carried for a long time before she became one of my mains.
Wraith - He had been buffed shortly before I joined, but he was far from a good spot.
Shape - Maybe he should be higher due to how the playstyle was different back then and how little he's changed, but looking back, he wasn't all that great.
Doctor - My main was a noobstomper and nothing else.
Pig - RNG screwed her over then as it still does now.
Trapper - He was slower at placing traps and could only carry one.
Cannibal - The only thing he had going for him was an instadown that he had to charge practically right on top of you to have a chance at nabbing you.
Nightmare - I'll preface this with the fact that I was pretty damn good with him back then. However, I'm also pretty damn good with Legion, so that honestly doesn't mean much. Freddy was a Killer punished by Survivors making mistakes. Even the other low tier Killers could at least HIT a Survivor without their power, while Freddy's power was pretty much JUST to hit people. I guess there was the slowdown and aura reading aspects, but that doesn't change the fact that he barely had a power to speak of. Was he fun? I won't say he wasn't, because he was one of my mains and I hate playing the new version. But if I had to choose, I'd take current Freddy (maybe retrace the overdone nerf) over old Freddy any day of the week, simply because he at least isn't punished by the Survivor blowing up a gen in your face.
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If you truly place Freddy that low, then I respectfully but sincerely doubt your "fact" that you were "pretty damn good with him".
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You have to keep in mind that a lot of these killers changed
Wraith was god awful, only thing he had going for him was his multiple All Seeing add ons
Doctors shock only applied madness, Survivors could still use items while in tier 3, and they didnt get the 2.5 stun, making his shock basically a slow down tool that slowed himself more than anything
Trapper and Hag taking 7+ seconds to set down a trap
the rest well, Im sure you know
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I know, it is just is really different from the regular Tier Lists you usually see.
It is only Nurse and Billy and everyone else is at the bottom.
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You should have said that earlier!
Freddy was definitely far from the Low Tier, but people who played him in the wrong manner would never realize that.
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Oooh the trapper …. When you play as Trapper, you start at 3/2 gens.