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Why do Solos refuse to equip Kindred then use the excuse "B-bUfF SoLo Q BcUz SwF oP"

Member Posts: 1,551

Kindred is such a God tier perk I don't know why people don't use it. You don't need four meta perks in your load out to compensate for something. It should make everyone efficient.

I made this topic because this is just the funniest ######### to watch. I even have the name "Use Kindred" because I was running Open handed. This was a Huntress with a one shot hatchet and I just watched this killer go into a corner and stand still with Kindred. She also had Insidious and I knew I was in for a treat since the survivors are just ignoring the lullaby with the missing terror radius then happily ran into the basement.

Me thanking the Entity for the comedy

died afterwards.

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  • Member Posts: 1,551

    I refuse to hand hold survivors by giving them a free perk in their base kit. Giving them what they want is what destroys this game's balance when they have the option to fix an issue. I thought the game shouldn't be balanced around baby players?

    Also I actually don't care about SWF. SWF aren't the problem but they do highlight a glaring flaw in the game and that generators goes too fast. I wouldn't care about SWF if you actually have the time to deal with them. Most of what SWF can do, Randoms can do just fine.

  • Member Posts: 3,745
    edited December 2021

    I use this very often. If you get used to see where the killer goes after a hook, i feel nervous if i don´t see it :-)

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    If a perk has such a fundamentally necessary effect that people should be expected to run it every single game, then that's a good indication you should at least consider adding something in to the base game that helps with whatever that perk does.

    It happens with killer addons all the time because it's blatantly obvious in those instances that if every single viable build for Trapper involves one of his bags, something is wrong with his basekit that those bags cover. Why would it be different for survivor perks? If you need Kindred to survive as a solo player, maybe something should be changed regarding how much information survivors have by default.

    It's not about handholding, it's not about giving preferential treatment, it's about identifying issues and coming up with smart solutions to them; in this case, maybe that's Kindred basekit, maybe it's something else, but it's something that isn't currently there.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Lmfao you don't need coordinated builds or coordinated actions to win the game. You're not playing an actual competitive team based game like CSGO where the coordination has to be perfect.

    Here's the golden rules to winning Solo Q.

    Hold W away from objectives getting worked on or from the hooked individuals and get downed somewhere far away

    Stop messing around and just hold M1 as soon as the game starts

    Use kindred if you're not confident with your game and map sense(I only use kindred because it's a guilty pleasure perk similar to vault build hence the open hand)

    One gen each since a killer can't stop 4 survivors across the map from holding m1

    Ez Win. All the killer can do is secure a kill and this is how most of my matches go, this is just a match I did early in the morning where matchmaking is screwed and got pepegas. I have gen rushed competent killers as a Solo Q a lot. It's not an SWF thing.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Killer mains on these forums to solo queue: Just run Kindred, Bond, Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, and Small Game all at once!

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    great now tell it to the 3 terrible teammates i get with sub-500 hours that leads to me doing 4 gens solo, save and heal everyone, and get chased for a further 3 minutes while they decide to stare at the foliage

    because you completely ignored my point that you know your teammates and you know they're reliable which is a massive advantage too. try again x

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Critically about what? I play both sides equally. SWF aren't the problem again the game is inherently is broken is the problem.

    You don't need coordinated nonsense to just hold M1 as soon as the match starts. Only reason three gens aren't popping is Random usually do stupid things like go for flash light fails, etc. Sounds like an individual problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Your teammates being terrible isn't a Communication problem. They're just low skilled players.

    Solos should strive to get better as a player and again not get hand holded.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Because I find more value in other perks atm. And insidious instadown situations are very rare for me.

    Kindred is good and helps in a lot of different ways tho.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    The fact we cant get a Feng Min: I'm Going for the Box! and a Bill: I'm going for the unhook! Etc. Is really sad at this point.

    As it is, killers can be left to rot on perpetuity because "muh solo q balance" because we cant get even the most basic form of communication and information that doesnt rely on perks.

    Overwatch has something, SMITE has something, League has something etc.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Because while Kindred is nice, it doesn't tell me who the killer is as soon as one of my teammates sees them, or call out the killer's perks, or tell me what perks my teammates are running, or tell me where to find totems, or tell me what gens are at what percentage, or tell me what my teammates are planning to do so I can coordinate with them... etc.

    Kindred's great for solo queue, but it's still solo queue < solo queue with kindred <<<<< comms.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    You don't need perfect coordination. You do need your team to be competent though. If you could rely on teammates to be competent you'd actually never need Kindred. I run it all the time because my teammates usually aren't competent.

  • Member Posts: 257

    than why you wasting time in here, not trying better at other things in life?

    your words not even based on stats or simply forgot people playing their own skill and experiences,

    short thinkers usually not good at anything start with but they can't understand just a bit below of their level later

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Running Kindred wouldn't suddenly make Randoms competent though it'll just make them efficient. They could still go down in 10 seconds in a chase,etc and Kindred wouldn't change the fact that they're still dumb. Plus if you're using Kindred it means you go down pretty often unless you're using Kindred to get an idea on what you should in conjunction with your teammates like Should I do generator or do I go for save? then that's fair enough.

    I do find this one rule that helps you win a game. Just drag the killer away from objectives getting worked on It helps a lot really if you're working on this mindset I would say Bond is better so you'll get an idea to stay away from your teammates working on a generator.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    What does that even mean? Lmao.

    What stats? The guy said his teammates is staring at a foliage. That's fact. Your teammate is low skilled. You getting low skilled teammates therefore give everyone buffs please because woe is me is dumb. People love to say that the game shouldn't be balanced around low skilled players yet here we are people preaching that players should have their hands held.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    The gap between solo queue and SWF must be bridged for killers to be buffed accordingly. The only viable option is to add comms and a ping system. Making info perks baseline will help but it’s a half measure.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Why would they run kindred when they can run ds, unbreakable, dh, bt/deli

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Why would the devs add something like Kindred to basekit when survivors have access to it and refuse to use it anyway? The devs probably look at that information and come to the conclusion that the info Kindred gives must not be important or useful.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    Because its not needed and its a waste of a precious perk slot?

    1. If you are repairing and someone is on the hook and you see another survivor getting injured you know you have to go for the unhook.
    2. The killer is camping? you can know it by going near the hook.
    3. If you are repairing somewhat near the hooked survivor you know you have to at least go and check because maybe the others are far away and its like that most of the times.

    Over rated perk in conclusion. Not needed by survivors that are experienced and know what to do.

  • Member Posts: 714

    Kindred should be basekit

  • Member Posts: 312

    I absolutely love kindred and I will never ever take it off. If I don't use it I just feel naked.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    It's not just solo survivors that think some form of kindred should be base, many killers do as well. Me, for instance.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Solo survivors shouldn't have to dedicate a perk slot to have information that other players get for free.

    Can 4 solo survivors compete without it? Sure. Now ask yourself how many good/elite players that have the game sense to play without Kindred will actually queue up solo. Getting 3 solo teammates who even know where they are is like hitting the DbD lottery. Solo queue is a slaughterhouse if the killer is good.

    You *will* more often than not have a teammate determined to throw the game via sheer ineptitude or worse. Not too much to ask for Kindred basekit.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    If every survivor had the massive pile of information perks that people here like to claim SWF always has no matter who it is or how incompetent, the game would get very boring. Good grief...

  • Member Posts: 4,693

    The killer is camping? you can know it by going near the hook.

    You can't afford to check the hook if the killer camps first hook. It'll cost you too much time and you won't be able to finish all gens and open the gate before the hook victim dies and the killer grabs another one with NOED.

  • Member Posts: 901

    That's honestly so true I've never even thought of that and I use Kindred when playing solo sometimes as well it's great info you can see if the killer is near the hook unless they're undetectable, see your teammates and know if it's safe to go for the unhook or if nobody else is going for the save.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    I don't run Kindred because my teammates never put the info to good use, anyway. Somehow, they'd always do gens instead of rescuing me when the killer was across the map and they'd always crouch around doing nothing when the killer was camping me.

    Solo queue sucks because random teammates are the absolute worst. You can't really buff random survivors into suddenly being competent, perks can't solve that. Solo queue will be hell no matter what. No point in buffing it. The players who care about winning will continue to be lobbied with total newbs or memers, and base kit Kindred will do fudge all to improve the match for any of them. Under no circumstances should anyone rely on their solo queue teammates for anything ever. Just ignoring the objectives and try to make dying as fun as possible, that's really all any solo survivor player can do.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I use it to tell me where the killer is headed and to determine if I need to go for the save. I couldn't really say if the others find it helpful when I'm on the hook.

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