I gave Nemesis another chance.

When he was released I found him quite dull and only played him occasionlly if I was bored. Since the latest chapter release I've been playing Nemesis almost exclusively.

The reason is because I got the artist and I needed bloodpoints. I went through my killers and Nemesis was hoarding most of the cakes.

So I forced Nemesis to open a bakery and sell as many cakes to the artist until she gorged herself to P3 level 50 (She was looking kind of thin anyway).

I do like him but I still find him tedious at times. There are moments where it's just best to punch the survivor in the back of the head instead of whipping them and giving away free distance. The zombies still ain't much help either.

As for builds I just go full meme with BBQ tacked on the end.


  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    The zombies are entirely luck dependent. I've had them lock me off of a gen for significant amounts of time and I've had them stuck on a tree unable to move.

    Similar with chases. Most of the time, you don't even encounter them. Others, they're hiding around corners like ninjas ready to tackle you the second you come around.

    It's like pig traps, in a way. One game it'll come off instantly, the next you'll be running to the last box when your head pops. It's far too luck based to really be considered a good mechanic.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited December 2021

    I have the same luck as you with the zombies. I find Nemesis good though the way he can dismantle survivor defenses is fun. I get the same joy with the 60 % wraith add on with fire up. Ran that today and only get 1 fire up token...fun while it lasted.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited December 2021

    It's really hard to quantify how much the zombies actually do. Having played against Nemesis a ton on survivor, I'd say the zombies do way more than I thought they did when Nemesis released. They constantly interrupt whatever it is we're trying to do.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I think Nemesis needs access to a once per trial, single-shot Rocket Launcher. Maybe then I'll tolerate the zombies' inconsistencies.

    The discovery that Discordance alerts Zombies was very much welcome, but that's just a band-aid solution.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 479

    Discordance I'd say is almost mandatory on Nemesis, it helps herd zombies towards generators of interest while giving you important information (even if it doesn't trigger meaning everyone's spread out). Although I've taken that a little bit further by throwing Pain Resonance into the mix too. Having the generators explode and make survivors scream should give the zombies even more incentive to go towards important generators but unfortunately it's kinda hard to quantify how well it works. It's one of those things that make you wonder if it's just your imagination or not but hey the perk itself is pretty great with ruin so it gives him a little bit of extra pressure during the game.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    Given the number cakes I used I'd say I've played nemesis roughly 30-40 times across the week. The zombies for me felt very 50/50 in terms of usefulness.

    Sometimes they were great for surveillance and would push survivors away from gens. Others times they just don't seem to notice anything and would wonder around until they got stuck.

    Big open maps just don't work for them. Indoor maps like lerys is where they can become more of a menace. In one match I had both zombies 'camp' a hooked survivor while I went off to kick a gen. They stayed out of line of sight perfectly so they could smack anyone coming in for save and alerting me in the process.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    In my experience going against Nemesis, I'm usually forced off a gen on open maps at least once for 20 seconds. They may not get hits per se, but they do generate some passive pressure.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    If Nemesis had a short sprint after infecting survivors, I think we would have fewer complaints about the three hits.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    So I forced Nemesis to open a bakery and sell as many cakes to the artist until she gorged herself to P3 level 50 (She was looking kind of thin anyway).

    That was hilarious :)

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Yeah Nemesis sucks hence people use STBL but at that point you're just a glorified M1 killer. You basically have to give 8 free hits to the entire game and that sucks. Would be fine if his zombies actually work when most of time it doesn't.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Maybe if you can pinpoint a place for zombie to roam around each 60 secs for example.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    The zombies I honestly feel need to be ditched. With them there he just feels very lackluster. Like ditched as in replace.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    The Zombies should get replaced by a rush ability, maybe even a rocket launcher

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    They do work to keep passive pressure, but in return I've come to the conclusion that he's basically forced to run ruin to get value out of zombies.

    Which, unironically, it makes hard camping the first hook and infecting aspiring rescuers to get rid of vaccines a surprisingly effective strategy.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I used to find Nemesis incredibly fun when people still tried to loop him. Now everybody just holds W against him and he's boring to play because most of the time you feel like M1ing people instead of using the whip.

    I don't know what level of game balance is that you make a killer that gives survivors 8 free health states when his antiloop is not even that good. It's just funny lore wise when Ghostface, an edgy guy, can instadown people while Nemesis, a ######### gigantic bioweapon, takes 3 hits to down. Sure he has zombies but those are inconsistent, might as well make Pig take 3 hits to down as well.

    Also I agree with what other people said here.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,824

    I've been kinda getting lucky with the zombies. they can be useless sometimes but they're pretty helpful on indoor maps.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Agreed. Nemesis shouldn’t be a threat because of some inconsistent AI with no input of a player’s skill. Or some light PH power. He should have some form of tentacle strike base with a dash. And a special ability to use his flamethrower or rocket launcher depending on the scenario. And remove zombies

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    Yeah they are certainly better than launch. But that's what I don't like about the iconic Nemesis. I mean he isn't about luck. It's about being Dwayne Johnson. No luck required. Only drive and power.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    I feel like zombies could just be repurposed into something else. I'm not a big fan personally of having minions though. Maybe a full AI 2nd killer idea like some have with Legion but not really minion enemies like zombies. Maybe they could pull it off better but as of right now I really don't think it works. The only thing I'd really wanna see this repurposed for is The Walking Dead since the killer could just be a Negan or one of the other villains who are just humans so it'd be cool to have zombies there.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Nemesis needs the zombie dogs or lickers instead of reg undead though they would probably be too op