Since when did the whole forums start saying survivor "takes no skill"?


Both the forums and the subreddit always were quite killer sided, treating killers like the underdogs while survivors as the big bad villain, but recently this has been worst than ever.

These forums have mostly become an echo chamber for killers who want the game to be shaped around them.

Like yes, I understand that this game is survivor sided, meaning that if both sides try their hardest and play almost perfectly, the survivors will mostly win.

But that doesnt mean yall can just act as if people who play survivor are the scum of the earth.

And holy hell, if the devs really decide to follow the general consensus of the forums, all matches would be a 4K at 5 gens.

The way some of yall get so offended by somebody's virtual avatar crouches over and over again.

Even I have gotten quite stressed because of this game, but I have never, never, never put blame on the survivors or the devs, because, as you so often repeat, "They bought the game, they play how they want"

Recently, almost every post has a variation of "survivor easy and no stress, so survivor players are babies. Killer hard and have stress, so killer players are oppressed".

If killer is so hard, then go play survivor and try it out. If you say it's easy and stress free, there are three things that could make you say that. 1.Low MMR for the skills you have 2.You stress yourself when playing killer. 3. You're lying.

Many times, when you're having a stressful time playing a game, all you need to do is relax and remember, its just a game, and the results don't matter.

But it seems that too many of you have put hours into getting better, and feel you deserve results, and therefore if you dont get those results, you'll feel cheated, which causes you to stress.

Yes, sometimes the game really is unfair, or atleast feels very unfair. But most of this unfairness is created by your expectations.

Hell, for some time i had quit DBD when i had around 700 hours in the game. Because I thought I deserved to win almost every match. And that simply wasn't true.

I play around 70% killer and 30% survivor if it matters.

Alright, rant over



  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    I have a lot of time on killer, and less than 10 messages sent after a match by survivors. As survivor I get more stressed at my teammates than anything. And i have no idea how you play without locational sounds. As survivor you usually get very little information. You need them to know which killer it is, rough location, where teammates are and hex totems, from the top of my head.

  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    The thing is, teabagging either affects the game positively for you or doesn't affect it at all. The only thing it can negatively affect is your mindset. My best tip against teabaggers is to just remember how childish they're being. Probably a teenager, or even worse, a whole adult, who thinks they are special because they outplayed you. If they're in solo q, their teammates probably dislike them as well.

  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    Those are very good points and I agree, but if you can escape with only 2 hooks, that means at least one person on the team outplayed the killer several times. And there is nothing stopping the killer to bring the strongest perks and add ons as you did. Personally I'm never too happy to escape alive, only when it's at least a 3 man against a good killer. But yeah, the most try hard items on survivor is usually better than the most try hard add ons for killers

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,965

    Being a killer main, I must disagree on all accounts, you little baby! /s

    Nah, of course you are right ... things often get overboard a lot, when tempers fly high, and some people made a good analysis of the situation at hand: if you play survivor, even if one or two get killed, if you escape you will still feel like you have won, because you survived, right? But if a killer gets 2K, he will still 95% get flashlight clicked, t-bagged and humiliated at the exit gate. Also, as a killer you face this whole situation alone, while naturally the survivors have camaraderie.

    That being said, having played more survivor lately, because I have run out of most tome quests for killers, I have a newfound respect for survivors. Yes, I think that playing survivor is easier at the higher MMR then killer, just by the nature of it, and survivors have a lot of very strong tools at their disposal, but my survivor game is that much weaker then my killer game, and I die so easily to any competent killer :P

    I also felt firsthand how ######### being tunneld feels, and I haven't done so myself evermore (well, besides once or twice when the surv was super disrespectful and even t-bagged after being unhooked). It really raises your empathy for the other sides plight if you play them for a while and try to break out of the low MMR ranks.

    So, while I 100% think that the game is favoring the survivors way, way too much and that something should be done about DH and especially CoH, I wouldn't mind if all survs got BT in a non-offensive version as base kit. The lack of BT on low MMR survivors hurts the fun a lot, when you get tunneld a lot, because the baby killers are so helpless.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Nah, I just tunnel the ######### out of him...

    But what really hurts is when you are nice and give them chance to leave and those ######### then wait near exit gate just to teabag you...

  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    Yeah that's pretty annoying but just imagine how pathetic they have to be to do that.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Playing as a Survivor is indeed stress free though in comparison and I consider myself a Survivor main now at this point. Just chilling to music is great.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,817

    I think saying survivor takes "no skill" isn't something you actually hear a lot. Less skill than killer? Sure, but I think that's probably true.

    Is it a less stressful experience to play survivor than killer? Without question, absolutely. When I started playing DBD, it was strictly killer for hundreds of hours. Then on a whim I switched to survivor because I was getting a little burnt out, and discovered that it was relatively relaxing. The action is spread around at any given time, with a decent amount of a most matches spent chilling on gens or totems, etc. Once you get the skill checks down to the point where it's almost reflex, most of the match as a survivor is pretty mindless (until you get into chase).

    With killer, it's go time the whole time, trying to wrangle four other players, who if they are any good, have spread themselves out, and/or coordinating with each other (now boon totems are in the mix, so your attention is spread even more). Zero time just spent holding the action button and waiting for skill checks. It's a constant "where are they, what are they doing, how am I going to manage this?" After a while I started playing a lot more survivor than killer, simply because it's just more fun and relaxed. Killer stresses me out at higher levels, survivor doesn't, and I only play solo queue.

    At this point, I may have more hours playing survivor than killer overall. Playing survivor simply requires less of a player than killer, and I think anyone who believes otherwise hasn't played much (if any) killer, or is so biased they are unwilling to see it.

    And listen, there is no mystery as to why, there are simply more survivor players than killer players, and that's where the money is. It's a casual game with a casual base, and you can't stress those people out too much.

    The exception here might be at very high level, where survivors have some seriously refined skills. But that's not a world where like 99.9% of DBD players are (despite what some might think).

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Yes, all players switch to survivor role. Then nobody will play killer anymore. Play with bots killers.

  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    I personally find survivor much more stressing than killer because on killer, I win if I'm good, while as survivor, we win if my team is good. Might have to do that when I started, I played around 100 hours for survivor before really playing killer, which is opposite to what you did.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    That second point goes for literally everything that causes offence ever. You're just drawing a mental box around things that don't bother you or that you assume won't bother you to distinguish it from things that you would find too much, and saying that these actions should be handled by the recipient.

    You're also making a lot of assumptions about my reaction: I never said teabagging affects me like that; I'm just entirely too used to bullies and their attitudes. And I really don't like this notion of "Well if you want to play a fun game with people, better accept bullying!" as if every other hobby doesn't tend to penalise and drive out people who're there to get a rise out of the other participants.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    People understand it’s just a game, and you can’t win every time- but getting stomped constantly is not fun. It defeats the purpose of playing the game. Killers look at how things are now vs. before when they enjoyed playing, and can single out the things that have slowly sucked the fun out of the game. For a lot of killers it’s MMR, because they are encountering too many SWF consistently. When the SWF is toxic, it’s even worse.

    I agree with you on killer mains needing to play survivor more, so they can see it’s actually not a cake walk either for us solos. SWF are the problem, and they make the game imbalanced for killers & lone players. If I was ever to make a asymmetrical horror game, I would not have teams in public matches. There would be an option for a private lobby with sliders & menu options you can adjust.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Dude survivors CONSTANTLY act like entitled babies. Survivors will be toxic midgame and in endgame chat regaurdless of the outcome of the game. They win they call u trash, you lose they call you trash AND a camper/tunneler. Also i play both sides and i gotta say survivor is so much easier and stress free its not even funny. A killer who wants to 4k needs to be both playing a viable killer, and against semi decent survivors has to make sure all his time is spent stopping gens and downing. If either takes too long even once they lose. I dont mind losing honestly. What does annoy me is when killers raise concerns about how survivor is power role in a 1v4 game and they get shut down as whiners. Killers are as at least as important as the survivors and eventually killers will keep getting tired of survivors having almost all the power.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,788

    Well with how generous most maps seem to be I would say survivor takes little to no skill since the only "skillful" thing a survivor can do is trying to predict a killers behavior.

  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    I never thought you were offended by tea bagging, i just used you as an example.

    I used to get annoyed by teabagging, a lot, but you just need to realize these people dont matter. They dont know what you did, what happened or anything. You dont stop driving because somebody gave you the finger in the road, you dont avoid a hobby because there are a few elitists, and you dont quit DBD because some toxic opponents BM'ed you.

    I'm not telling you to just accept the bullying, but that doesnt mean you should be mad at the game, or at opponents in general, just like you dont get mad at a hobby for having elitists.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,658

    Well I joined June 2018, near enough when an in-game notification appeared about them, and only a couple weeks after a few of the mods so I'm guessing around that time since it seems to be it's conception.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,817

    Fair enough, what stresses us out is often subjective. But you don't always win if you're good as killer, a lot depends on the survivors, and on RNG. If all other factors are equal, a survivor team will almost always win.

    And I have escaped innumerable times when my team was hot garbage. It makes things a lot harder, but it can be done. Hell, you can be an awful surv and escape. I mean people are doing it, I've run into a number of Iri grade 1 survivors recently who were terrible. Not just "gawd my teammates are soooo bad", but properly, objectively terrible.

    That's another thing; it was before the devs ditched the old ranking system, but when I started playing survivor I hit red ranks a TON faster than I did with killer. I know some of that can be chalked up to me have a lot more general game experience than when I started, but only some. You get a lot more BP as killer, but the emblem system is far less forgiving.

  • Shenlong1904
    Shenlong1904 Member Posts: 293

    Honestly, 100% truth, the opposite happens to me regarding emblems. As survivor i usually have 2 silver, 1 gold, 1 bronze, while as killer i usually have 1 or 2 iris, 1 gold and 1 silver.

    And i only consider it a win as survivor when we have a 3 or 4 man escape, so i win a lot less with bad teammates.

    Though i do agree that if everyone plays perfectly, with best perks and items, survivors will almost always win. But something like that only really happens in tournaments. This should probably be changed.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 898

    The skill ceiling in this game is much higher than the majority of players have any clue about. There are so many so fundamental mistakes even some of the most experienced players still make constantly, and many advanced things even they don't know about or almost never actively or effectively make use of. This goes for both roles. The average player is frankly pretty awful. I know a ton about the game, have a ton of experience and practice in it playing since 2017 and consider myself to be a fairly highly skilled player, of DbD and other games, something my successes also support... and yet I still know people that are better at the game than me. Even knowing what the optimal plays are in theory is a world away from actually consistently and continually identifying them in the moment, making the right split-second decisions based on that, and then having the mechanical prowess to reliably execute them as well as to react to of course constantly and rapidly changing scenarios. And again, most people already fail at the hurdle of even knowing what the optimal plays are in theory, are wholly oblivious to much of it and barely think critically about the game in a way of analyzing gameplay after the fact. So yeah, the game has much more potential for players to be skilled than it is regularly being made out to, survivor and killer. And one just has to look at the disparities there are between players to appreciate that fact: For a lot of players, killer is seemingly impossibly difficult at "high MMR", yet for others it is kind of a joke; in 1V1 competitions the vast majority of players average chase times that are not even half of those the top 1% in them do, and the players usually participating in these competitions are mostly already the 1% of the playerbase, making the top the 0.1%; in tournaments where the top 0.1% compete, there are a handful of teams that for years have been significantly disproportionally successful, beating out other teams on both the killer and survivor sides consistently, and that despite their competition also being highly skilled and experienced "0.1%" players.

    ...Anyway, here is a liberating realization for you and other people with similar concerns: Players have been complaining about just about everything in this game since day 1, and they of course continue to. And yet BHVR still released Boons, buffed 3-blink Nurse, nerfed Slinger, etc., just recently. All the ridiculously unreasonable complaining about the game being literally unplayable and hell on earth as killer? Rest assured that it doesn't actually impact the devs' decisions. This can be for the better and in other cases of course also for the worse, but either way, next time you see someone argue some really rather stupid points, you can relax and know that you don't have to argue with them, they won't actually affect the game. This of course goes for ridiculous survivor-biased complaints as well.

    BHVR does sometimes come out with questionable or downright bad decisions, and some of the stuff they don't do is also questionable or bad, but overall the development of the game has really been rather reasonable, they don't just see posts like "this game is completely flawed they hate players and they have to change everything" and actually take it seriously. The game is good and has only grown and is attracting more players than ever, and the state of balance has improved tremendously over the years. Just play the game and engage in online conversations and discussions about it only insofar you enjoy them or feel points are being made that could actually improve the game, you don't have to engage with the moaning and whining.

    I mean that as a serious piece of advice for some peace of mind. They haven't made gens take 3 minutes each to complete or reduced the amount of pallets per map to 5 in all the years where there was all the complaining about how impossible the game is that suggested something along those lines would be needed to make it fair, so yeah, they won't start doing that now either.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    It’s the forums - where people who play one side try to shame the other side. Reminds me a lot of politics where I live.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    For my part I have never claimed survivor is easy. I don’t find survivor as fun as killer so I never play it, but when I do occasionally dip my toes in the survivor pool I know I absolutely stink because I can’t hit skill checks (since I don’t practice them) and I have trouble adjusting to the difference in POV during chases. And my timing on vaults isn’t great either. I know maps pretty well since I know them from being a killer, but a new player who has never played survivor won’t have that either.

    And also I know survivor isn’t easy because when I face newer survivors as a killer I almost always decimate them. If it were actually easy to escape then that wouldn’t happen nearly as often as it does, they’d get the hang of it after a few games and start escaping.

    So no, I don’t think playing survivor is easy. I think it takes practice and has a decent skill ceiling where the more you play the better you can get at it. Whether or not survivors or killers have the edge at higher levels of play is a separate question, but I have no doubt that high skill killers dominate average skill survivors quite consistently. It’s only when you start getting to the higher ratings versus higher ratings that a lot of the balance questions people post about start really coming into play more frequently.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,605

    Objetively their main objetive take no skill, is holding M1 and pressing space sometimes.

    Occasionally fleeing from the killer and ok if you're bad you get caught quickly, but the main objetive is still so simple plus being 4 people against 1 help a lot. Even if you are bad in chases you can simply build your character with stealth perks and a lot of times when the killer spot you for first time at least 2-3 gens are done already if you use a stealth build and he still have to hook you two times more. Also you have plenty of second chance perks and don't play a time trial against 4 people like the killer.

    Summarizing: being good in chases takes skill but reaching your objetive take no skill and you're not forced to be good in chases for winning.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    The same people who say Survivor takes no skill will probably acknowledge that Killer is easy at low MMR, but a nightmare at high MMR. Obviously this is the case because survivors at low MMR have less skill.

    Therefore anyone who is saying Survivor takes no skill is probably just salty, or a troll.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    The thing that kills me about people who make the argument that survivor is so ez pz is that they all say the same thing and it always tells on them - "I switched over to survivor after being a killer main and am having a stress free experience"

    Uh, of course you are? Your survivor MMR is basically nonexistant, and you understand both the fundamental mechanics AND the mental aspects of the game, You aren't a new player, but the game treats you as one and pairs you with others.

    Of COURSE you stomp new killers, they're still learning the game.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Tbh, you only listed some things.

    I add up for survivors:

    • Learning every killer and his powers
    • Learning every killer with special builds
    • You need to adjust your playstyle for your mates, which isnt a positive thing (unless you play SWF)
    • Learning every item
    • Sometimes you need to distract the killer, so the objective can be done
    • Try to rescue other survivors before a killer can hook
    • Take protection hits or take a chase...

    Also blessing and breaking are in one category. You can add remembering totem locations.

    For some killers, you need to look good after some things. Doctor for example with his passive.

    Also you said that killers need to chase survivors after pallets etc etc, but the survivors need to consider this too?

    On most things, you need skill. Maybe you should consider playing survivor for a while?

    Both sides need time and learning and not everything is just easy.

    Also i think that some killers "switch off o survivor" and its easy, just means you are low MMR and of course, first its easier if you already have game sense.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,935

    DBD require very little skill overall.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    Its because instead of trying to appeal to emotions loud players are now trying to shame skill more often right now, once it stops working it'll go back to emotion.

    To elaborate, the most common argument for a long time was "Killers should follow my rulebook because it's unfun for me otherwise." Arguments about how you must have no emotions, you're selfish, self centered, a sociopath, a sex offender, an incel were thrown about to various extents depending on what level of social media hell you were viewing. This stopped working after the inherit hypocrisy became incredibly obvious and slowly the arguments turn into "Don't you want to get good? Unless you follow my rulebook you'll never get good."

    Just like with the appeal to emotions this is now being rebuked by arguing that survivors are every bit as guilty of doing whatever easier but within the rules, and that it is easier overall. Once these arguments lose effectiveness the appeals to emotion will kick back up again.

    Now, it's not that either completely dissapear, they just wax and wane as the most predominant arguments based on what has been done more often recently.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    While it might sound harsh, the reality is that playing survivor is significantly easier than killer. I play solo at high mmr and escape around 70% of the time (yes, even against blight.) The other thing that makes this even more annoying is that killers are always expected to “get gud” and are nerfed to be “more skillful”, while a literal potato could play survivor. The burden of skill is always on the killer, not survivor. The most laughable example of this is Pinhead, who has a power that is near Nurse level of difficulty for almost no reward.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Survivor is indeed ez mode. It's so much more chill, relatively speaking. Not that I'd say being face camped by Bubba is chill, but in comparison to killer I think it is. I can hang my head and contemplate why I even play this game. You cant do that as killer since you always have to go go go.

    I'd consider myself an average at best survivor, so I find it a little concerning that I'm enjoying survivor more now than before.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,695

    I'm not gonna sit here and claim that survivor takes no skill at all, but sometimes it does feel like the maps just kinda do all the work for survivors. I've had this thought both while playing as a killer and as a survivor. There are still some structures that are blatantly near infinites when you go against certain killers. You can definitely argue that learning how to properly use these structures is a skill though. Although once you have learned this, these structures can be used with minimal effort. Again, this is an experience I've had both as killer and survivor. The devs have done a decent job at addressing infinites in the past, but map design is still kinda one of the major issues with the game, and it is one that typically works in the survivor's favor.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    The bulk of the things you mention are "learn X," which again, has a minimum threshold of competency. You have to learn how Artist can do, but once you know that, you know it. It never gets harder. NOT knowing those things is what makes the game hard for new players. Things do not change as you get good and are not shuffled around to keep you on your toes. (there are a few edge cases, like Freddy using dream pallets instead of snares, but that kind of game variation accounts for maybe 1% of matches).

    Intentionally being the one who gets chased when you're the best looper on the team is as easy as running toward the heartbeat. Taking protection hits is almost always as easy as calling out for it in Voice Comms. None of these get harder. None of these require adjusting your playstyle on the fly. It's all the same thing that you just do over and over regardless of who the killer is or how skilled they are.

    Yes, survivors have to learn the basics of what killers can do, how maps are laid out, and the correct way to run loops. This is a basic training element that separates new players from seasoned ones. And once you've learned it, it applies to every single game and what you're expected to do flatlines. Looping is the only part of the game that requires you to play better or harder or do other things. The vast bulk of the game is exactly as easy as when you first started to understand how to hit skill checks.

    Survivor has a Learning Curve, not a Skill Curve. And once you're learned what needs to be learned, the game never asks you to improve at the overwhelming majority of the survivor tasks. This is in opposition to Killers, who have that learning curve of using their power, but every other part of the game is a skill curve that just gets harder and harder. And the continual nerfing/reworking of killer powers means even the learning curve never really plateaus; you've got to keep re-learning the character every time a cool down gets tweaked or a critical addon gets gutted.

  • Thunderfrog
    Thunderfrog Member Posts: 218

    Man, that's a big ######### leap. You have no idea whether its new Epic players, just bad survivors, switcher overs, or anything else. Way to be a dick.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It's not that Survivor doesn't take skill, it's that every recent update made Survivor as brain dead as possible. Want to mindgame without using your brain? Use Shadowstep. Want to heal indefinitely? Use CoH. Want to loop without being able to be countered? Use the newly buffed DH

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,660

    It takes little skill, not "no skill". Most of it is just game knowledge. If you know how to play a tile safe, you just run it and the killer can't really do anything to get you. Meanwhile the gens all get done if the killer has a 1-minute chase. Killer is way harder than survivor, so what you're hearing is the stresslessness of the survivor role being put into perspective.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    You don't have to be very skilled in survivor to be useful. Holding M1 and W can give so much to a team. So basically the skill floor for survivor is so absurdly low that it feels like they require no skill. It's obviously not true. But one can't say it demands a whole lot of it.

    Come to think of it, nothing in DBD really does. It's why so many people are probably drawn to it. It's easy to get into. Nurse mains cope more she's not that hard.