Can killer get immune to blindness for 10 second after being blinded by flashlight.

i was just in a match where there three of them running on flashlight just blind me forever ... i spent half the game blinded.
And no i dont got access to lightborne yet
look away or bait the flash, flashlights are one of the weakest items, dont know what else to say but get better
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You can look up or down to avoid getting blinded.
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I cant even see where the heck im looking at other then oh i see where im point to ... blind again .... blind again
Im at this point to considering to making surivior to have unique tool to bring as in lock out tool if someone else is using it.
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What you really need to do is look up some videos or ask for some advice on how to deal with flashlights. You're a new player and you need to learn how to play the game not come to the forums and keep suggesting these ridiculous changes to flashlights.
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I wouldn't classify a 10 second cooldown to light blinds as "ridiculous".
Unnecessary maybe, but not ridiculous. Good survivors will use flashlights in a different more efficient way anyway, and as OP gains skills he will understand that these teams are not a problem and usually an ez 4K.
But I'd say any change which makes it harder for SWFs to bully new players are certainly not ridiculous.
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if you're getting blinded for 10 seconds, you're getting chain blinded and you need to look down (looking down is superior than looking up)
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It's very easy to just create a new account to bully players, or just throw games to drop your MMR.
Not to mention, the MMR system will never be perfect, it can only give you the players that are online, so high level squads will always have the chance to be matched with low level Killers, if there simply aren't enough high level Killers online.
So often gameplay changes were appropriate could be an easier route.
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maybe look to the ground when approaching to survivors? just move the mouse or joystick button to the ground and keep walking, you can STILL see their legs so is easy to track them and get a free hit.
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Looking down gang descend down (as opposed to rise up)
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No need. Look up or down. You want them to keep trying blinding you and fail, because that meas they're not making distance.
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10sec is a bit hard but maybe 1,5 so you can't chain blind at pallet breaks would be nice and it not really affects survs in any meaningfull way except the troll squats that like to harrass
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Many things already exist in the game to prevent tunneling, including DS, BT, and many things exist to encourage the opposite (BBQ, new Artist 4 stack perk, low points for no chases)
This thread is about flashlights, please jog on with your whataboutism.
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Flashlights are not the game’s weakest items. On contrary they’re the strongest. No other item has the ability to disable a killer. Removing Hags and The artists traps. Light burning the nurse and wraith. Saving survivors while they’re carried.
on top of being annoying, they’re a counter to all killers during a chase and should be controlled to avoid abuse by clicky swf’s
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Even if blinded you can look up or down and wait. So they can´t blind you again and again. There are some really annoying surv tactics if they are good... (did i mention Killer is hard...)
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I often encounter that problem when I break pallets I get blind as soon as I start and when the animation ends the second one hits in so it feels like an very long blind I would say a 3 sec immunity could fix that without affecting any other scenario
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As there is a special Chain Blind system already there this is intentional. Only Lightborne really helps. Also Franklins Demise (Bubba) is a nice one which slaps Items out of players hands on the ground where the deplete.
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This has got to be bait of the highest order. If they hurt you this hard then you are just bad, like objectively
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I think they're a good distraction item. Killers usually focus on someone who blinded them and even mid chase you force them to slow down and look away.
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######### love Franklins man. What? Bringing a health kit to heal yourself for free? ######### NO!
Bringing a flashlight to make me miserable? Into the trash it goes!
Bringing a key to annoy me more? Well heres a pat on the back, AND A WASTED KEY.
Bringing a map because you have nothing else? Nah, no map for you.
Some people might call Franklins bad, but I don't give a #########. I love that stupid perk so much.
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Franklins is good - often survs try hard to get their item back.
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That's if they notice.
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Ohhh, they notice