The best part about Plaything

It's not the oblivious status effect but the fact that it cancels out DS whenever a Survivor touches the hex
Nice. My favorite part of it is rekindling the totem for 30% repair. Oblivious or sit on a gen all day.....Make your choice.
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Did they fix the 'booning a hex totem doesn't deactivate DS' thing?
I love Plaything, but it's sort of hard-countered by voicecoms.
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yeah that got fixed.
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I got a 5 stacks pentimento earlier. I lost the game just waiting for 5 stacks to set up but I'm pretty happy haha
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With plaything and Pentimento?
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Yeah they did as far as I'm aware.
Don't worry most SWF aren't even navy seals with perfect communication. They'll still cleanse it if you're just applying mad pressure someone is just going to give in and if they're blessing that's 24 seconds of someone not doing anything you can also go to where that hex got blessed and just hook him again lmao. +1 if you step on it front of his face and slap him on the hook and plaything takes over again.
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Yeah. Been using Pentimento, plaything,ruin and BBQ. Ruin seem to get cleansed 80% of the time instead of getting blessed so that's one stack for the most part. I don't recommend Ruin if you're not a mobility killer though.
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I've tried Penti+Plaything+Retribution, it's pretty good on 'power' killers but it also has a tendency to fall apart the second a group just starts booning every totem, negating the entire build.
I've had a lot more consistency with PR+Surge on M1 killers and Pop+PR on M2 killers.
Sure. But it's the SWFs that worry me, because I can usually do pretty well against less coordinated groups with a wide variety of perks. When I'm making a build, I generally want it to be effective in the matches where I need every edge I can get.
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Another nice thing about plaything is survivors have to actively seek out the totem rather then doing the main objective.
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Yeah. Pre Artist patch, I was using Plaything+Retribution on almost every non-stealth killer as it provided a ton of 'passive pressure' - survivors don't like being Oblivious and so have to go and hunt for the totem.
The main problem I found was that coordinated groups, even at my intermediate-ish MMR could just ignore the totems and rely on coms or game sense and then I was basically down two perk slots.
I'm finding that 'passive regression' - stuff that damages gens while I just do my thing works like a charm now. Surge+PR on Hag, Cenobite, Doctor and Ghostface is incredibly consistent, with the exception of the occasional match where I get pants s-hook spawns.
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Nice. I have not been going for 5 stacks. I rekindle the repair debuff and when they cleanse activate another. If I get lucky and all are cleansed I would try to get 5......only to lose it on my way to the 5th totem I'm guessing.
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No, it isn't. Get creative. Combine perks intelligently and stop running the meta and you'll find several builds for it in a split second.
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The saddest thing about Plaything is that if you take advantage of it, people will complain.
Gee, if the person I've just hooked can't hear me coming and is doing something, why am I not going to get them?
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I wish the devs would buff jolt. The cool down is too long..
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It goes well with... uhhh... the new hex xd
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You can win most games as a competent killer and lose one game once in a blue moon against one navy seal team. Seems like a good deal to me.
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This was my worry with it, even if you do get that slight chance for them all to be broken, you prob will be so late in the game it'll reap almost no benefits.
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Honestly I don't see any worth on the perk beyond 2 or 3 stacks anyway.
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The exit gates opening time is pretty nice if you're running NWO, but I've only reached 4 stacks once before and that was a game I was already winning handily.