Devs just admit MMR needs a rework lol

I did a test. Loaded up on epic, so it was a new account. I deliberately let everyone in the first 2 matches go. I didnt even hook 1 person.
This was my 3rd match. The only reason I bring it up is because damn I hope this isnt what a new player goes through. I wasnt trying my hardest ( I kicked gens once ) because I only realised half way through this was actually a good team. I didnt start trying until 3 gens left.
They were all TTV's, I went back and watched the match. Communicating to each other where I was, had gens 99ed ready to go. They were pressuring gens, split up, healing well. I was just chilling until I got hit with a DS, saw BTs, dead hards. I never intended to smurf in a toxic way, I was letting people go. I wanted to see what the new player experience was like since I started before MMR
Why would you put a red rank swf against a new account, even if they won those first 3 matches.
One of the TTVs opened up his steam profile to check other peoples, and he alone had over 1k hours.
Very next match. I didnt muck around this one, treated it like my main account
If this is how it actually is, I am worried about new killers.
This is like when lethal pursuer exposed bad spawns. Epic free is showing me this.
Next match on a new killer ( I didnt dc, internet got interupted - theyre doing work on it )
I feel like its just going to put me against reds nonstop now. Dont even feel like I need to keep going.
Imagine trying to learn nurse and getting that.
I swear SBMM has been turned off since this last chapter.
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MMR must be turned of. In systems logic there can´t have been any lower ranked players than this group to be matched to you.
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It hasn't, its just a trash system that only looks at escapes and kills, the two worst metrics to build around, and everyone's MMR's skewed.
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Not sure whats going on but damn if this is what new players go through.... far out.
Once I got hit with a DS is what made me go OH CRAP these arent ash players lol. The games before this, everyone had yellow / green perks.
Worse than a JRPG difficulty spike. I only realised half way through they were using legit tactics, and we were on haddonfield.
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When they first put it on I was getting challenging games, now not so much.
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This happens if someone lobby dodged causing the matchmaking to give the team ANY matchup as quick as possible. If you play a fourth match it will probably be back to normal.
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You're right. Its just silly. Even if that swf was in queue for 10 mins, it shouldnt be even considering a level 1 huntress with what, less than 2 hours gametime. Like I said 1 guy alone had 1k hours
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I think I concur. I have noticed my games getting progressively easier. Sometimes suspiciously so.
Maybe the influx of new survivors has increased the systems ability to match people more at our current MMR?
That certainly doesn't explain your egregious experiment results though.
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Tell me about it, around half way through I thought I was on my main account haha. I was seeing DS, 2x BTs, saw the dwight use unbreakable. Dead hard to make pallets. Healing fast as hell.
Thought I was going nuts haha
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This should not happen. If you play SWF and killer dodges, you have to wait.
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Thats a problem though. If I got this on gamepass and got that match, I might have quit.
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You also have to keep in mind the time of day you're playing at. If there aren't enough people in your respective MMR range, matchmaking will expand to pick up whoever is available so you can still play a game. It's the the middle of the day in most of NA so people are probably not home. Plus its the holiday season and people are probably traveling which thins out the playerbase considerably.
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Maybe we need to look at it through a bigger lens. Given how notoriously bad BHVR is at fixing bugs and addressing widely agreed upon issues, perhaps the coding that supports the MMR system is also spaghetti and has collapsed upon itself or otherwise is throwing more and more errors. I think that makes more sense then them turning it off without notice. The 'Gotchya' community rampage wouldn't be worth the attempts to hide disabling it.
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Thats my issue though. The SWF should be made to wait.
This MMR literally put the highest rank possible, against the lowest rank possible. The SWF should have to wait even a few mins more for a green rank or so killer. We dont think its so bad because we are experienced.
If I had of gone against that group in my actual 3rd game, theyd have been flashlight / teabag / pallet bullying. Its only because I was actually landing shots they werent able to.
The swf has enough hours that they wont quit. A killer on his 3rd match in this instance probably will quit, especially if he got it on gamepass / epic for free.
I remember when I was this new for real I didnt even know what the totems did. Or how to patrol gens. Or even what perks to pick - what killer was good. I remember looking up a tier list when I started reading spirit was high tier. I played her and thought why is she so good, I cant see people when I use her power thats stupid! There must be some secret about her other than this!
Post edited by gammatsunami on3 -
Exactly, or yesterdays outage has disabled it or something lol
They were all communicating very well in the ttv too. Had gens 99ed ready to go.
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Elements to track for MMR:
- Hooks (but not hook states)
- Kills Before EGC (higher value)
- Kills After EGC (lower value)
- Successful uses of your power
- Overall length of the game (mmr up if you kill all survivors before X minutes, mmr down if survivors finish all gens before X minutes)
- Gens finished
- Chases lasting over 30 seconds
- Safe hook rescues
- Team mates healed
- Escapes
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Bold of you to think there is an MMR system.
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Yes it is a bad system. If there was a menu option that you let you prioritse "Quick matchups" vs "Accurate matchups" I really can't imagine many solo players choosing the quick option.
I would rather SWFs have long waits than potentially lose new players. I don't know why the devs don't see it that way.
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Cmon guys
This has to be a joke
Very next match. LOL. Please devs fix this. I feel like I am doing a community service for what would be these real ash rank killers.
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Yikes. For the game to look at a brand new player that hasn't gotten a single kill and throw that at them, something's completely wrong. Lucky that you weren't actually a brand new player, because if I'd gotten that in my first few killer matches, I would have been tearing my hair out.
I agree with everyone saying that the system going "someone dodged this lobby, give them the next killer we find" isn't acceptable. If it's a highly experienced SWF getting a baby killer, that's four players with a huge time investment into the game against someone who's just trying it out. The SWF isn't going to quit if they have to wait 3 minutes for a more appropriate killer, but the newbie may well quit if they get hard bullied as their first impression. This is bad in pure player retention terms, which BHVR should care about.
New players should have matchmaking protections that trump everyone else's until they've played a certain number of games.
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The system should say hey, this guy has 1 perk. The poor guy hasnt even gone into the bloodweb yet he may not even know what that it ( I didnt know how it worked on my actual 3rd match). he hasnt done the tutorial. Maybe we dont put him against a team with 12 meta perks.
It shouldnt even look for players like me until their 20th or so match. They should only be ranked against other noobs - I am still getting the noob loading screen for heck sake.
They might have to bring in 10x placement matches like other games do it.
Like I said I know if that was my real 3rd match, I had 1 perk and vsed that I would have got bullied - I would have quit for sure. If I were new to the game I wouldnt know how to aim her shots, would have missed them all and would have been dunked on.
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I mean, before MMR it could also do this dumb stuff. It's why I didn't start playing the game last year: first game was... I think Haddonfield? Against an experienced team? I'd basically no game experience or knowledge.
I think I might have gotten one hit in and then got teabagged at the exit. Decided to not play the game at that point.
If MMR is also doing that, it needs work.
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Yes I agree, I dont know if you can check but I have actually owned the game since 2016. I can prove it.
I had a few matches like you describe, and didnt pick it up again until the silent hill chapter.
Side note; man I would love to see the reaction to these red ranks when they die, wait to see that I am high rank with a meta build. Then it loads up I am ash / 1 perk I didnt even use haha.
I wonder if they know theyve been smurfed.
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Hmm. Maybe it´s Big Brother actually knowing that you is you only with a new account.
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Exactly, theres 60k people on steam alone. Im wondering if yesterdays outage did something
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Going off BHVR's reaction to the depip squad. They won't fix anything they'll just get mad at you for pointing out their broken system.
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I just had this trial, i picked up the game free from the epic store last week, totally new player and i cant understand why i got this matchmaking
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LMAO yeah I dont know what to say. I understand if you quit, I would.
They need to fix this.
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What if matchmaking never existed. What if it was basically a big prank from BHVR.
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Doubt it. Before yesterday I was having stupid matchups. My MMR on either side isn't great (I solo queue and I let players go a lot as killer), but I've been in a full red rank meta squad against a 1-perk killer a couple of times recently, and at the start of the Epic Games Store release, I had a few killer matchups where I got four survivors that seemed completely clueless - like, one game I had 6 hooks before anyone had touched a gen anywhere on the map, and I had to pick up the survivors, bring them to gens, and hit them and nod. A couple more where I'd basically won the game at 5 gens. Baby survivors need protections too. Matchmaking is not working and as far as I can tell, the old system did this less often.
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Oh my. You've 4K'd now. Matchmaking is feeling smug with itself after that!
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Now I expect to be put against dowsey / otz / jrm / ayrun in hardcore s3 haha
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Eesh. That's a group of survivors that's not just looking to beat the killer, they're looking to tilt them as much as possible and prevent them from getting anything done. I'm sorry you had to go through that match. The most I can say is that those ones in particular are pretty rare to find. But they're definitely not new killer material.
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I agree completely. It makes zero sense.
I escaped 4 trials in a row ( I am trying to hit survivor rank 1 ) then it puts me against a AFK freddy. Check my post history, it is literally the same guy I was complaining about MONTHS AGO. PRE mmr. Back in like April I believe.
He annoyed me because I only got time for 1-2 matches before work. Every single morning id get the same freddy afking. I made a post saying I have reported him daily for weeks and nothing. Hes STILL at it !
Why did the MMR decide I should go against him when I just escaped 4 times in a row against good killers?!
here it is
I got put against him AGAIN today
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I genuinely feel bad for him. Hope he stick with it.
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Consider what that wait time could be. If a SWF is averaging out to be near the 1900 point cap and the only killers playing at the moment are most people with a third as many points since its still a bit early for some of the higher point people to be playing, that SWF could see 30+minute wait times.
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Consider if I was actually a noob. Better off leaving them for a 30m wait, than bully a killer on his 3rd match. They would have bullied me so hard if I were knew, I wouldnt want to play again. Imagine if they brought boons. A noob wouldnt even know the difference between a hex / dull / boon totem
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I don't think what we think of as a traditional red rank SWF should ever go against even a traditional purple rank killer. Those teams are going to dominate most matches. I also think they need to wait longer for a "red rank" killer.
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Exactly. This system will have noobs quit.
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Going to change to a new killer and see what the MMR gives me. Cant wait. Will report back.
So thats 6 kills / 16 so far in 4 matches. Lets see what juicy match the MMR gives me.
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Yes, rework it. It's so unfair when I get matched against skillful killer with potato mates and while I play the killer I only get tryhard skillful SWF. What is that #########?
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Bloody internet went out.
This was the next match. Guess I am the only killer playing / its decided im a red rank
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Then you cycle back into the matchmaking problem we had pre MMR which was when there was very few "Red Rank" players on Red rank queues were excessively long wait times until matchmaking had no choice but to expand parameters and just set up uneven matches just so people could play.
I'm not saying I want people to games that they stand no chance of winning, but matchmaking in DBD has always been hit or miss in some aspect. It is more important that people get into games, even bad ones, than it is to make sure everyone's arbitrary stat gate lines up. Especially since the system being used isn't account for what is actually the skill based parts of gameplay to begin with.
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I miss the old matchmaking, whenever i play killer i feel like i always go against good SWF while i am not looking to sweat a lot. Always pressuring gens and being god at looping, so stressful. Now you might say "get gud" yeah cause i wanna get 4k every single game and get sweaty SWF, smh.
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SWF with high MMR because they're SWF + Not enough high MMR killers x High rank killers know when to dodge = feed them babies or wait in queue all day?
Sounds like nothing has really changed then
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There just needs to be hard limits. I agree on expanding the matchmaking range to a point, but top SWfs should never under ANY circumstances be matched with players who are bad or new.
If few killer players are at a level that allows them to compete with the best SWfs then the devs need to review whether the balance of the game needs addressing. By now, I really hope that they have seen that there is an inbalance and there are so many good ideas by people on how to fix this at the top level.
I'm sure that if the devs were willing to listen to these ideas we could get more good killers back into the game.
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I'm pretty sure MMR is balanced to whoever is sitting in queue for the longest amount of time.
That SWF was probably in queue for 10 minutes, so the matchmaker just stuck them with the first available Killer (you) and ignored the possible differences in skill in favor of starting a match.
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This guy is right.
If anything I am proving high level killers really are leaving. My post should be brought up in a board meeting among the devs with a chart on killer numbers dropping
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Technically you can destroy a killer in a match and at the end just die and your MMR goes down. Do that often and you are on low MMR where you just bully and the system lets you. Its meh.
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The old MM system I never even saw reds until I hit high green / purple