Devs just admit MMR needs a rework lol
Yet when I play survivor ;
Do you know how painful it is to try to solo Q in a group like this? Constant stupid decisions, skill check fails ect. Kindred should be basekit, but im usually the last alive so adren helps so much
I died on my first hook as the last survivor
Post edited by gammatsunami on0 -
I'd 100% agree with you on this. I'm definitely of the opinion, after seeing how things work during different times of the day over hundreds of matches as survivor and killer, that lobby wait times takes precedent over anything and everything else -- which is a shame, since that's NOT what we were promised with SBMM.
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Well youre technically not a "new player" so it sounds like the SBMM detected that and you got served some matches closer to your skill level.
I only say that because your post is confusing because at first you said you let everyone go your first few matches and later you say "even if they won the first 3". Which is it?. Did you let everyone escape in every match prior to this one or not?
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Not really that confusing. I let them all go, but even if I didnt and got 3x 4ks I shouldnt be going against red swfs on my third match. Not sure how thats so hard to understand. Getting 3x 4k's shouldnt take you from freshly just installed, to the best rank in the game. But I didnt even do that, according to the MMR I lost multiple times in a row freshly after installing, so it decides I am ready to take on a red rank swf.
And what are you talking about? On my epic account, its completely fresh. Are you saying the MMR is so advanced it can tell in 3 matches, with 0 kills that I am actually a red rank? Or is the MMR advanced enough to look into my steam folder and read that info.
As far as the game knows on epic, I am a completely new player. I didnt link my BHVR account to my epic one.
MMR (Win for killer = kills. 2x kills is a draw more than that is a win, less is a loss)
So according to you;
I got 0 kills in my first few matches. Less than 2 hours playtime
The MMR detects after all those people getting out and me losing that I am actually not someone with less than 2 hours playtime, but actually a red rank smurf. Puts me against a team with over 4000 hours combined.
The MMR is much more advanced than I thought!
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I presume they're talking about how even if they had won the first two matches, there would still have been no excuse for winding up in this sort of matchmaking scenario.
And I don't think SBMM based entirely on kills/escapes can tell if you've got game experience when everyone escapes.
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Ahh okay. Time of day matters too tho. Where i live all the sweaties come out to play survivor after 6 pm. Noon to 5 pm is primetime for chill matches.
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It basically just means they spent two years developing a system that works the exact same as the old one.
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Even on my main account that would have been a hard bunch of matches, especially on a much less powerful killer than huntress.
I got 3 reds in a row too. Probably could have kept going but I wanted to play the main account.
Other games i play would never do this. I doubt ubisoft would care how long the champion rank players in siege have to wait, theyre not going against bronze players who just finished the tutorial.
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I’m glad I don’t buy their dlc. I’m mad I bought the game but I don’t support a game that is built to be unenjoyable when a video game suppose to be fun.
I don’t even care if I die. I just care to play the game a lil. Not get in a match, killer finds me, downs me very very easily. And either no one unhooks me, I get camped, I get unhooked and downed with 2 seconds of being unhooked
wheb it become enjoyable, I’ll support but I’m not supporting something I know I’ll quit on real soon
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Exactly right. As far as my epic games DBD account / servers are concerned I am a brand new player, who has skipped the tutorial, " lost " 2 times in a row with 0 hooks / 0 kills. Then it decides to put me against full red teams 3x in a row - and I could have gone for more I am sure.
I dont get the new player retention logic of it.
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I'm tempted to say the same. I keep escaping, and I'm assuming my MMR is going up, but I keep getting put with the most inefficient teams in the world.
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yeah I feel you
I feel like as survivor I either get found first, or my team is so bad they immediately fail a skillcheck, the killer comes over and goes after me. That infuriates me.
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As I said earlier, I have been trying to hit rank 1 survivor before the reset. I escaped 4 times in a row, got put against 2x afk killers ( freddy , pig ) in a row after that which makes no sense. Then after that I am put with some seriously silly teammates.
I think its proving killers are leaving. It seems in those matches I posted like it was just looking for ANY killer to put them with.
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Basically as a soloq survivor you're stuck in a cycle of bad teammates thus less chance of escape thus lower mmr thus more bad teammates. Killer problem is what you said you're at low mmr you get a couple 4k you're thrusted into high mmr because a 4k is like the equivalent of a survivor escaping 4 times over 4 matches to the one 4k killer match.
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I kind of want to make a smurf account just to see how bad it is.
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Just do what I did, its free on the epic store.
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They already did. They just laughed it off and said "It would be great if the system worked huh guys? hahaha"
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SWF with comms only players, get cucked because you have no comms.
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Me on the other end of it. Poor guy. Not a swf either
I didnt even pip from that game :(
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But I'm like anti social man
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To me it seems that if I win (escape) I get matched with 1-2 new players and a pretty good killer… escape (win) again I get a crazy good killer and all new players and totally get ######### on… so then I die and the cycle repeats.
sbmmr is not even what this system should be called. Even if it did work the win and loss is on escapes and kills. That does not measure skill. They really should just bring back the old rank system with the emblems and maybe add a lil extra to it… like some Gen points if you ran the killer all game or Extra if you escape or kill… idk I love this game and am sad at the state that it is in. The queue times at night are insanely long now. I thinking it’s because less people playing killer… also the new mmr makes players really selfish… I used to love playing solo but I can’t anymore
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yes totally agree
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I've definitely noticed that queue times are back to what it was before crossplay on console DBD: Long Survivor queue times, shorter Killer queue times. It's like the community either moved to Survivor or left the game as people said.
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See, its broken man. Either killers are gone, or its just super trash MMR.
Im a red rank survivor and I see nothing but ash to silver, very rare to see a gold. You cant tell me with nearly 2k hours in total I am worse than a freshly installed person.