Just a question for the people that say Spirit got nerfed to the ground

Have you played her since her nerf? Did you just look at the 5.3.0 patch notes and come to the conclusion that Spirit was dead without giving her a shot? You all just completely dropped her.
This is making me sad because ever since 5.3.0 came out (which has almost been 2 months), I have only ran into only 4 Spirits. 3 of the games were very fun (the one unfun game was a Spirit on RPD who barely used her power so typical RPD match). I’d really like to see her more often because she’s very fun to go against now so if you did enjoy playing as her before but dropped her because she was given counterplay, please give her a shot at the very least.
Spirit will always be my fav but her psyke game is almost all gone she is almost the same as wraith now without the only advantage being her no need to spend time cloaking and uncloaking. I feel like they need to some how make the sound direction less obvious because when you play with directional headphones its really easy to pinpoint her. Though i admit that was the point of that patch and hopefully behavior will patch her again if they see her playrate continue to drop. The furin addon could be adjust at least maybe make it remove the audio direction or something.
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Her speed almost negates that though. The sound isn’t as obvious when you can bait like coming one way than appearing the other and it’s possible to do that process before the survivor can react because of her movement speed.
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If by that name he means bringing back Freddy's on-release version, that sure we will!
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I played her through the weekend without using power...
The let them escape were I acted like they earn the escape, by look at the gate they were opening at range and phase to them at the last moment to hit them. Then they success went through the gate when I was on cool down.
Many matches the first guy died on first hook because other 3 didnt dare to unhook them. Eventhough I stayed afk in an opposite corner for 2min. Crazier thing that other 3 didnt able to heal each other in those 2min.
No match finish more than 3 Gen.
I cant tell if I hate my Trapper being at high MMR and stressful, or Spirit at low MMR and boring. But I really afraid to put other Killers to high MMR like Trapper.
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Didn't play her before the nerf, but just from the Survivor perspective it's a noticeable and unnecessary adjustment.
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It was necessary because she had no counterplay.
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I played against her (Ironically every time I play Yui) and normally they rarely use their power. Its fun but very easy to counter.
As for playing her? It ends up with a Claudette hiding in a basement locker for 45 minutes.
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Never found that to be the case; pallets, windows, and stealth seemed to work just fine.
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That’s the case against every killer except Nurse. Problem was, Spirit gave no info so you can’t make a decision against her like you can now.
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Could always make a decision against her. I just saw alot of survivors try to capitalize on bad ones like waiting at pallets attempting to guess when she was phasing.
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I've played her and won most games. Just have to fake one way with the audio cue during phases to bait out movements. It's like a red stain that they can hear.
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It reminds me of what happened to Billy and Nurse, they both were adjusted to basically kill off the skilless ones.
No more constantly chainsawing without penalty, and no more 2+ blink nurse for ez hits (why tf is 3 blink back?) as well as an overall pass to remove very strong addons.
Us true Spirit mains who did fine before without using the top stuff, are still more than fine. Just had to adjust a bit to the sound cue, which actually just gave more opportunities for tricks with her, and the new addons. Couple of awesome new toys to play with!
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This ^
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Yeah it’s a unique mind game that makes her interesting to play as and against right now. Just wish more people would play her.
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I will admit, I'm not a fan of Spirit, but I still think she's still strong even after her nerf.
My SWF and I went against some adequate spirits and we still had to work hard to get out.
Her nerf just makes her more bearable to play against.
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Ah yes, another GannMan Spirit thread for me to consume
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Honestly, I'm pretty sure they'll nerf her again.
I stick by my original statement, the nerf only hurt players who played her at the HIGHEST level. It did nothing to address what the casual player found unfun.
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Enjoy :)
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I think the removal of the stand still mind game was enough to remove what was fun for her. People may still find her unfun but she’s not really imbalanced anymore. She may struggle at high level comp but honestly every killer except maybe Nurse has no chance anyway.
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Balance (or perceived balance) doesn't matter.
If people complain about something enough, it will get nerfed.
Except NOED, apparently
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I thought NOED has been nerfed before for some reason. Or am I wrong?
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In the ancient times, yes.
It used to not be a totem.
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Sure, let me play the killer that makes me blindfold myself while blowing a slide whistle for the silent iron will shadowstep lucky break bugged footstep sound survivors to know where I am.
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Oh so it didn’t really get nerfed that much.
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You act like every survivor runs that.
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Am I wrong though? At least 2 out of 4 survivors are guaranteed to have iron will in high MMR, usually more.
Rin isn't really worth playing right now. That's why you see none of her
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Depends on who you ask.
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she got nerfed lots about addons and mostly they were expensive
her base speed in spiritual world(or whatever) not enough to being competetive
also op gimmicky things mostly crippled so theres very limited fun settings left
usually spirit had most numbers of useful addons before nerf but now her addons feels meh like other new ability hitting killers
and still basekit is not good since it feels much screwed when failed to hit
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So with that logic taking ruin off been a totem wouldn't be that much of a buff.
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Difference is Ruin comes in at the beginning, NOED comes in at the end.
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Ok ill give you that but to be fair is a huge nerf because before you just got noed at end game and you couldn't do anything but leave. Now noed might not even pop or/and it can be removed.
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Even if, you don't need information handed to you to play her.
Sure, shes not worth playing rn if you want gg ez games. You'll have to think a bit.
Also, I think you are wrong with footsteps, at least for me they're easy to hear again.
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"Information handed to you"? "Have to think a bit"? Are you saying i should be happy with playing spirit to GUESS where survivors are because everyone runs iron will?
Not to mention the tired "killers just want ez 4ks" excuse when someone complains about a killer nerf.
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Again, footsteps are working. Use those. An predicting survivor movement is a bit more risky but more rewarding, and dont need a single sound or visual for that buddy.
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Why so condescending? Are you upset that everyone bubba camps now because their killers get nerfed, and entitled survivor mains tell them to just get over it?
Lmao have fun facing nothing but bubba's with your attitude
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You took it that way, I was trying to help as well as reiterate.
What bubbas? Where? lol it's still rare for me, seems that more your issue.
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She is much weaker, however I still find her fun to play. Her addons eh, and her mind games have changed because sometimes you can activate your ability and they'll panic into you but I think they should've kept the husk suppressing the noise.
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Stop bullying kids dude, that's terrible, i can 4k with legion in that rank without breaking a sweat, and i always win with 4-5 gens left.
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"Don't need a single sound or visual for that buddy" isn't supposed to be taken as condescending? You need to socialize with more people in person, 2k posts.
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I played her maybe 5 times last year and now after the nerf I play her more. She is more add on dependant and big maps are a problem for her. Or at least for me.
She is still very rare to face when I play survivor, but since the nerf I havent seen her get more than 2k unless she was hard tunneling from the start to end.
She still has S tier potencial but I would personally place her into top A tier. Which is still very good. But the nerf did its thing no doubt, but she wasnt nerfed to the ground like people claim. Or like deathslinger lol.
Also anyone watching comp scene? How viable is she after the nerf there?
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I have versed 1 spirit since the nerf she got 2 hooks.
Now I'm high mmr, the fact shes one of the rarer killers now just shows it was a very impactful nerf.
Survivors didnt want to make a guess/read but that's all spirit can do so it was abit hypocritical nerf tbh
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I thought you said you did it without perks, i was wrong. i should have read more.
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Perdition with out any information is just guessing. Survivors were complaining about having to guess against her so behavior just flipped the problem to killer. I see 2 IW at least on average as a killer so people need to stop acting like its some niche perk that only shows up in meme builds or bad survivors when its clearly a meta perk.
Footsteps are still buggy survivor can go behind a wall and you can't hear anything with other killers but I guess thats just sound over all.
The funny thing is when people talk about how strong she still is they forget to mention thats with iri addon. And the cherry Blossom is stupid talk about ez mode.
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« Before sound and iron will buff » right ?
don’t say that … it’s like saying : nurse counter is pallets
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I think i fought like 1 spirit since the nerf and she still did well but I actually managed to outplay her once or twice. Anyone who dropped her didn’t play her because she was enjoyable they played her for easy wins
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Ah yes predicting the thing survivor don't want/need to since nearly every last killer gets a tell when and how they are using their power (except Micheal or ghost face maybe).
Hence why for example billy got this goddamn annoying roar, so that survivor knew exactly when to juke or slingers ads was slowed down. The latter only missing an audio cue like huntress.
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Ranks mean nothing in terms of matchmaking ✨
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We don't want spirits in our lobbies. Stop encouraging people to play spirit