Self-preservation is actually pretty good yall

Lately, I've been trying perks that you'll rarely ever see from iridescent graded survivors so I decided to run self-preservation and I quickly realized how good it can actually be given the right scenario.
I'm the survivor that's 90% likely to be tunneled and my SWF knows that which is why DS is my favorite perk and I always run it, but self-preservation has been helping me too.
Although its concept promotes a "selfish" or "lone-wolf" playstyle, it ironically can be a good altruistic perk. Whenever the killer decides to target me till I die, my friends would try to block their path to force a protection hit and that would allow me to run for 10 seconds without leaving any evidence. This has helped me so many times already and it would usually be the deciding factor whether I continue to live or not.
I just don't get why I always have to be the target. I've had some killers DC or just went AFK once that single use of self-preservation kicked in or even those who insist on finding me, this perk was a real nuisance for them. Self-preservation has literally become one of my guardian angels. Right behind DS of course.
I mean playing swf is already a big benefit. Perks are just bonuses.
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I mean, SWF, but I've noticed the same. I thought it was a bad perk until I started using it for a challenge. It triggered a lot for me, surprisingly, which made me begin to think that is it better than I expected when I remembered what the perk grants if it activates.
It might not be as bad as people think. Could stand to be meta because the current meta is getting a Survivor out of the game asap. This perk might undo those efforts completely and be what helps win games.
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Well yeah everyone knows that but a tunneling killer will still get who they want unless the team either rushes through every gen with every second they have and the tunneled loops for that long OR the team takes hits (free hits for the killer), but that doesn't help the team.
However, I'm referring to the "Idgaf about others, but you and I will get you" type of killers which is who I usually face and self-preservation helps a lot with that.
Yeah, I think self-preservation is a perk that just works wonders on SWF, but not ideally on solo queue even though the perk was probably designed for solo queue.
Similar to Head On, Self-preservation just complements SWF a lot.
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If it had a 32m activation radius it could maybe compete with Iron Will.. but at 16m, you’re already in too much danger. In my opinion.
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its good but.... there is still no reason to run it in most situations. i guess if you like flashlight saves
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Yk, increasing the trigger radius wouldn't be a bad idea.
I'll always be an advocate for underwhelming perks getting more viability.
If you're getting hardcore tunneled! That's an extra reason which is what I wanted to address in OP, but yeah self-preservation can also work with flashlight saves.
The perk does a lot more than what people think bc it gets shrugged off so easily, but I hope more people get to utilize its potential soon.
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I actually love self preservation. You can almost always get away if someone takes a hit. A good anti tunnel perk.