Survivors repair so fast gens



  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Under certain circumstances, yes (which you refuse & still are refusing to acknowledge for some reason) lol.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Your reasoning was that only terrible killers make less points. Sure, there are some terrible killers, just as there are some terrible survivors, which both make a horrible amount of bloodpoints. BUT both sides require interaction with the other side to gain more points.

    A Camping Bubba will just earn as little points as a gen rushing survivor who ignores everything else.

    Both sides need interaction in order to get the most points per category. Which are capped at 8k per category. So a variety of things needs to be done in order to get the most out of it. AND here comes the point where survivors will have always a advantage points wise over killers. Survivors can earn points without any interaction with the killer.

    Survivors get points for repairing and doing boons/bones in 2 categories without ever seeing the killer. Thats 16k basepoints (or 21k if you manage to escape) with no killer interaction at all. They could earn more by unhooking/healing but those require interaction with the killer in some sort.

    Another example is the current event. Survivors can earn the even cosmetic by either getting hit by a killer or by escaping inside the snowman. They therefore don´t require killer interaction to earn the reward. Killer can only earn it by hitting someone inside the snowman.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    So the reason Gens can be fast is either

    1) Multiple Survivors on a Gen

    2) Not missing a Skillcheck

    3) Running perks like Prove Thyself

    4) Bringing in Toolboxes

    5) The base Gen regression is (Bad Word)

    6) Gen Regression perks are (Bad Word) other then Ruin but that's a Hex

    also BP gain is spread across a multitude of things

    1) Gens being done- to an extent (awarded points go to the Survivors that did the Gen)

    2) Unhooking Survivors

    3) Healing

    4) Chases/Totems

    And for Killers

    1) Gens not being done- For the most part

    2) Survivors getting Unhooks- For the most part

    3) Survivors not Healing- For the most part

    4) Chases- Finding Survivors

    5) Using their power

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    The game as killer is literally meant to be a harder task, who told you that killer was some powerhouse that wins games without trying lol it is the nature of a 1v4 game that the 1 is harder.

    That being said it IS a 1v4 game, not a 1v1. Pressure the map and improve, don't blame the survivors for your loss when you can still improve. Maybe rewatch your killer games and look for mistakes. Look for where you needed to drop a chase, or when you should've played territorial, etc.

    Also would love to see some of this no mither gameplay of yours