Winter Bone Chill Event

From December 9th 11am ET - 23rd December 11am ET DbD is becoming holiday themed. There'll be holiday-themed hooks, lockers, generators and barrels.
The Winter Party Starter will be found in the Bloodwebs of the survivors.
Snowmen will be found inside every trial - 6 of them in fact.
These Snowmen will supply shelter to the survivor in their time of need, perhaps you can even escape through the Exit Gates in one!
In order to unlock a winter cosmetic you must do one of the following -
- If a Survivor uses a Snowman to protect themselves from a Killer's attack
- If a Killer hits a Snowman while a Survivor is hiding inside
- If a Survivor escapes through the Exit Gates while inside a Snowman
(you don't need to escape the match to get the cosmetic, it will be rewarded randomly at the end of the trial)
You will earn a random killer or survivor reward and it does not need to be for the character you are playing in the trial:
Cosmetics for:
- The Wraith - Spine Candy
- The Hag - Garland Talon
- Yun-Jin Lee - The Loneliest Time
- Mikaela Reid - Jolly Holiday Debt
- Jonah Vasquez - Code-Cracker
- The Artist - Frosty Eyes
- The Trickster - Frosty Eyes
- Gift Hatch
- Christmas Inferno
- Cocoa Dip
For more information on what you can win, please refer to our website for further details and images.
Mmm free old mettle of man 😍😘
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You move at like half movement speed and can't run bestie
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It's not about that bestie. You can abuse them in chase. Killer's chasing you? Jump into the snowman, the survivor get's basically a free 3rd health state and since there is six of them survivors are gonna abuse them to maximum. They're also respawning from what I see
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Did I read that right?
Did- Did I absolutely read that right?
Winter party starters are back?!
Please don't be a lie, I've been waiting to get these on characters outside of Claudette and Jeff for three years!
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And they spawn out the way so you have to be lucky to abuse them plus if you jump out it disintegrates so the killer can just drop chase and either it's gone forever or you're stuck at slow speeds it's really not that deep.
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Thanks for the event summary, @MandyTalk !! I appreciate you as usual 😁
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Ok, mark my words. Just give it some time 😘
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Will do 😍🥰
(also im so sorry but I'm taken xx)
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Question - do you get killer rewards only from playing killer and survivor rewards only from playing survivor, or is it random? I ask because I've played 4 games so far and the reward I got was always matched to the role I was playing, but I'm still not sure.
Either way, fantastic event! I love how survivors and killers both need to participate in it in order to get the rewards - it's a really healthy design. Very glad it no longer hinges on survivors escaping. And those snowmen are hilarious. I've already had a Steve burst out of a snowman next to a hook and try to drop a pallet on me while I carried someone.
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it's an event, don't suck the fun outta it by being so serious
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I love that you still get a reward even if you die and you can play as whatever character you want. So far I've really enjoyed my matches both as killer and survivor.
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Yes, for survivors as always
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For both, yano if you don't take the game beyond serious. which you clearly do.
I have fun playing both sides cause I don't take it serious.
It's on you if you make it not fun for yourself right off the bat.
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Sorry for wanting more than just having fun 😅
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idc what you want from the game in general but during the event is just weird and sucks the fun outta it for yourself imo.
difference of opinion is all
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If you don't care then why you ask lol
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I mean anyway I'm glad that I will get that tasty free mettle of snowmans during chase :3
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I want the trickster frosty eyes!
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Ikr been waiting for them......Bonus I get them for my beautiful Artist. So excited Yun-Jin tooo yes.
Hey nothing for my Zarina/Elodie....They on naughty list?
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I’ve had some bad Zarina/Elodie teammates so yeah they must be... lol jk.
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I have had some tart Elodies too but Zarina not so much. I'm sure everyone has those specific bad luck characters tho. For most part I panic when I see Kate which sucks I like her a lot.
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Wait - I have a question. I was playing as Centobite and I won an Ugliest Sweater...whose is it?
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random between any of the available rewards.
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How do I know which one?
ETA: Nevermind, stupid question.
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check the characters
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Wait, I don't quite understand.
Do I get an event cosmetic for a random survivor if any survivor escapes with the snowman? And do I just hit a snowman with a survivor inside it to get a cosmetic for a random killer?
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Okay - new question...can we win more than one ugly sweater?
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You can hit the snowman with the survivor inside to get the cosmetic.
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You're also able to hit them before they can get into the snowman, which will take a health state and it'll destroy the snowman (If they are already injured, but I'm not sure if it works if they are in the healthy state).
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The unlocks are random, you can get all of the cosmetics mentioned in the list Mandy posted.
As Survivor you get a random cosmetic of the mentioned list if you get hit while hiding in a snowman or if you escape while in a snowman, as Killer you simply need to hit a Survivor who is hiding in a snowman.
It doesn't matter the role or the character you are playing, you will get a random cosmetic from that pool.
(Sorry for repeating snowman so many times!)
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Can you say to the team that I really like how we can earn these cosmetics and that I would like that this is the way we can earn them in the future (looking at the anniversary events)?
Because you don't have to escape to get the cosmetics, the pressure for especially survivors is way less and everyone can play more for fun than try hard for the escape. I have way more fun getting these cosmetics because I don't need to escape to get some :)
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Thanks. Been juicing some low MMR killers really hard with the new feature !
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Awesome - thank you!
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So, would I get a cosmetic for a random survivor I own? or would I get a cosmetic for a survivor that I don't own?
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Thank you so much! <3
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For the people who are mentioned above in Mandy's first post:
Cosmetics for:
- The Wraith - Spine Candy
- The Hag - Garland Talon
- Yun-Jin Lee - The Loneliest Time
- Mikaela Reid - Jolly Holiday Debt
- Jonah Vasquez - Code-Cracker
- The Artist - Frosty Eyes
- The Trickster - Frosty Eyes
- Gift Hatch
- Christmas Inferno
- Cocoa Dip
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The last 6 games 3 survivor and 3 killer I have had the blue particles and have not recieved any rewards. I have reset the game and still am not getting anymore rewards. Anyone else having this problem.
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Is there a max amount of event BP you can get from smashing snowmen? I was going around smashing them as killer after farming with the survivors in the match, I was waiting for them to finish gens. At a certain point I stopped getting the scoring event. I only had like 3k BP over what my score should've been.
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You guys are losing out on lots of money. If charms were in the IRL merch store, id be buying so many
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No I recieved no items through those 6 games. Played a 7th games as survivor and escaped with the snowman and finally recieved an award. Hope this has fixed it
Edit - 8th game as killer and recieved no item. Seems for me at least it is random. Oh well I guess I'll get them all eventually
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I have a question: The event Just unlocks rewards for Yun-Jin, Jonah, Mikaela, Wraith, hag and trickster?
I was playing with dwight to see if I unlocked anything for him but I escaped with a snowman and I got a thing for Mikaela.
So, my doubt is: the rewards are just for those selected characters and they can be unlocked by other survivors?
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Obviously the entire goal is to escape in the snowman.
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The true challenge, I just want to see a snowman walkin 'round but I can't play till the 17th because exams
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I was making for the exit inside one earlier. Sadly I didn't make it with the Snowman.
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Must you M1 the snowman as killer or could you break it with, say, Demo's Lunge?
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So, survivors get yet another health state in chase. Good to know.