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General Discussions

Why do people hate toxic survivors bming at the exit gates so much?

Member Posts: 284
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

Now before you assume anything, I do not bm at exit gates. I never have, never will. It’s a waste of my time and I’d rather just get on to my next game.

Now, that does not mean I condone bming. It's completely pointless and only spreads negativity.

But even so, I’ve seen countless amounts of complaint after complaint of people crying about toxic survivors tbagging and flashlight clicking in the exits during endgame. I do not care that so many survivors do this, I just care about the people complaining about it!

Why Should You Care? Why get mad at these individuals who are only doing this because it’s funny to them? There is nothing to get yourself worked up over. Just please, just do this thing:

PUSH THEM OUT!!! This is the easiest way to end the bming and get on with your life. Sure, you can farm your power or just ignore them and break pallets and doors, and by all means, go do that. But just pushing them out of the dang gate should always be your first thought. It’s what I do every time any survivor is still in the exit, wether they are being toxic or not.

The only things that happen because of this are good things:

  1. You can get an extra hit or use your power once more.
  2. Maybe they don’t leave and now you have a free hook.
  3. (This is the most important one) THE GAME ENDS.

So please, everyone just shut up about toxic survivors in the exits and just move on with your life. Thank you.

Post edited by ManOMaker on

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  • Member Posts: 284

    This is a rant btw

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Noone cares about an opponent pressing the ctrl button when they’re winning.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Well yes, obviously. But even if you are losing really badly I still think you shouldn’t anger yourself over the ctrl button.

  • Member Posts: 284

    I totally agree with being the last survivor on the ground, but that is not what I’m talking about. Specifically for survivors bming at exit gates I feel like it’d be a better use of your mental space to not care and move on to the next match.

  • Member Posts: 940

    I just find it insulting. I probably shouldn't though.

  • Member Posts: 284

    It’s just natural human instinct honestly. But its a stupid instinct and we should all try to avoid it.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    They are both the same. Needlessly bming to waste time instead of ending the match. Just leave don't need to taunt your opponent that you won.

  • Member Posts: 284

    That is not true. Being stuck on the ground for 4 minutes with no choice is not the same as just having some survivors tbag you at the exits. The difference is that if you are the survivor stuck on the ground you can’t do anything about it except either wait to die or dc. But with survivors in the exits, as the killer, you control how it goes. Just push out the survivors and that instantly ends the bming. The two scenarios are very different.

  • Member Posts: 890
    edited December 2021

    I'll be honest, I only bm at the exit gate in the form of protection hits to attempt to get any WGLF stacks I missed in-game lol

  • Member Posts: 284

    wait, so do you specifically tbag and flash click just for a WGLF stack or do you just wait there for a WGLF stack?

  • Member Posts: 890

    No, I wait there. But I've gotten countless messages about bming just by hanging around period lol.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Just waiting there is fine, I sometimes do that just to let the killer get a free hit. So that’s totally acceptable (or at least it should be) it’s jut misunderstood a lot.

  • Member Posts: 284

    I am absolutely not defending toxic survivors bming, I think its just as pointless as everything else killers do to bm. I’m just saying you can stop it by forcing them out.

    Also, why the heck do you care about giving the toxic survs the satisfaction of bming you, what kind of petty ######### is that? You will most likely never see these survivors again and even if you ignore them, thats not going to make them stop bming others.

    Not forcing toxic survivors because of “not giving them the satisfaction of bming you” is childish behaviour and just as pointless as bming itself.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Well, if you think of it that way the. I suppose that could give a reason to why someone would be annoyed at it but thats honestly more of a DBD problem than a toxic players problem.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Yes, I know the real reason as to why people get mad at bming. My point is that you shouldn’t let it affect you.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Ignoring survivors is fine and getting a bottle of water is ok. But doing it specifically because you can’t let the mean guy controlling the pixels on your screen feel better about himself for a few seconds is child like, so thats why its childish.

    Also, I’ve made no evidence of me being upset about people bming me, I’m just strongly proving my points with my opinions. And I don’t know why you would accuse me of being a person of bming when my entire post and what I’ve been saying this entire time is that bming at exit gates is completely pointless and that you shouldn’t care about it. I don’t know why that means I bm in your mind but I just want to let you know that I don’t bm ever. It’s pointless.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    It's just because they're holding me hostage for the entire duration of the egc while I just wanna get to the next game. Yes, you won. Yes, I am on my phone on a corner of the map while you bm. Let it go.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Yes, I totally agree that it’s not exclusive and it is wrong for survivors AND killers to be toxic. There’s no point. And Yes, it absolutely a problem and is a fair point to make. My point however, is that it is unnecessary to let yourself get mad at survivors bming at exit gates.

  • Member Posts: 284

    But how are they holding you hostage when you can just force them out the gates at any time?

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Honestly I see it as something where killers and survivors don’t complain about it, it’s more of them feeling embarrassed. The game should be fun but when the other side BMs because they had a bad match or something, it just makes them feel bad about themselves and embarrassed to play badly in front of other random people. I don’t personally get mad at it but I understand where people are coming from.

    Also flashlight macros are just obnoxious. Survivors that do that are toxic because it’s annoying for the ears. It doesn’t benefit them at all in the match.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    You don't really get the choice, you suffer enough indecency it eventually makes you mad, no-one is immune. Simple as that. You don't get to decide what other people's thresholds are.

  • Member Posts: 284

    First, it is very good that you aren’t letting the toxicity get to you, no matter how you go about that. It’s just that if you’d rather just get on with the game, it is better to just push the survivors out and if you can’t do that for a reason as minor as not giving bmers satisfactions, there are other things to care about instead.

    Yes I am saying exit gate bming is pointless. I don’t know how I’m telling you that you need to get bmed, could you tell me how I am please?

    Choosing to not engage with toxicity is not childish and is a good thing. But the reason you gave me for why you are is pretty stupid ngl. And no, you aren’t a child for muting end game chat, I don’t give a care about that. And privating your profile is also fine, for not wanting a negative reputation and stuff.

    I’m sorry you feel like I am a person who bms. So I’m going to reciprocate one more time that I Do Not bm In Dead By Daylight At All. I hope you understand.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Yes, I know I definitely should be telling people what their thresholds are. But, if you can help yourself you should and trying not to care about bming at exit gates is a way to do that hopefully.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    If someone's got a genuine bone to pick, I don't tell them to ease up. They understand the choices they've made to get to the spot where they're angry and I would just be belittling that.

    Based on your concessions it sounds like you do understand why people hate toxicity in this game, or any game where one side can hold the other hostage for that matter. Nothing more to do here.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not hate them, if I did, I would hate 99% of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 284

    I realize now that yes, my original statement does have a certain level of victim blaming and I did not disclose my opinion that I still do not like the act of bming, so I have changed my post to show that now.

    And I do totally agree that there's nothing wrong with people joining a game and hoping to have a fun experience, there never should be something wrong with that and I do wish that BHVR would step in somehow but when I think of solutions there's nothing I can think of that would really solve the problem.

    Anyway, thank you for pointing out what I missaid and mostly agree with you too!

  • Member Posts: 284

    Yes I understand that, but what I've been trying to say here is that for something like the bming at exit gates, you have control over that situation. As others have discussed, you have the ability as the killer to not give mind to the survivors and not give them satisfaction. But you also have the ability to just end the bming right away and because you have control of the situation, I feel as though that this is not something that people should be as worked up at as some are now.

  • Member Posts: 968

    I mostly only find it annoying if they were gonna wait all that time anyway, you might as well let me hit you with my power for the extra 300-800 deviousness and escape. The waiting until the very last second to leave is childish and immature.

  • Applicant Posts: 343

    Its the inevitable result of escalation.

    The reality is that overall the things people done in game, not counting chat or anything beyond just in game using in game actions, are not extreme. There are ways to be rude and a jerk, but beyond that not much further.

    However people for some reason cannot wrap there head around the fact that the person doing it likely isn't a terrible monster. They're probably immature, or bored, or just cannot grasp why something might be considered annoying and not funny.

    So instead of realizing that the person on the other side either knows and that's why they do it or literally just doesn't care they keep trying to equate it to be bigger and bigger things than it is. The hope is that it will inevitably shame them into agreeing. This is why you'll see killers labeled sociopaths and other such things for camping and tunneling, despite it usually being done because those are legal and dev approved strategies. Not because the killer player wants to ruin your day.

    Waiting out the egc is pretty much always a jerkass move. It's done because the survivor wants to rub their victory in your face. The same thing kids do and get punished for. There is no reason other than to be a jerk.

    So of course people don't like it. However there is nothing I can say that will convince someone who does it that it is a pointless jerkass thing to do. So I instead circumvent them, and try to tell others how to do it to. Usually afk or go break stuff for points.

    This isn't because I think the person being hassled is to blame, despite some very vocal people's insistence. This is because I recognize you can't out argue a child or a troll. They don't care, and any attention is a win for them. I recognize that sometimes all you can do is be the bigger person.

  • Member Posts: 284

    I totally agree and understand. But yet again, the very specific situation of bming at the exit gates by survivors should be a situation people care about less.

    I totally get the analogy (pretty good one btw) and I know that stuff like that could totally get people frustrated. But, I would think it would be in the best interest of everyone except the people doing the bm if we just stop caring about it and delt with it in the best way for us not to be upset about it, in my case: pushing the survivors out.

  • Member Posts: 284

    I totally agree with you and I've said some things you've said before.

    My best hope however, is that we can get past our human instinct to get frustrated and not let it affect us. I know that's hard to do, but I hope a lot of people can at least get better at it.

    I really do hope that bming lessens and hopefully stops happening, but because that probably won't happen I just want people to know that this one situation-the bming at the gates-is something that should be less impactful to us than it is to most people currently, and I wish that if we all could stop being upset at this that it might, just might, stop happening

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