Why my lobbies fill with survs with extremely High ping

I have A good internet so what is the problem with my matchmaking...btw Im a ps4 player 

Best Answer


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    ping doesn't just depend on your connection

  • FinLadd
    FinLadd Member Posts: 190

    It's daytime on a workday?

    It throws in higher ping players if no one around you is playing

    Im from Finland and it is over 9pm but this is ridiculous that i can't play ever without lag and stuttering when it throws everyone with ######### self made internet to my lobby

  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    edited November 2018
    Same problem on pc as survivor, lately I get tons of killers with ping over 300, probably from Russia, I need to dodge like 20 times in a row before I get normal ping (yellow, cuz green ping nearly impossible now). Probably because not enuf survivors are playing compared to killer 
  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    edited November 2018

    It's daytime on a workday?

    It throws in higher ping players if no one around you is playing.

    Never heard about time zones mate? In his region it could be evening already 
  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684
    I'm on PS4 too, in France and I met lot of japanese people in my lobbies, with too much high ping, kinda weird
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @FinLadd said:
    I have A good internet so what is the problem with my matchmaking...btw Im a ps4 player 

    Region, rank and time you are trying to play?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited November 2018

    @Venzhas said:
    I'm on PS4 too, in France and I met lot of japanese people in my lobbies, with too much high ping, kinda weird

    I noticed that too.
    My guess is that a large portion of the EU community is fed up by now. Thats due to the devs not being able to handle the balance issues (solo, SWF etc) AND also there is no incentive to play/rank up.

    Its a pseudo-competitive game that forces you into a competitive queue.
    If you wanna play casually, you will verse sweaty people completely ruining your day by playing optimally (the game hasnt been designed for optimal play for some reason) or you are trying to play competitively and face the balance issues. Genrushing SWFs as killer or trying to play solo as survivor with complete morons as mates that are only rank 1 because devs made it ######### easy to rank up.

    The only way you can have consistenly fun is by playing SWF and "bullying" killers if you like that kind of playstyle (just gotta DC vs nurses)

    I am one of the fed up EU players btw in case you havent noticed already :wink:

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684
    edited November 2018
    Don't bully killers, and they dont bully you ! Not too much. Lol
  • FinLadd
    FinLadd Member Posts: 190
    edited November 2018
    Master said:

    @FinLadd said:
    I have A good internet so what is the problem with my matchmaking...btw Im a ps4 player 

    Region, rank and time you are trying to play?

    Region? I think EU from that ratpoop stain  on the world map called finland and my rank is 5.. it was 9pm 
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    @FinLadd said:
    I have A good internet so what is the problem with my matchmaking...btw Im a ps4 player 

    Because dbd matchmaking is crap.